PostgreSQL 源码解读(32)- 查询语句#17(查询优

PostgreSQL 源码解读(32)- 查询语句#17(查询优

作者: EthanHe | 来源:发表于2018-09-03 17:20 被阅读3次




  * eval_const_expressions
  * Reduce any recognizably constant subexpressions of the given
  * expression tree, for example "2 + 2" => "4".  More interestingly,
  * we can reduce certain boolean expressions even when they contain
  * non-constant subexpressions: "x OR true" => "true" no matter what
  * the subexpression x is.  (XXX We assume that no such subexpression
  * will have important side-effects, which is not necessarily a good
  * assumption in the presence of user-defined functions; do we need a
  * pg_proc flag that prevents discarding the execution of a function?)
  * We do understand that certain functions may deliver non-constant
  * results even with constant inputs, "nextval()" being the classic
  * example.  Functions that are not marked "immutable" in pg_proc
  * will not be pre-evaluated here, although we will reduce their
  * arguments as far as possible.
  * Whenever a function is eliminated from the expression by means of
  * constant-expression evaluation or inlining, we add the function to
  * root->glob->invalItems.  This ensures the plan is known to depend on
  * such functions, even though they aren't referenced anymore.
  * We assume that the tree has already been type-checked and contains
  * only operators and functions that are reasonable to try to execute.
  * NOTE: "root" can be passed as NULL if the caller never wants to do any
  * Param substitutions nor receive info about inlined functions.
  * NOTE: the planner assumes that this will always flatten nested AND and
  * OR clauses into N-argument form.  See comments in prepqual.c.
  * NOTE: another critical effect is that any function calls that require
  * default arguments will be expanded, and named-argument calls will be
  * converted to positional notation.  The executor won't handle either.

比如表达式1 + 2,直接求解得到3;x OR true,直接求解得到true而无需理会x的值,类似的x AND false直接求解得到false而无需理会x的值.

testdb=# explain verbose select max(a.dwbh::int+(1+2)) from t_dwxx a;
                               QUERY PLAN                                
 Aggregate  (cost=13.20..13.21 rows=1 width=4)
   Output: max(((dwbh)::integer + 3))
   ->  Seq Scan on public.t_dwxx a  (cost=0.00..11.60 rows=160 width=38)
         Output: dwmc, dwbh, dwdz
(4 rows)

testdb=# explain verbose select max(a.dwbh::int+1+2) from t_dwxx a;
                               QUERY PLAN                                
 Aggregate  (cost=13.60..13.61 rows=1 width=4)
   Output: max((((dwbh)::integer + 1) + 2))
   ->  Seq Scan on public.t_dwxx a  (cost=0.00..11.60 rows=160 width=38)
         Output: dwmc, dwbh, dwdz
(4 rows)




