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The subtle art of not giving a f

The subtle art of not giving a f

作者: Vivienne411_ | 来源:发表于2018-01-16 23:54 被阅读0次

    Q1: What does Charles Bukowski's success try to prove?

    A1: We no longer need to give a fuck about everything .Life is just what it is .Just accept it ,everything will fall into place .

    Q2: What's wrong with the conventional life advice, which is fixating on what you lack?

    A2:What You dream of something all the time Just reinforce the reality that You are not that.

    Q3: Can you use your own words explaining what the Feedback Loop from Hell is?



    本书的主人翁Charles Bukowski 嗜酒,赌博,流连于烟花柳巷,妥妥的a loser ,就这样30年went by ,终于得到了一次shot ,也是唯一的一次,算是圆了自己的writer 梦。


    Don't try想表达的意思是:Bukowski取得了成功,但他不是因为多么努力、多么勤奋、多么正能量,而是因为他敢于做自己,只做自己想做的事,不在乎成败得失、他人的感受。And his success stemmed not from some determination to be a winner,but from the fact that He knew He was a loser,accepted it,and then wrote honestly about it. 作者用这里例子说明:self-improvement and success often occur together. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're the same thing.Bukowski通过做自己获取了大众眼中的成功。这种成功方式和我们更熟悉的“成功公式”不同,我们熟悉的是一个人为了买大房子,娶漂亮老婆,开兰博基尼而不懈努力奋斗,最终取得了成功。


    不过,wait,更大的房子、更好的车可不可能并不会带给我们真正的幸福?我们是不是在追逐a mirage of happiness and satisfaction?社交媒体也不断提醒我们:人生是多么美好啊!让我们觉得 negative experiences is totally not okay. 看看你的朋友圈,有人晒旅游,有人晒最近读的书,有人晒美食,不过,有人晒悲伤吗?如果有的话,我们可能就会说:这个人特别负能量,离ta远点吧!


    读到这里,我们想:don't try指的是什么?



    The pain of honest confrontation is what generates the greatest trust and respect in your relationships. Suffering through your fears and anxieties is what allows you to build courage and perseverance.



    When you go to the gym and lift really heavy weights, and when you feel the burn, you push on and do just one more rep – that’s when growth happens.

    特别特别喜欢最后几个单词,when pain happens, that is growth.


    And if you're dreaming of something all the time ,then you're reinforcing the same unconscious reality over and over :that you are not that .

    The key to a good Life is not giving a fuck about more ;it's giving a fuck about less ,giving a fuck about only What is true and immediate and important .

    After all ,the only way to overcome Pain is to first learn how to bear it .

    We no longer need to give a fuck about everything .Life is Just What it is .We accept it ,warts and all .

    Wanting positive experience is a negative experience ;accepting negative experience is a positive experience .



        本文标题:The subtle art of not giving a f
