

作者: 耕读者 | 来源:发表于2021-03-17 08:53 被阅读0次




    f2<- read.cross(format="csvr",dir="",




    plotMap<-function (x, map2, chr, horizontal = FALSE, shift = TRUE, show.marker.names = FALSE,

        alternate.chrid = FALSE, ...)


        dots <- list(...)

        if ("main" %in% names(dots)) {

            themain <- dots$main

            usemaindefault <- FALSE


        else usemaindefault <- TRUE

        if ("xlim" %in% names(dots)) {

            xlim <- dots$xlim

            usexlimdefault <- FALSE


        else usexlimdefault <- TRUE

        if ("ylim" %in% names(dots)) {

            ylim <- dots$ylim

            useylimdefault <- FALSE


        else useylimdefault <- TRUE

        if ("xlab" %in% names(dots))

            xlab <- dots$xlab

        else {

            if (horizontal)

                xlab <- "Location (cM)"

            else xlab <- "Chromosome"


        if ("ylab" %in% names(dots))

            ylab <- dots$ylab

        else {

            if (horizontal)

                ylab <- "Chromosome"

            else ylab <- "Location (cM)"


        map <- x

        if (inherits(map, "cross"))

            map <- pull.map(map)

        if (!missing(map2) && inherits(map2, "cross"))

            map2 <- pull.map(map2)

        if (!inherits(map, "map") || (!missing(map2) && !inherits(map2,


            warning("Input should have class \"cross\" or \"map\".")

        if (!missing(map2) && is.matrix(map[[1]]) != is.matrix(map2[[1]]))

            stop("Maps must be both sex-specific or neither sex-specific.")

        if (!missing(chr)) {

            map <- map[matchchr(chr, names(map))]

            if (!missing(map2))

                map2 <- map2[matchchr(chr, names(map2))]


        sex.sp <- FALSE

        if (is.matrix(map[[1]])) {

            one.map <- FALSE

            sex.sp <- TRUE

            if (!missing(map2)) {

                if (is.logical(map2)) {

                    horizontal <- map2

                    map2 <- lapply(map, function(a) a[2, ])

                    map <- lapply(map, function(a) a[1, ])


                else {

                    Map1 <- lapply(map, function(a) a[1, , drop = TRUE])

                    Map2 <- lapply(map, function(a) a[2, , drop = TRUE])

                    Map3 <- lapply(map2, function(a) a[1, , drop = TRUE])

                    Map4 <- lapply(map2, function(a) a[2, , drop = TRUE])

                    old.mfrow <- par("mfrow")

                    on.exit(par(mfrow = old.mfrow))

                    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))

                    class(Map1) <- class(Map2) <- class(Map3) <- class(Map4) <- "map"

                    plotMap(Map1, Map3, horizontal = horizontal,

                      shift = shift, show.marker.names = show.marker.names,

                      alternate.chrid = alternate.chrid)

                    plotMap(Map2, Map4, horizontal = horizontal,

                      shift = shift, show.marker.names = show.marker.names,

                      alternate.chrid = alternate.chrid)




            else {

                map2 <- lapply(map, function(a) a[2, ])

                map <- lapply(map, function(a) a[1, ])



        else {

            if (!missing(map2))

                one.map <- FALSE

            else one.map <- TRUE


        if (one.map) {

            n.chr <- length(map)

            if (!show.marker.names) {

                chrpos <- 1:n.chr

                thelim <- range(chrpos) + c(-0.5, 0.5)


            else {

                chrpos <- seq(1, n.chr * 2, by = 2)        ##2->10

                thelim <- range(chrpos) + c(-0.35, 2.35)


            if (shift)

                map <- lapply(map, function(a) a - a[1])

            maxlen <- max(unlist(lapply(map, max)))

            if (horizontal) {

                old.xpd <- par("xpd")

                old.las <- par("las")

                par(xpd = TRUE, las = 1)

                on.exit(par(xpd = old.xpd, las = old.las))

                if (usexlimdefault)

                    xlim <- c(0, maxlen)

                if (useylimdefault)

                    ylim <- rev(thelim)

                plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,

                    yaxs = "i", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, yaxt = "n")

                a <- par("usr")

                for (i in 1:n.chr) {

                    segments(min(map[[i]]), chrpos[i], max(map[[i]]),


    ### not this line

    ###              segments(map[[i]], chrpos[i] - 0.25, map[[i]],

    ### not this line

    ###                  chrpos[i] + 0.25)

                    segments(map[[i]], chrpos[i] - 0.25, map[[i]],

                      chrpos[i] + 0.25)

                    if (show.marker.names)

