

作者: 莹仔Skye | 来源:发表于2019-01-21 23:36 被阅读0次


英英释义:to make something well known and liked

例句:In the past few years, Uber has popularized the idea of sharing economy.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“popularize”是动词,意思是“使......受欢迎、让......流行起来”。它的形容词形式 popular 和名词形式 popularity 相信大家都不陌生,popularize 也是个高频、地道、好用的词。当我们想表达“某人让某个产品、运动、做法、概念等流行起来”时就可以用它。我们一起通过几个例句了解一下它的用法。

“共享经济”在十多年前还是鲜为人知,人们对这个概念熟悉起来主要应该归功于 Uber 和 Airbnb 等公司,因此我们可以说:

In the past few years, Uber has popularized the idea of sharing economy.

Uber 以擅长获取用户出名,这套用户增长方法(growth hacking)已经成为了互联网公司的标准做法,比如滴滴、摩拜、瑞幸咖啡也都使用类似的方法获取了大量的用户。我们就可以说:

Uber helped popularize growth hacking, which is now the norm for internet companies worldwide.

在世界各地的很多酒吧我们都能听到牙买加歌手 Bob Marley 的雷鬼音乐,是他让雷鬼音乐走出牙买加,走向世界,我们在介绍 Bob Marley 的成就时就可以说:

Bob Marley popularized reggae music in the 1970s.

《经济学人》在一篇讨论网络媒体的文章中也用到了 popularize:

In 1999 Mr Williams co-founded Blogger. The startup helped popularise the concept of blogging and the word itself by making it simple for people to post their musings without needing to code.

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?



It's said that students returned from overseas popularized the party game Mafia in China.

(参考翻译:It's said that returned students from overseas popularized the party game Mafia in China. 或 According to some accounts, it's those who received education abroad that popularized Mafia, a popular party game, in China.)

2.The Double 11'Day got popularized since it became shopping carnival.


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