A CoinMarketCap "data issue" caused significant artificial inflation of several coins listed on the platform on Friday, with some prices inflated by nearly 1000 percent.
While bitcoin's price spiked 12 percent on the crypto data site, other coins saw more drasticincreases. The price of aeternity, the eighth most valuable cryptocurrency, increased more than 951 percent, while MOAC increased by 905 percent and bitcoin diamond saw an 876 percent jump on the site. The site's exchange tracker feature was also affected, and falsely indicated that bitcoin was trading above $73,000 on some exchanges
While crypto Twitter speculated about potential price manipulation, bugs and hacking, CoinMarketCap told CoinDesk that the inflation was caused by a data error.
crypto Twitter 猜测导致这一事件的原因是背后人为价格操纵,漏洞和黑客,但CoinMarketCap告诉Coindesk说这是由于一个数据错误导致的。
While most of the data appeared to have normalized at press time, the 24 hour change percentage for VeChain's VET token was listed as a question mark and its price graph was unavailable on the home page. The VeChain page also had no historical data listed.
The popular analytics platform has promised to release a "post-mortem" with further details in the near future.
The data error comes just two days after CoinMarketCap launched a new professional-level and fee-based API, including an updated exchange ranking page and the addition of derivatives markets to the site. In July, the site said it planned to introduce new filters and ranking metrics to address what it called "concerns" over fake volume figures.
在 CoinMarketCap 推出新的专业级和收费API 仅仅过了两天就发生了这起事故,包括更新的交易所排名页面和向网站添加衍生品市场。今年7月,该网站表示计划推出新的过滤器和排名指标,以解决所谓的虚假“关注”数量。