    ### not this line

    ###                  text(map[[i]], chrpos[i] + 0.35, names(map[[i]]),

    ### not this line

    ###                    srt = 90, adj = c(1, 0.5))

                      text(map[[i]], chrpos[i] + 0.35, names(map[[i]]),

                        srt = 90, adj = c(0.1, 0.5))


                if (!alternate.chrid || length(chrpos) < 2) {

                    for (i in seq(along = chrpos)) axis(side = 2,

                      at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map)[i])


                else {

                    odd <- seq(1, length(chrpos), by = 2)        ##2->10

                    even <- seq(2, length(chrpos), by = 2)      ##2->10

                    for (i in odd) {

                      axis(side = 2, at = chrpos[i], labels = "")

                      axis(side = 2, at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map)[i],

    ### not this line

    ###                    line = -0.4, tick = FALSE)

                        line = -0.4, tick = FALSE)


                    for (i in even) {

                      axis(side = 2, at = chrpos[i], labels = "")

                      axis(side = 2, at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map)[i],

    ### not this line

    ###                    line = +0.4, tick = FALSE)

                        line = +0.4, tick = FALSE)




            else {

                old.xpd <- par("xpd")

                old.las <- par("las")

                par(xpd = TRUE, las = 1)

                on.exit(par(xpd = old.xpd, las = old.las))

                if (usexlimdefault)

                    xlim <- thelim

                if (useylimdefault)

                    ylim <- c(maxlen, 0)

                plot(0, 0, type = "n", ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim,

                    xaxs = "i", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxt = "n")

                a <- par("usr")

                for (i in 1:n.chr) {

                    segments(chrpos[i], min(map[[i]]), chrpos[i],


    ################ 控制标记线长度 ################### 下方是原数值

    ###just this line        segments(chrpos[i] - 0.25, map[[i]], chrpos[i] +

    ###just this line                  0.25, map[[i]])

    ###                if (show.marker.names)

    ###                  text(chrpos[i] + 0.35, map[[i]], names(map[[i]]),

    ###                    adj = c(0, 0.5))

    ################ 控制标记线长度 ################### 下方是修改数值

                    segments(chrpos[i] - 0.048, map[[i]], chrpos[i] +

                      0.048, map[[i]])

                    if (show.marker.names)

                      text(chrpos[i] + 0.35, map[[i]], names(map[[i]]),

                        adj = c(0, 0.5))

    ################ 控制标记线长度 ###################


                if (!alternate.chrid || length(chrpos) < 2) {

                    for (i in seq(along = chrpos)) axis(side = 1,

                      at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map)[i])


                else {

                    odd <- seq(1, length(chrpos), by = 2)      ##2->10

                    even <- seq(2, length(chrpos), by = 2)    ##2->10

                    for (i in odd) {

                      axis(side = 1, at = chrpos[i], labels = "")

                      axis(side = 1, at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map)[i],

    ### not this line

    ###                    line = -0.4, tick = FALSE)

                        line = -0.4, tick = FALSE)


                    for (i in even) {

                      axis(side = 1, at = chrpos[i], labels = "")

                      axis(side = 1, at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map)[i],

    ### not this line

    ###                    line = +0.4, tick = FALSE)

                        line = +0.4, tick = FALSE)




            if (usemaindefault)

                title(main = "Genetic map")

            else if (themain != "")

                title(main = themain)


        else {

            map1 <- map

            if (is.matrix(map2[[1]]))

                stop("Second map appears to be a sex-specific map.")

            if (length(map1) != length(map2))

                stop("Maps have different numbers of chromosomes.")

            if (any(names(map1) != names(map2))) {

                cat("Map1: ", names(map1), "\n")

                cat("Map2: ", names(map2), "\n")

                stop("Maps have different chromosome names.")


            if (shift) {

                map1 <- lapply(map1, function(a) a - a[1])

                map2 <- lapply(map2, function(a) a - a[1])


            n.mar1 <- sapply(map1, length)

            n.mar2 <- sapply(map2, length)

            markernames1 <- lapply(map1, names)

            markernames2 <- lapply(map2, names)

            if (any(n.mar1 != n.mar2)) {

                if (show.marker.names) {

                    warning("Can't show marker names because of different numbers of markers.")

                    show.marker.names <- FALSE



            else if (any(unlist(markernames1) != unlist(markernames2))) {

                if (show.marker.names) {

                    warning("Can't show marker names because markers in different orders.")

                    show.marker.names <- FALSE



            n.chr <- length(map1)

            maxloc <- max(c(unlist(lapply(map1, max)), unlist(lapply(map2,


            if (!show.marker.names) {

                chrpos <- 1:n.chr

                thelim <- range(chrpos) + c(-0.5, 0.5)


            else {

                chrpos <- seq(1, n.chr * 2, by = 2)      ##2->10

                thelim <- range(chrpos) + c(-0.4, 2.4)


            if (!horizontal) {

                old.xpd <- par("xpd")

                old.las <- par("las")

                par(xpd = TRUE, las = 1)

                on.exit(par(xpd = old.xpd, las = old.las))

                if (usexlimdefault)

                    xlim <- thelim

                if (useylimdefault)

                    ylim <- c(maxloc, 0)

                plot(0, 0, type = "n", ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim,

                    xaxs = "i", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxt = "n")

                a <- par("usr")

