

作者: 汉闻 | 来源:发表于2020-07-23 07:55 被阅读0次

在生活中,我们常常会听到,“站着说话不腰疼”这么一句话,虽然是贬义词,指不设身处地为人着想,还有得了便宜还卖乖之意,但按照字面意思理解的话,难道"站着说话真不会腰疼"吗? 下面我们就一起来看看!

In daily life, we often hear the phrase "Standing and talking will not hurt back". Although it is a derogatory term, it refers to not being considerate of oneself, and it also means to behave if you are cheap, but if it is understood literally, can it?" Standing and talking really won’t hurt your back"? Let’s take a look now!


Who said that standing and talking can't hurt your back?

还在为生活苦苦谋生的年轻人们, 当你终于累死累活的, 把方案小心翼翼的献给甲方后, 怀着无比忐忑的心情等来的, 却总是甲方的一句“改! ”

The young people who are still struggling to make a living, when you are finally exhausted, after carefully presenting your plan to Party A, you wait with a very nervous mood, but it is always Party A's sentence "Change! "


It seems I have to order a supper!

此时此刻的你, 一定口吐芬芳、舌灿莲花, 却又不得不为金钱低头, 好嘛!这下可精彩了, 给你巴巴的- -顿累惨了!

At this moment, you must have a fragrant mouth and a bright lotus tongue, but you have to bow your head for the money, okay! This is a wonderful time, I will give you a baba...


Whoops, my waist disc!

你再瞅瞅人家甲方,是不是觉得他站着说话不腰疼? 可不是咋的 , 他站着可是比你坐着轻松多了!

If you look at the other party A again, do you think that he can't talk while standing up? It's not a big deal, he is much easier standing up than you sitting down!


Let me talk about it!

咱们这么着,先带你认识认识, 每次腰疼到底是啥在作妖。 要知道你能挺直腰杆子走路, 靠的就是这一根项天立地的脊柱。 而每节脊椎骨中间有个联络员, 它就是大名鼎鼎的椎间盘!

Let’s do this, let’s first get to know you, every time a backache is a demon. You have to know that you can walk with your waist upright and rely on this spine. And there is a liaison in the middle of each spine, it is the famous intervertebral disc!


Intervertebral disc?

来看看这俩是怎么给你造那么大压力的, 首先, 脊柱两侧的肌肉相当于两根挂在.上面的弹簧, 收缩时每--节椎间盘都在劫难逃 除此之外它还承担了,上身体重的压力。

Let’s take a look at how these two put such a lot of pressure on you. First of all, the muscles on both sides of the spine are equivalent to two springs hanging on it. When contracting, every segment of the intervertebral disc is doomed. In addition, it also bears , Heavy pressure on the body.


EM..., raise your salary!

再对比一下站着 和坐着时椎间盘的状态。

Compare the state of the intervertebral discs when standing and sitting.

站时。腹部肌肉帮忙分担,上半身分量 脊柱两侧的肌肉中等收缩,椎间盘压力小。

When standing. The abdominal muscles help to share the weight of the upper body. The muscles on both sides of the spine are moderately contracted, and the pressure on the intervertebral disc is small.


When sitting. The abdomen relaxes with zero pressure, the burden is all on the intervertebral disc, and the muscles on both sides of the spine are severely contracted.

这么看来,一点不夸张的说, 你坐着时的椎间盘压力那是相当大, 是站起来时压力的四倍。 所以相对坐着 , 站着说话那确实是轻松不少。

From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that the pressure on the intervertebral disc when you sit is quite high, four times the pressure when you stand up. So it's really easier to sit and talk while standing.

尤其是像咱们这种屁股跟缝在椅子上一-样的, 腰背肌肉一整天没个休息-直紧绷, 上半身重量持续给腰椎骨施压, 时间一长脊椎就会错位,撇开椎间盘私聊。

Especially like our buttocks are sewn to a chair, the back muscles have not rested all day-straight and tight, the weight of the upper body continues to put pressure on the lumbar vertebrae, and the spine will be misaligned as time goes by, leaving the intervertebral discs aside. Private chat.

这么长久以往, 腰肌劳损、腰椎间盘突出都不是个事儿! 站着说话的甲方你也别高兴太早, 你要站得太久了也照样得突出!

After such a long time, lumbar muscle strain and lumbar disc herniation are not a problem! Don't be happy too early for Party A who is standing and talking, you will still be protruding if you have to stand for too long!


Then I sit and let him take a while.

但凡你能每隔1~2小时站起来活动一下, 多站多走,扭扭屁股扭扭腰, 学学广场大爷大妈那一套 也不至于让腰椎这么辛苦。

As long as you can stand up and move around every 1 to 2 hours, stand and walk more, twist your butt and waist, and learn from the grandmother of the square, it will not make the lumbar spine so hard.


Let you feel the enthusiasm of square dance!

还有那躺着玩手机的, 你也别美,只要是锁定一个姿势不变的, 就逃不过来自椎间盘的亲切问候! 所以,没事儿广场溜两圈, 和大妈们交流交流舞步! 没准儿大妈还能给你介绍个对象。

And those who lie down and play with their phones, don’t be beautiful, as long as you lock a posture that doesn’t change, you won’t be able to escape the cordial greetings from the intervertebral discs! So, just wander around the square and talk to the aunts on dance steps! Maybe Aunt can also introduce you to someone.


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