讲解:Data Scientist、Python、Python、

讲解:Data Scientist、Python、Python、

作者: duanquju | 来源:发表于2020-03-02 14:35 被阅读0次

    Airbnb Take Home Challenge for Data Scientist (Analytics)Overview of Take Home ChallengeYou’ll have 48 hours to work on your analysis of the challenge. Please read carefully of theinstructions and understand the audience of the presentation. Your work will be gradedaccording to the following key points.General Advice● AnalysisClear metric definitions and analytical approach is highly valued in this challenge. Usesstatistics appropriately and dentifie limitations of the work.● Business intuitionIdentify opportunities in the market and propose reasonable solutions. OpportunitySizing and high-level thinking are pretty important. We hope the see sensible approachand reasonable order of magnitude.● CommunicationWrites clearly and concisely. Visualization effectiveness is essential for Data Scientist.● Data foundationThe foundation is data, including data loading, summary, cleaning and your coding.Notes● Format○ You are free to use whatever tools you are most comfortable with to work throughthe analysis.○ Please save and attach your project in its entirety in one document, includingany slides. If you have any code that you produce, please include the code fileand zip all files in one folder.○ Please do NOT include your name or email address in your submission.● Confidential: Please don’t share or publish the data.TAKE-HOME CHALLENGE: Data Science - AnalyticsAirbnb is a two sided marketplace which matches guests to hosts. The booking flow at Airbnb isas follows: a guest finds an available room (listing) that they like, and then they contact the host.Once the guest finds a listing they are interested in, there are three ways to send the host aninquiry: ‘contact_me’, ‘book_it’, or ‘instant_book’ (detailed at the bottom of this document). Uponreceiving the inquiry, the host can then decide whether or not to accept the request (for‘contact_me’ and ‘book_it’ methods -- `instant_book` is auto-accepted). One of our goals atAirbnb is to increase bookings on our platform.Prompt:You are the first data scientist to join a cross-functional Product and Operations team working togrow bookings in Rio de Janeiro. The team asks you for help with the following:1. What key metrics would you propose to monitor over time the success of the teamsefforts in improving the guest host matching process and why? Clearly define yourmetric(s) and explain how each is computed.2. What areas should we invest in to increase the number of successful bookings in Rio deJaneiro? What segments are doing well and what could be improved? Propose 2-3specific recommendations (business initiatives and product changes) that could addressthese opportunities. Demonstrate rationale behind each recommendation AND prioritizeyour recommendations in order of their estimated impact.3. There is also interest from executives at Airbnb about the work you are doing, and adesire to understand the broader framing of the challenge of matching supply anddemand, thinking beyond the data provided. What other research, experiments, orapproaches could help the company get more clarity on the problemYour assignment: Summarize your recommendations in response to the questions above in a5-8 slide presentation intended for the Head of Product and VP of Operations (who is nottechnical). Include an organized appendix sharing the details of your work conducted for the Rioteam, that would be useful for the data team to understand your work.Instructions:1. Create a PDF of your presentation.2. Append all code you use to analyze results to the above PDF, including code used fordata exploration. We typically see data processed in SQL/R/Python and a presentationwith results made in Keynote/Google slides/Powerpoint. But you are welcome to use anysoftware you feel comfortable with. If you use Excel, please document the operationsused to process the data, and a代做Data Scientist作业、代写Python语言作业、Python课程设计作业代做、代写Take Home作业ppend your spreadsheet.3. Please do NOT include your name or email address on this PDF.4. You will have 48 hours to complete the assignment.Grading:Your assignment will be judged according to:1. The analytical approach and clarity of your graphs, tables, visualizations,2. The data decisions you made and reproducibility of the analysis,3. Strength of recommendations, prioritizations, and rationale behind those,4. The narrative of your presentation and ability to effectively communicate to non-technicalexecutives,5. How well you followed the directions.Data Provided:Contacts - contains a row for every time that an user makes an inquiry for a stay at a listing inRio de Janeiro.● id_guest_anon - id of the guest making the inquiry.● id_host_anon - id of the host of the listing to which the inquiry is made.● id_listing_anon - id of the listing to which the inquiry is made.● ts_interaction_first - UTC timestamp of the moment the inquiry is made.● ts_reply_at_first - UTC timestamp of the moment the host replies to the inquiry, if so.● ts_accepted_at_first - UTC timestamp of the moment the host accepts the inquiry, if so.● ts_booking_at - UTC timestamp of the moment the booking is made, if so.● ds_checkin_first - Date stamp of the check-in date of the inquiry.● ds_checkout_first - Date stamp of the check-out date of the inquiry.● m_guests - The number of guests the inquiry is for.● m_interactions - The total number of messages sent by both the guest and host.● m_first_message_length_in_characters - Number of characters in the first message sentby the guest, if a message was sent● contact_channel_first - The contact channel through which the inquiry was made. One of{contact_me, book_it, instant_book}. *See bottom of page for more detail*● guest_user_stage_first - Indicates whether the user has made a booking before sendingthe inquiry (“past booker”). If the user has not booked before, then the user is a newuser.Listings - contains data for every listing in the market● id_listing_anon - anonymized id of the listing● room_type - indicates whether the room is an entire home, private room, or shared room● listing_neighborhood - the neighborhood of the listing● total_reviews - the total number of reviews of the listing (at the time the data was pulled).Users - contains data for every user● id_user_anon - anonymized id of user● words_in_user_profile - the number of words in the “about me” section of the user’sAirbnb profile (at the time of contact)● country - origin country of the userFurther Information:There are three ways to book a listing on Airbnb:1. contact_me - The guests writes a message to the host to inquire about the listing. Thehost has the option to 1) pre-approve the guest to book their place, or 2) they can reject,or 3) they can write a free text message with no explicit acceptance or rejection. If thehost pre-approves, the guest can then go ahead and click to make the booking (but isnot obligated to).2. book_it - The guest puts money down to book the place directly, but the host has toaccept the reservation request. If the host accepts, the booking happens automatically. Ifyou have used Airbnb before, this shows up as a button labeled “Request to book”.3. instant_book - The guest books the listing directly, without any need for the host toaccept or reject actively (it is auto-accepted by the host). This shows up as a buttonlabeled “Book”.Note: A host can opt-in to the `instant_book` feature. If a host does so, a guest can use the`contact_me` or `instant_book` channels for booking that particular listing, but cannot use the`book_it` functionality. Alternatively, if a host does not opt in, a guest can use the `contact_me`or `book_it` channels only. We suggest that you browse the Airbnb website and look at listingsto see the different ways that you can message a host.转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2018122467203436.html



          本文标题:讲解:Data Scientist、Python、Python、
