One book I've just finished read

One book I've just finished read

作者: lililily9 | 来源:发表于2018-04-05 22:36 被阅读0次

I couldn't believe it that I finished reading a book (280 pages )in two days.Ususally,I read 20 pages a day.It's one change I made in reading.Ok, I seem to digress now.Let me cut right to the punchline.

The book is called 'Deep Working'.Yeah,it talks about working with concentration and efficiency.In this way ,you can get more than you can imagine and it's something irreplaceable if you want to be successful in such information-loaded time.It offers a few ways to master the skill of deep working.It believes the concentration matters a lot and fortunately, the ability of concentration can be trained and improved.

The very first thing it mentions is that our life is about what we care about.With nothing changed in the environment ,your life lies in where your focus is.Then the result is totally different.According to this, if we pay too much attention to some small things of no value ,our energy for the things of great help is sapped ,sometimes ,hugely.

It makes it clear that keeping far away from internet is wise as its shortcomings outweigh advangtages.Once you take an attempt,you may find it's not hard for you to practice it as you can benefit from alienating yourself from computers and smart phones.

I can't stop wondering what the long hours spent on browsing wechat moments,liking, commenting and posting mean for us.For most people, they do nothing for your growth.Are people so stupid that they like wasting time ?I don't think so.From my point of view, two ways can largely ease the addiction to internet.We have to tap into quality pastimes ,such as reading ,dancing and calligraphy.We should divert our attention to the things that matter .

I have decided to read massively and handle the internet in a more mature way.In other words, try to use internet less often and find better ways to impress others and communicate with those you want to keep in touch with.



      本文标题:One book I've just finished read
