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- 静子的Scalers Talk第五轮新概念朗读持续力训练 Day
- 静子的Scalers Talk第五轮新概念朗读持续力训练 Day
[Day 1870 2019-11-09]
Lesson30 Football or polo?
The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home. I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons. It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on the river bank as usual. Some children were playing games on the bank and there were some people rowing on the river. Suddenly, one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards a passing boat. Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat, but he did not hear them. The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water. I turned to look at the children, but there weren't any in sight: they had all run away! The man laughed when he realized what had happened. He called out to the children and threw the ball back to the bank.
[ˈlesn] [ˈθɜːrti] [ˈfʊtbɔːl] [ɔːr] [ˈpoʊloʊ] [ðə; ði] [weil] [ɪz; s; z; əz] [ə; e] [smɔːl] [ˈrɪvər] [ðæt] [kʌts] [əˈkrɔːs] [ðə; ði] [pɑːrk] [nɪr] [maɪ] [hoʊm] [aɪ] [laɪk] [ˈsɪtɪŋ] [baɪ] [ðə; ði] [weil] [ɑːn] [faɪn] [ˌæftərˈnuːnz] [ɪt] [wʌz] [wɔːrm] [læst] [ˈsʌnde; ˈsʌndi] [soʊ] [aɪ] [went] [ənd, ən,ænd] [sæt] [ɑːn][ðə; ði] [ˈrɪvər] [bæŋk] [æz; əz] [ˈjuːʒuəl,ˈjuːʒəl] [sʌm;səm] ['tʃɪldrən] [wər] [ˈpleɪɪŋ] ['ɡemz] [ɑːn] [ðə; ði] [bæŋk] [ənd, ən,ænd] [ðer] [wər] [sʌm;səm] [ˈpiːpl] [ˈroʊɪŋ] [ɑːn] [ðə; ði] [ˈrɪvər] ['sʌdnlɪ] [wʌn] [ʌv; əv] [ðə; ði] ['tʃɪldrən] [kɪkt] [ə; e] [bɔːl] [ˈvɛrɪ] [hɑːrd] [ənd, ən,ænd] [ɪt] [went] [tɔːrdz] [ə; e] [ˈpæsɪŋ] [boʊt] [sʌm;səm] [ˈpiːpl] [ɑːn] [ðə; ði] [bæŋk] [kɔːld] [aʊt] [tə;tu;tuː] [ðə; ði] [mæn] [ɪn,ˈɪn ðət] [ðə; ði] [boʊt] [bʌt] [hi,iː,i,hiː] [dɪd] [nɑːt] [hɪr] [ðɛm; ðəm] [ðə; ði] [bɔːl] [strʌk] [hɪm] [soʊ] [hɑːrd] [ðæt] [hi,iː,i,hiː] [ˈnɪrli] [fɛl] [ˈɪntu] [ðə; ði] [ˈwɔtɚ] [aɪ][tɝnd] [tə;tu;tuː] [lʊk] [æt; ət] [ðə; ði] ['tʃɪldrən] [bʌt] [ðer] [wɝnt] [ˈeni] [ɪn,ˈɪn ðət] [saɪt] [ðe] [hæd] [ɔːl] [rʌn] [əˈwe] [ðə; ði] [mæn] ['lɑ:ft] [hwen; hwɛn] [hi,iː,i,hiː] ['riːəlaɪzd] [hwɒt; hwɑt] [hæd] [ˈhæpənd] [hi,iː,i,hiː] [kɔːld] [aʊt] [tə;tu;tuː] [ðə; ði] ['tʃɪldrən] [ənd, ən,ænd] [θruː] [ðə; ði] [bɔːl] [bæk] [tə;tu;tuː] [ðə; ði] [bæŋk]
Polo:水球,更多用water polo表示水球 玩水球 play water polo
Grandpa usually cuts across the park on his way home.
The road cuts through the forest.
Row v划船- rowed-rowed
Row the boat划船
Towards -toward prep walk towards the entrance look out towards the sea
nearly几乎 Nearly it’s nearly midnight。 They nearly won the game. Nearly late
Sight n眼界 The plane is still in sight/out of sight 在视线之中/在视线之外
They fell in love at first sight.一见钟情
At the sight of一看见xx at the sight of the diamond/me
Cut across横穿,走捷径,抄近道
I can get there earlier if I cut across the field.
Like doing经常的,习惯性的like to do 具体的某一次
Dave like drinking coffee/likes to drink some tea now
In the morning on fine afternoons
Morning,afternoon,evening前面有修饰词,前面需要加on on a sunny morning/ on a rainy night
A passing boat/train
Call out大声叫喊 唤起 someone is calling out for help.
Call out his friend呼叫朋友 call out out courage 唤起勇气
Strike struck struck fall fell fallen
So adj/adv + that如此 以至于
The movie is so great that I want to watch it again.
练习感悟:今天特意计算了一下时间和自己的状态。查音标半个小时,看单词和语法的讲解视频加整理一个小时。不会用的知识点太多,想一个个的巩固一下。今天记不住,可能下次再看的时候就慢慢的可以记住了。所以碰到了就想去查一下。 今天在简书上得到了莳贤的评论和Dream的点赞,就挺开心的。感觉自己不是一个人在写,之前也看到其他人的评论,但是大家也都没有评论,没有交流就感觉缺点什么。有交流就很开心,大家一起在战斗的感觉。