
作者: SetsunaChiya | 来源:发表于2017-03-04 23:43 被阅读0次

CET6-2015.6-A Translation




It's a historical time for China's urbanization process in 2011, for China's urban population firstly exceed suburb one. In future 20 years, it's forecasted that there are approximately 350 million suburb population will migrant to cities. Such an amount of urban development is not only a challenge but also a opportunity for urban transit. China's government has been advocating the develop 理念 based on human beings, suggesting people commute by public transports instead of cars. It also advocate to build resource recycle and environment society. With this specific goal, China's cities can design their development better and focus a large amount of investment on safe, clean and economic transport system.


The year of 2011, in which the urban population surpassed the rural one for the first time, marked the historical moment in China's urbanization precess. In the coming 20 years, it is estimated that about 350 million rural people will migrate to cities. Such large-scale urbanization is both a challenge and an opportunity to the urban transportation. Chinese government has always been advocating people-oriented developing concepts, stressing that people should travel in public vehicles instead of private cars. It also calls for constructing "resource-saving and environmental-friendly" society. With this specific goal, China's cities can make better plans for their development and convert massive investment to the development of safe, clean and economical transport system.


  1. …年作主语:the year of ...
  2. 是…的时刻:mark the moment
    历史性时刻:historical moment
  3. 预计:predict / estimate
    预计后接句子:It is estimated / predicted that ...
  4. 移居到:migrate / move to
  5. 如此规模的:such large-scale
  6. 对…既是挑战也是机遇:is both a challenge and an opportunity to ...
  7. 一直:翻译为现在完成进行时
  8. 以人为本的:people-oriented
  9. 强调:stress
  10. 资源节约和环境友好型:resource-saving and environmental-friendly
  11. 有了这个明确的目标:with this specific goal
  12. 大量的:massive
  13. 转向:convert / divert

① 分清主干和补充说明部分,活用非限制性定语从句


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