

作者: 雨人的伞 | 来源:发表于2024-04-14 10:30 被阅读0次


    从去年11月份开始,坚持每天跑步3-4公里,从最开始气喘吁吁,配速11分钟,到现在轻松跑完4公里,配速不自觉增加到8分半。从秋风瑟瑟,寒风凛冽,到即今天的春风十里。从穿着羽绒服,戴着帽子手套,到今天可以穿T恤。从小区里路落叶满地, 到第一朵腊梅绽放,第一朵迎春花儿开放,杏树有几朵杏花,然后到今天满树海棠,满树丁香,小区里花香四溢。从满腹情绪,跑到心如止水。 









    Dear friends,

    I hope this letter finds you well. please forgive my sudden leave and today's abrupt break into your lives.  All these years I have searching for my answers. The ultimate revelation of the cosmic. The so-called meaning of life.That's why I left,because I thought I must become a better person and come back to fulfill my so-called destiny. But guess now all I can say is I am still me,not better,not worse, just older.

    A lot of things happened over the years,things that almost broke me. And I know now, The sad and perishable nature of our lives. I guess we only realize how small we are when the great world finally  takes all it toll on us.

    The immenseness of life itself . Any attempt to prove our own existence would pale in front of its sheer presence. Life does not have meanings ,life is meaning.

    I am writing this to you to let you know that I am in peace now. Wandering in the wild not to search for something undiscovered, but to mend the things that were once broken and forgotten. We were truly happy back then. Things we did, vows we made,blurry as it may be, still  priceless, as always.

    Oh, I actually stumbled across the pond in that mountain,Where we gazed upon the peak at that burning dusk.  Singing the songs we made up. Can you even sing along now?

    Everything was golden back then. We are golden back then.



