001-1 伊莎贝拉故事(英文版)

001-1 伊莎贝拉故事(英文版)

作者: 有奶喝 | 来源:发表于2018-03-26 11:36 被阅读0次

In the middle of 15th Century, the main characters of my story were born in the Kingdom of Castile, where was full of wars. And women didn't have their rights at that time, while they were obedient and controlled by their father or brother. But Isabella was a brave girl, so she decided to fight for her rights in her own way despiting the confrontation against her brother. Luckily, she was then married to her fiance, Ferdinand.

Dreadfully, her husband was greedy to get more from other countries, so he decided to take advantage of her. Not surprisingly, she used her wisdom successfully to become the queen of the Kingdom of Castile, and solved the problem.

The Kingdom of Spain then became a powerful country, while Isabella's efforts can't be ignored. Firstly, Isabella and her husband merged two countries and defeated other countries. So she showed to the world the power of the Kingdom of Spain. And she also controlled people's mind to join the Catholic Church. The result was that many muslim were killed or driven out of their hometown.

Secondly, she gave much money to Columbus which helped him in finding a new continent. In the past, many people thought it was her husband who helped Columbus find the new continent. But it was wrong.

And China was playing an very important role at ancient times, many people wanted to go to China because they were informed of ancient legends that China is an abundant country full of treasures. So people planned to enter China to make a quick money for a better life.

Finally, i want to tell you a true thing that the sentence "the sun will never set”was first said by Carlos I. So the Kingdom of Spain is also an empire on which the sun never sets.

My first enlish story is accomplished, I hope it can help to practise my English.

If you find something wrong, please tell me. Thank you!

这是针对 001 伊莎贝拉中文版的英文表述,这是本人学习英语的一个小小尝试


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    本文标题:001-1 伊莎贝拉故事(英文版)
