
作者: 跑步ing | 来源:发表于2017-10-19 20:20 被阅读0次

    未经作者 Marco Arment 许可转载

    Many Apple fans were amused when Phil Schiller explained the removal of the headphone jack on last year’s iPhone as “courage”. But that was nothing compared to what happened last week.

    当 Phil Schiller 将去掉 3.5mm 耳机插孔解释为勇敢的时候,许多苹果用户都被逗笑了,上周发布的 iPhone X 才是真正的勇敢。

    For ten years, the iPhone looked like this:

    过去的十年,iPhone 的正面外形如下:

    iPhone 1-8.png

    A rounded rectangle, bars on top and bottom, and a circle centered in the bottom bar. If you want to get fancy, put a line in the top bar, too.
    整体是一个圆角矩形,屏幕的上方和下方均有一定的高度, 屏幕下方的中央放置一个圆形。如果想得到一些不同的,只需要在屏幕上方的区域中放置一条线即可。

    It’s so simple that even when children draw it, it’s instantly recognizable as an iPhone to most of the world’s population. Not just any phone — an iPhone, specifically.

    对于世界上的大多数人来说,都可以立刻认出这是一台 iPhone,而不是其他手机。这是如此的简单,即使是小朋友也可以画出。

    As an app developer and fan, I was hoping that the long-rumored edge-to-edge iPhone screen would still be a rectangle, possibly even with room for a Home button on a narrower bezel, so I wouldn’t have to change my habits (or my app’s layout):

    作为一个开发者和苹果用户来说,我希望传言已久的全面屏的 iPhone 屏幕仍然是矩形,屏幕下方仍有一定的空间放置狭长的 Home 键,这样我就不用改变操作方式,也不用调整 APP 的布局。


    But that’s the unmistakable image of an Android phone. (Or a generic smartphone — same thing.)


    Apple would’ve lost what the iPhone has had since its introduction: a unique, recognizable shape that distinguishes itself from all of the other boring rectangles out there.


    Many are now speculating that Apple will find a way to get rid of the iPhone X’s top “notch” (officially called the “sensor housing”) as soon as they can, and that this is a temporary design meant only for a few years. But I don’t think so.

    许多人推测苹果将会尽可能的去除 iPhone X 顶部被称为感应器之家的区域,认为这是一个暂时的只会使用几年的设计,我并不这样认为。

    Many app developers are planning to hide the notch in the UI with black bars. But Apple explicitly says not to.

    iPhone X.png

    许多 APP 开发者计划在 UI 中用一个黑色的方块来遮挡这个缺口,但是苹果明确表示没有必要。

    This is the new shape of the iPhone. As long as the notch is clearly present and of approximately these proportions, it’s unique, simple, and recognizable.

    这就是 iPhone 的新形象,只要这个缺口存在并且保持这个位置,就是独特的,简洁的,以及可识别的。

    It’s probably not going to significantly change for a long time, and Apple needs to make sure that the entire world recognizes it as well as we could recognize previous iPhones.

    苹果在很长的一段时间内都不会进行大的调整,因为它需要确保用户象过去一样,可以立刻识别出这是新款 iPhone。

    That’s why Apple has made no effort to hide the notch in software, and why app developers are being told to embrace it in our designs.


    That’s why the HomePod software leak depicted the iPhone X like this: it’s the new basic, recognizable form of the iPhone.

    同时 HomePod 软件中泄漏的 iPhone X 图形也是如此:全新的,可以被识别的iPhone外观。

    Apple just completely changed the fundamental shape of the most important, most successful, and most recognizable tech product that the world has ever seen.That’s courage.

    iPhone 作为一款最重要,最成功,最容易被识别的科技产品,苹果完全重新定义了 iPhone 的基本外形,这才是真正的勇敢。