                for (i in 1:n.chr) {

                    if (max(map2[[i]]) < max(map1[[i]]))

                      map2[[i]] <- map2[[i]] + (max(map1[[i]]) -


                    else map1[[i]] <- map1[[i]] + (max(map2[[i]]) -


                    segments(chrpos[i] - 0.3, min(map1[[i]]), chrpos[i] -

                      0.3, max(map1[[i]]))

                    segments(chrpos[i] + 0.3, min(map2[[i]]), chrpos[i] +

                      0.3, max(map2[[i]]))

                    wh <- match(markernames1[[i]], markernames2[[i]])

                    for (j in which(!is.na(wh))) segments(chrpos[i] -

                      0.3, map1[[i]][j], chrpos[i] + 0.3, map2[[i]][wh[j]])

                    if (any(is.na(wh)))

                      segments(chrpos[i] - 0.4, map1[[i]][is.na(wh)],

                        chrpos[i] - 0.2, map1[[i]][is.na(wh)])

                    wh <- match(markernames2[[i]], markernames1[[i]])

                    if (any(is.na(wh)))

                      segments(chrpos[i] + 0.4, map2[[i]][is.na(wh)],

                        chrpos[i] + 0.2, map2[[i]][is.na(wh)])

                    if (show.marker.names)

                      text(chrpos[i] + 0.35, map2[[i]], names(map2[[i]]),

                        adj = c(0, 0.5))


                if (!alternate.chrid || length(chrpos) < 2) {

                    for (i in seq(along = chrpos)) axis(side = 1,

                      at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map1)[i])


                else {

                    odd <- seq(1, length(chrpos), by = 2)      ##2->10

                    even <- seq(2, length(chrpos), by = 2)    ##2->10

                    for (i in odd) {

                      axis(side = 1, at = chrpos[i], labels = "")

                      axis(side = 1, at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map1)[i],

    ### not this line

    ###                    line = -0.4, tick = FALSE)

                        line = -0.4, tick = FALSE)


                    for (i in even) {

                      axis(side = 1, at = chrpos[i], labels = "")

                      axis(side = 1, at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map1)[i],

    ### not this line

    ###                    line = +0.4, tick = FALSE)

                        line = +0.4, tick = FALSE)




            else {

                old.xpd <- par("xpd")

                old.las <- par("las")

                par(xpd = TRUE, las = 1)

                on.exit(par(xpd = old.xpd, las = old.las))

                if (usexlimdefault)

                    xlim <- c(0, maxloc)

                if (useylimdefault)

                    ylim <- rev(thelim)

                plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,

                    xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, yaxt = "n", yaxs = "i")

                a <- par("usr")

                for (i in 1:n.chr) {

                    if (max(map2[[i]]) < max(map1[[i]]))

                      map2[[i]] <- map2[[i]] + (max(map1[[i]]) -


                    else map1[[i]] <- map1[[i]] + (max(map2[[i]]) -


                    segments(min(map1[[i]]), chrpos[i] - 0.3, max(map1[[i]]),

                      chrpos[[i]] - 0.3)

                    segments(min(map2[[i]]), chrpos[i] + 0.3, max(map2[[i]]),

                      chrpos[[i]] + 0.3)

                    wh <- match(markernames1[[i]], markernames2[[i]])

                    for (j in which(!is.na(wh))) segments(map1[[i]][j],

                      chrpos[i] - 0.3, map2[[i]][wh[j]], chrpos[i] +


                    if (any(is.na(wh)))

                      segments(map1[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i] -

                        0.4, map1[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i] - 0.2)

                    wh <- match(markernames2[[i]], markernames1[[i]])

                    if (any(is.na(wh)))

                      segments(map2[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i] +

                        0.4, map2[[i]][is.na(wh)], chrpos[i] + 0.2)

                    if (show.marker.names)

                      text(map2[[i]], chrpos[i] + 0.35, names(map2[[i]]),

                        srt = 90, adj = c(1, 0.5))


                if (!alternate.chrid || length(chrpos) < 2) {

                    for (i in seq(along = chrpos)) axis(side = 2,

                      at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map1)[i])


                else {

                    odd <- seq(1, length(chrpos), by = 2)        ##2->10

                    even <- seq(2, length(chrpos), by = 2)      ##2->10

                    for (i in odd) {

                      axis(side = 2, at = chrpos[i], labels = "")

                      axis(side = 2, at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map1)[i],

    ### not this line

    ###                    line = -0.4, tick = FALSE)

                        line = -0.4, tick = FALSE)


                    for (i in even) {

                      axis(side = 2, at = chrpos[i], labels = "")

                      axis(side = 2, at = chrpos[i], labels = names(map1)[i],

    ### not this line

    ###                    line = +0.4, tick = FALSE)

                        line = +0.4, tick = FALSE)




            if (usemaindefault) {

                if (!sex.sp)

                    title(main = "Comparison of genetic maps")

                else title(main = "Genetic map")


            else if (themain != "")

                title(main = themain)