  * subquery_planner
  *    Invokes the planner on a subquery.  We recurse to here for each
  *    sub-SELECT found in the query tree.
  * glob is the global state for the current planner run.
  * parse is the querytree produced by the parser & rewriter.
  * parent_root is the immediate parent Query's info (NULL at the top level).
  * hasRecursion is true if this is a recursive WITH query.
  * tuple_fraction is the fraction of tuples we expect will be retrieved.
  * tuple_fraction is interpreted as explained for grouping_planner, below.
  * Basically, this routine does the stuff that should only be done once
  * per Query object.  It then calls grouping_planner.  At one time,
  * grouping_planner could be invoked recursively on the same Query object;
  * that's not currently true, but we keep the separation between the two
  * routines anyway, in case we need it again someday.
  * subquery_planner will be called recursively to handle sub-Query nodes
  * found within the query's expressions and rangetable.
  * Returns the PlannerInfo struct ("root") that contains all data generated
  * while planning the subquery.  In particular, the Path(s) attached to
  * the (UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL) upperrel represent our conclusions about the
  * cheapest way(s) to implement the query.  The top level will select the
  * best Path and pass it through createplan.c to produce a finished Plan.
    parent_root-父PlannerInfo Root节点
 PlannerInfo *
 subquery_planner(PlannerGlobal *glob, Query *parse,
                  PlannerInfo *parent_root,
                  bool hasRecursion, double tuple_fraction)
     PlannerInfo *root;//返回值
     List       *newWithCheckOptions;//
     List       *newHaving;//Having子句
     bool        hasOuterJoins;//是否存在Outer Join?
     RelOptInfo *final_rel;//
     ListCell   *l;//临时变量
     /* Create a PlannerInfo data structure for this subquery */
     root = makeNode(PlannerInfo);//构造返回值
     root->parse = parse;
     root->glob = glob;
     root->query_level = parent_root ? parent_root->query_level + 1 : 1;
     root->parent_root = parent_root;
     root->plan_params = NIL;
     root->outer_params = NULL;
     root->planner_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
     root->init_plans = NIL;
     root->cte_plan_ids = NIL;
     root->multiexpr_params = NIL;
     root->eq_classes = NIL;
     root->append_rel_list = NIL;
     root->rowMarks = NIL;
     memset(root->upper_rels, 0, sizeof(root->upper_rels));
     memset(root->upper_targets, 0, sizeof(root->upper_targets));
     root->processed_tlist = NIL;
     root->grouping_map = NULL;
     root->minmax_aggs = NIL;
     root->qual_security_level = 0;
     root->inhTargetKind = INHKIND_NONE;
     root->hasRecursion = hasRecursion;
     if (hasRecursion)
         root->wt_param_id = SS_assign_special_param(root);
         root->wt_param_id = -1;
     root->non_recursive_path = NULL;
     root->partColsUpdated = false;
      * If there is a WITH list, process each WITH query and build an initplan
      * SubPlan structure for it.
     if (parse->cteList)
         SS_process_ctes(root);//处理With 语句
      * Look for ANY and EXISTS SubLinks in WHERE and JOIN/ON clauses, and try
      * to transform them into joins.  Note that this step does not descend
      * into subqueries; if we pull up any subqueries below, their SubLinks are
      * processed just before pulling them up.
     if (parse->hasSubLinks)
         pull_up_sublinks(root); //上拉子链接
      * Scan the rangetable for set-returning functions, and inline them if
      * possible (producing subqueries that might get pulled up next).
      * Recursion issues here are handled in the same way as for SubLinks.
      * Check to see if any subqueries in the jointree can be merged into this
      * query.
      * If this is a simple UNION ALL query, flatten it into an appendrel. We
      * do this now because it requires applying pull_up_subqueries to the leaf
      * queries of the UNION ALL, which weren't touched above because they
      * weren't referenced by the jointree (they will be after we do this).
     if (parse->setOperations)
         flatten_simple_union_all(root);//扁平化处理UNION ALL
      * Detect whether any rangetable entries are RTE_JOIN kind; if not, we can
      * avoid the expense of doing flatten_join_alias_vars().  Also check for
      * outer joins --- if none, we can skip reduce_outer_joins().  And check
      * for LATERAL RTEs, too.  This must be done after we have done
      * pull_up_subqueries(), of course.
     root->hasJoinRTEs = false;
     root->hasLateralRTEs = false;
     hasOuterJoins = false;
     foreach(l, parse->rtable)
         RangeTblEntry *rte = lfirst_node(RangeTblEntry, l);
         if (rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN)
             root->hasJoinRTEs = true;
             if (IS_OUTER_JOIN(rte->jointype))
                 hasOuterJoins = true;
         if (rte->lateral)
             root->hasLateralRTEs = true;
      * Preprocess RowMark information.  We need to do this after subquery
      * pullup (so that all non-inherited RTEs are present) and before
      * inheritance expansion (so that the info is available for
      * expand_inherited_tables to examine and modify).
      * Expand any rangetable entries that are inheritance sets into "append
      * relations".  This can add entries to the rangetable, but they must be
      * plain base relations not joins, so it's OK (and marginally more
      * efficient) to do it after checking for join RTEs.  We must do it after
      * pulling up subqueries, else we'd fail to handle inherited tables in
      * subqueries.
      * Set hasHavingQual to remember if HAVING clause is present.  Needed
      * because preprocess_expression will reduce a constant-true condition to
      * an empty qual list ... but "HAVING TRUE" is not a semantic no-op.
     root->hasHavingQual = (parse->havingQual != NULL);
