The mighty boys
Book 1 where the trees grow
By: YangYang
Once upon a time there was a boy named Jacky Jones. He lived in a far off land named Cansour.
Every day he went to a place where nobody knows. There were completely nothing over there. Every time he went there he took a few seeds. Nobody knows why the boy takes seeds, lots say that the boy is a ghost and he eats the seeds over there so nobody would see him.
One day, one of Jacky’s friends named Nick followed him to the place where there were no trees before. When Nick got there he was surprised by all the trees over there. There were millions of trees.
Nick thought to himself that this couldn’t be true so he went back to tell the others. Jacky did not find Nick because he was hiding from tree to tree.
When Nick got back, not a single house was there, he was so amazed. So Nick walked back to the secret place. Every one of his friends were there, even Jacky. Nick asked Jacky why they would even follow him. Jacky replied that he heard a man wearing black say there is a ghost in town, so he told everyone about that, and he made this place and planted the trees for everyone to live so ghosts will not hurt people. When the ghost is gone they will move back.
Nick said: “Everyone thinks that you are the ghost, because you always bring seeds here and everyone thinks you eat the seeds”.
Jacky yelled “WHAT, THIS IS NOT TRUE”.
Nick said: “Calm down, calm down”.
Jacky grinned and said: “This could be our secret hideout”.
They lived happily ever after.