Topic5 Wendy

Topic5 Wendy

作者: WendyMeow | 来源:发表于2017-03-13 23:31 被阅读0次


    strip sb of sthtake away (property, honours, etc) from sb

    strip sb of sthtake away (property, honours, etc) from sb

    on the outsusually said about people who are not friendly because of having had an argument or disagreement

    misplaceput (sth) in the wrong place

    give (love, affection, etc) wrongly or unwisely


    ThePhi Beta Kappa Society(ΦΒΚ) is the oldest honor society for the liberal arts and sciences in the United States, with 286 active chapters. Widely considered to be the nation's most prestigious honor society,[1] Phi Beta Kappa aims to promote and advocate excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and to induct the most outstanding students of arts and sciences at American colleges and universities.(wikipedia)

    unnervecause (sb) to lose self-control, confidence or courage

    Crime and Punishment focuses on the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of RodionRaskolnikov,an impoverished ex-student in Saint Petersburg who formulates and executes a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her cash. Raskolnikov, in attempts to defend his actions, argues that with the pawnbroker's money he can perform good deeds to counterbalance the crime, while ridding the world of a vermin. He also commits the murder to test a theory of his that dictates some people are naturally capable of such actions, and even have the right to perform them. Several times throughout the novel, Raskolnikov compares himself with Napoleon Bonaparte and shares his belief that murder is permissible in pursuit of a higher purpose.

    I had somehowthoughtmyself a kind of academic Raskolnikov, curiouslyexemptfrom the cause-effect relationships whichhamperedothers.

    exempt ~ (from sth)free from an obligation, duty or payment; not liable 被免除义务或责任; 不用付款; 被豁免:exempt from military service免服兵役

    Our progress washamperedby the bad weather.我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍.

    staturenatural height of the body 身高:short of stature身材矮小.

    importance and reputation gained by ability or achievement (凭才能或成就而获得的)            名望:a scientist of internationalstature有国际声望的科学家.

    convictionthe convicting of a person for a crime

    ~ (that...)firm opinion or belief

    believable quality

    lights would always turn green for me

    Stanford-Binet scaleIQ测试(依据斯坦福-比奈量表及韦克斯勒智力测验模型)

    totem(image of a) natural object, esp an animal, considered by N American Indians as the emblem of a clan or family 图腾; 图腾形象.

    amuletpiece of jewellery, etc worn as a charm1(2) against evil 护身符(为避邪而佩带的珠宝等物).

    nonplus/ ˏnɔnˈplʌs; nɑnˋplʌs/ v (-ss-; US -s-) [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] surprise or puzzle (sb) greatly 使(某人)惊讶或困惑: I was completely nonplussed by his sudden appearance. 他突然出现使我大吃一惊.

    assignationarrangement to meet sb, esp secretly or illicitly 约会, 幽会(尤指秘密的或不正当的): an assignation with a lover 与情人的幽会.

    muff/ mʌf; mʌf/ v [Tn] (infml derog 口, 贬) fail to catch or seize (sth); miss; bungle

    The fielder muffed an easy catch. 外野手把一个很好接的球接漏了.

    She had a wonderful opportunity, but she muffed it. 她有一个绝好的机会, 但是她错过了.

    phenobarbitone/ ˏfiːnəuˈbɑːbɪtəun; ˏfinoˋbɑrbɪˏton/ n [U] medicinal drug that calms the nerves and helps one to sleep 苯巴比妥(用作镇静剂和催眠药).

    beyond the reach of

    coverlet/ ˈkʌvəlɪt; ˋkʌvɚlɪt/ n bedspread 床罩



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