CNV calling | DELLY

作者: fatlady | 来源:发表于2018-11-29 16:10 被阅读193次

    基于paired-end mapping methodssplit-read analysis,检测结构变异。


    Delly is an integrated structural variant (SV) prediction method that can discover, genotype and visualize deletions, tandem duplications, inversions and translocations at single-nucleotide resolution in short-read massively parallel sequencing data. It uses paired-ends, split-reads and read-depth to sensitively and accurately delineate genomic rearrangements throughout the genome. Structural variants can be visualized using Delly-maze and Delly-suave.




    版本:Delly v0.7.8 可以一次性call 所有类型的SVs;低版本的需要通过-t指定SV类型
    00 输入文件

    • Bam files need to be sorted, indexed and ideally duplicate marked. If multiple libraries are present for a single sample these need to be merged in a single bam file with unique ReadGroup tags.
    • .excl: a file include information of telomere and centromere regions and also all unplaced contigs, those regions will be removed from calling.
    • 有群体时,建议将所有个体的.bcf文件合并后,再进行genotyping。
    git clone --recursive
    cd delly/
    make all
    samtools index $i.recal.bam
    ~/cc/biosoft/delly/delly_v0.7.8_linux_x86_64bit call -g $DB/hg19_chr.fa -x exc1.excl -o delly_out/$i.exc1.bcf $i.recal.bam
    #bcftools view $ >$ 
    #Merge SV sites into a unified site list
    delly merge -o sites.bcf s1.bcf s2.bcf ... sN.bcf
    #Genotype this merged SV site list across all samples. This can be run in parallel for each sample.
    delly call -g $DB/target-ref.fa -v sites.bcf -o s1.geno.bcf  s1.bam
    #Merge all genotyped samples to get a single VCF/BCF using bcftools merge
    bcftools merge -m id -O b -o merged.bcf s1.geno.bcf s2.geno.bcf ... sN.geno.bcf
    #Apply the germline SV filter which requires at least 20 unrelated samples
    delly filter -f germline -o germline.bcf merged.bcf
    bcftools view germline.bcf >germline.vcf

    01 SV统计:长度分布、在各样本中的情况等
    长度统计:DEL,DUP和INV,可以用INFO:END-POS获得;INS的长度值为 INFO:INSLEN,而[POS, INFO:END] 提供的大概的插入位置信息。

    git clone --recursive
    cd svprops/
    ./svprops germline.vcf > #size分布,各类型
    ./sampleprops germline.vcf > #每个样本在多少SV中是RR,RA,AA(基因型统计)
    Rscript R/svprops.R
    Rscript R/sampleprops.R
    #chr    start   chr2    end id  size    vac vaf singleton   missingrate svtype  ct  precise ci  inslen  homlen  ce  refgq   altgq   gqsum   rdratio medianrc    refratio    altratio    maxaltratio PEsupport   SRsupport   supportsum
    #chr22  17900897    chr22   17900914    DEL00000000 18  7   0.152174    NA  0   DEL 3to5    1   6   0   5   1.93828 75  10000   41614   0.563525    632 0   0.721311    0.787879    0   228 737
    #chr22  18003439    chr22   18004197    DEL00000006 759 9   0.195652    NA  0   DEL 3to5    0   174 0   0   0   15  45  558 0.658926    107 0   0.25    0.333333    11  0   123
    head -3
    #sample missing homref  het homalt
    #sample1    0   76  37  14
    #sample2    0   69  47  11


    • vac: variant allele count (across all samples)
    • vaf: variant allele frequency (across all samples)
    • singleton: N/A if present in multiple samples or sample name if only present in one
    • missingrate: how many samples have a missing genotype (useful after GQ calibration)
    • ct: Delly's INFO:CT,Paired-end signature induced connection type
    • precise: 1 if INFO:PRECISE,Precise structural variation
    • ci: Delly's INFO:CIPOS,PE confidence interval around POS
    • inslen: insertion length
    • homlen: homology length
    • ce: Delly's INFO:CE,Consensus sequence entropy
    • refgq: median reference genotype quality for all SV non-carriers (GT==0/0)
    • altgq: median alternative genotype quality for het. SV carriers
    • gqsum: total GQ sum (useful to flag repetitive sites that are poorly genotyped)
    • rdratio: read-depth ratio of SV carriers to non-carriers (useful for filtering CNVs)
    • medianrc: median coverage
    • refratio: median REF support for non-carriers
    • altratio: median ALT support for carriers
    • maxaltratio: max. ALT support for carriers
    • PEsupport: total paired end support across all samples
    • SRsupport: total split-read support across all samples
    • supportsum: total depth across all samples


    • missing:该个体有多少位点的genotype为missing
    • homref:该个体有多少位点为ref的纯合位点
    • het:该个体有多少位点为杂合位点
    • homalt:该个体有多少位点为alt的纯合位点


    • 样本数比较少时,利用filter可能使所有SV被过滤掉,作者建议根据INFO FIELD(PASS)来过滤SV。

    • exc1.excl:排除区域(端粒等区域,DELLY github上有参考文件)

    chr1  #排除整条染色体
    chr22   0   10000   telomere
    chr22   13000000    16000000    centromere
    chr22   51294566    51304566    telomere



    bcftools view file.bcf >file.vcf



        本文标题:CNV calling | DELLY
