
作者: 心知笔墨 | 来源:发表于2017-09-02 12:52 被阅读29次

I'm a big fan of the film named Flipped. There was a time that when I was free, I would watch the film again and again and inmitate the pronounciation of the characters.

There is an old saying that " Reviewing old materials, you can gain new insight ." It is true of everything that has profound meanings.I have found that I can feel the diffierent feelings every time I saw it.

Ever since Juli saw Bryce's blue and dazzling eyes in the second grade for the first time, she has been flipped.

She tried to do everything to be close to him, saying hello to him, chasing after him, offering the eggs to him as a gift and so on.

Unfortunately, Byrce has never felt the same. He thought the girl is so weird. After all, what kind of freak raised chickens and sat on the sycamore tree for fun?

Actually,  he is a coward. When he did something wrong and he wanted to say sorry but he had no courage  and  hesitated for a long time, so these words never seemed to come out.

After all the things, Juli understood that Bryce had never been a friend to her, ever.

He hadn't taken her side about the tree,he had thrown away her eggs, and made fun of her at her mentally handicapped uncle.Her confusion was gone. She was sure she no longer liked Bryce Loski.

However, Bryce's grandfather appreciated some spirits of Juli and she reminded him of his dead wife. He told Byrce"Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare." Gradually, Bryce realized that he did wrong, and he found that he liked Juli Baker.

Will they ever meet at the same emotional place at the same time?

I really love the words that the grandfather told Byrce.Because it is a reality. We are living a world with nice persons also with who are clean and smooth on the outside, but it seemd like there was something rotten buried just beneath the surface.

We are supposed to rethink about ourselves and the persons who are around us.

Honestly, I love the girl so much. she has so many merits that we are supposed to have. Sometimes we admire someone because we also want to be that kind of person, but we have no courage to be.

It not only includes love between girls and boys, but also about love between alive and death, grandfather and grandson, father and daughter, brotherhood and the whole family.

In a word, it is a great film worthy of watching again and again. It revealed something deep in human nature, sometimes we can't express it clearly but we can feel it.


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