土二一组  长篇阅读U2(1-2)

土二一组  长篇阅读U2(1-2)

作者: 土管二14郭董昱 | 来源:发表于2018-11-13 00:06 被阅读0次


    1.consumption  /kənˈsʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n/  n.消耗,消费,耗尽,肺痨

    eg. Industrialized countries should reduce their energy consumption.

    2.amplify  /ˈamplɪfʌɪ/v .增强音量

    eg. The notes amplify information contained in the statement.

    3.disseminate  /di'semineit/ v.宣布 传播 散布

    eg.Serve the weak group anddisseminateHumanism

    4.polarize /'poʊləraɪz/  v.两极分化

    eg. What if you don’t want topolarize?

    5.wield  /wiːld/ v.运用 行驶 vt.使用

    eg. People maywieldthe power in a democracy.

    6.diverge  /daɪˈvɜ:dʒ/ v. 分歧

    eg.This is where our opinions diverge from each other.

    7.narrative/ˈnærətɪv/ n.叙述 adj.叙述的

    eg.The narrative of this novel is fascinating.

    8.proliferate .  /prəˈlɪfəreɪt/  vi  增殖;扩散;激增   

    eg. Despite the difficulties, investors assume such deals will continue to proliferate.


    1.Polarization has been growing as fast or faster among elderly Americans, those least likely to use social media, compared to those aged 18 to 39.与18到39岁的人相比,老年人在使用社交媒体的分级化会更快,他们使用社交媒体最不可能。(E段)

    2.There does not seem to be a clear increase in this trend in the period when digital sources were introduced. 在引入数字资源的时期,这一趋势似乎没有明显增加。

    3.They were duped by the bad guys-ake news or Russian robots or big-data-driven algorithmically targeted psi-ops propaganda.他们被坏人欺骗了-假新闻,俄罗斯罗伯茨或大数据驱动算法目标的超能力战警宣传。

    4. As tempting as that story is ,It is at best incomplete.这个故事虽然诱人,但充其量也是不完整的。

    5.Data from congressional roll-call voting show that the increase in polarization in the Senate and House started well before it can be detected for voters.来自国会点名投票的数据显示,参众两院两级分化的加剧在选民检测之前就已经开始了。


    土二一组  长篇阅读U2(1-2)



    第一题,C5            第七题,H6

    第二题,F1            第八题,K4

    第三题,A4            第九题,J12

    第四题,I3            第10题,D2



    土二一组  长篇阅读U2(1-2) 土二一组  长篇阅读U2(1-2)

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