D51 Week9 2017.8.17 Thurs.

D51 Week9 2017.8.17 Thurs.

作者: 齐大枣 | 来源:发表于2017-08-18 08:55 被阅读0次

1. essay  - well done

2. 周三翻译精进 \

3. 阅读标注单词 - done

4. 听力输入单词 - done

5. 政治经济类单词背诵 \

Steve Jobs continue

yester day I said that Seteve started a garage company with his close friend, Woz.  In the first decade, this garage company has gone from being just with two of them to a $2 billion sophisticate high tech company with over 4000 employees.

At that periods, there's anthoer great company, Pepsi, operated by a famous executive Scull, who Steve Jobs thought was very talented.  So Jobs had been trying for several months to lure him from West coast to East coast. Jobs spended hours following this man and gazing at the ancient Greek sculpture in the metropolitan museum of arts, Jobs was that kind of man who will make what he believe hapen.

So, things like Steve thought, that man, Scullt became a partner in running Apple, things went well in the first two years, however, Scullt soured on Jobs soon, becuase they have differences in the vioson of the future, then they had falling-out, but unfortunately , when they did, the board of directors siede with Scult, so Steve was out, and very publicly out.

Like Steve recalled later, as the turn of events at Apple what had been the focus of his whole adult life was gone, that was devastating.

Steve didn't really know what to do, he felt that he had let the preivious generation entrepreneurs down, that he had dropped the baton was being passed to him, he went to visit the creator of Hp and the starter of Intel try to apologize for scrwing up so badly, he thinked he was a very failure at that business circles, he even thought about running away from Valley.

But something slowly began to dawn on him, he found that he still loved what he did, actully, he was rejected, but he was still in love, so he decided to cheer up and start over.

During the next five years, he started a company named NeXT and the other company called Pixar, and sooner or later, the Pixar released the world's first full-length computer animated feature film, toy storr, then as we all know, Pixar is the most succesful animation studio in the world.

things were not only like that, Steve's new companies were firing on all cylinders, in a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, Jobs sold what he was left of NeXT for $400 million winfall, and the techonology they developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance.

' I'm prettey sure that none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple'' recalled Stever, " thanks to being rejected, the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of beginer again, less sure about everything, and that if freed me into one of the most creative periods of my life.'

The only thing kepte me going on was that I love what I did. Let me tell you something, you'll never understand it untill you get old, but relax that's part of life, because when  you get old, things get taken from you, you're gonna realize that there's no better way to be turly satisfied than by doing what you believe is great thing.

If you don't find it, keep seeking, don't settle, as with all the matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. and like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as year roll on, so keep looking untill you find it, don't settle.

man, another work is well done, make up.


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      本文标题:D51 Week9 2017.8.17 Thurs.