     /* Clear this flag; might get set in distribute_qual_to_rels */
     root->hasPseudoConstantQuals = false;
      * Do expression preprocessing on targetlist and quals, as well as other
      * random expressions in the querytree.  Note that we do not need to
      * handle sort/group expressions explicitly, because they are actually
      * part of the targetlist.
     parse->targetList = (List *)
         preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) parse->targetList,
     /* Constant-folding might have removed all set-returning functions */
     if (parse->hasTargetSRFs)
         parse->hasTargetSRFs = expression_returns_set((Node *) parse->targetList);
     newWithCheckOptions = NIL;
     foreach(l, parse->withCheckOptions)//witch Check Options
         WithCheckOption *wco = lfirst_node(WithCheckOption, l);
         wco->qual = preprocess_expression(root, wco->qual,
         if (wco->qual != NULL)
             newWithCheckOptions = lappend(newWithCheckOptions, wco);
     parse->withCheckOptions = newWithCheckOptions;
     parse->returningList = (List *)
         preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) parse->returningList,
     preprocess_qual_conditions(root, (Node *) parse->jointree);
     parse->havingQual = preprocess_expression(root, parse->havingQual,
     foreach(l, parse->windowClause)
         WindowClause *wc = lfirst_node(WindowClause, l);
         /* partitionClause/orderClause are sort/group expressions */
         wc->startOffset = preprocess_expression(root, wc->startOffset,
         wc->endOffset = preprocess_expression(root, wc->endOffset,
     parse->limitOffset = preprocess_expression(root, parse->limitOffset,
     parse->limitCount = preprocess_expression(root, parse->limitCount,
     //On Conflict子句
     if (parse->onConflict)
         parse->onConflict->arbiterElems = (List *)
                                   (Node *) parse->onConflict->arbiterElems,
         parse->onConflict->arbiterWhere =
         parse->onConflict->onConflictSet = (List *)
                                   (Node *) parse->onConflict->onConflictSet,
         parse->onConflict->onConflictWhere =
         /* exclRelTlist contains only Vars, so no preprocessing needed */
     root->append_rel_list = (List *)
         preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) root->append_rel_list,
     /* Also need to preprocess expressions within RTEs */
     foreach(l, parse->rtable)
         RangeTblEntry *rte = lfirst_node(RangeTblEntry, l);
         int         kind;
         ListCell   *lcsq;
         if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
             if (rte->tablesample)
                 rte->tablesample = (TableSampleClause *)
                                           (Node *) rte->tablesample,
         else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY)//子查询
              * We don't want to do all preprocessing yet on the subquery's
              * expressions, since that will happen when we plan it.  But if it
              * contains any join aliases of our level, those have to get
              * expanded now, because planning of the subquery won't do it.
              * That's only possible if the subquery is LATERAL.
             if (rte->lateral && root->hasJoinRTEs)
                 rte->subquery = (Query *)
                     flatten_join_alias_vars(root, (Node *) rte->subquery);
         else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_FUNCTION)//函数
             /* Preprocess the function expression(s) fully */
             kind = rte->lateral ? EXPRKIND_RTFUNC_LATERAL : EXPRKIND_RTFUNC;
             rte->functions = (List *)
                 preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) rte->functions, kind);
         else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_TABLEFUNC)//TABLE FUNC
             /* Preprocess the function expression(s) fully */
             kind = rte->lateral ? EXPRKIND_TABLEFUNC_LATERAL : EXPRKIND_TABLEFUNC;
             rte->tablefunc = (TableFunc *)
                 preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) rte->tablefunc, kind);
         else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES)//VALUES子句
             /* Preprocess the values lists fully */
             kind = rte->lateral ? EXPRKIND_VALUES_LATERAL : EXPRKIND_VALUES;
             rte->values_lists = (List *)
                 preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) rte->values_lists, kind);
          * Process each element of the securityQuals list as if it were a
          * separate qual expression (as indeed it is).  We need to do it this
          * way to get proper canonicalization of AND/OR structure.  Note that
          * this converts each element into an implicit-AND sublist.
         foreach(lcsq, rte->securityQuals)
             lfirst(lcsq) = preprocess_expression(root,
                                                  (Node *) lfirst(lcsq),
     return root;


  * preprocess_expression
  *      Do subquery_planner's preprocessing work for an expression,
  *      which can be a targetlist, a WHERE clause (including JOIN/ON
  *      conditions), a HAVING clause, or a few other things.
 static Node *
 preprocess_expression(PlannerInfo *root, Node *expr, int kind)
      * Fall out quickly if expression is empty.  This occurs often enough to
      * be worth checking.  Note that null->null is the correct conversion for
      * implicit-AND result format, too.
     if (expr == NULL)
         return NULL;
      * If the query has any join RTEs, replace join alias variables with
      * base-relation variables.  We must do this first, since any expressions
      * we may extract from the joinaliasvars lists have not been preprocessed.
      * For example, if we did this after sublink processing, sublinks expanded
      * out from join aliases would not get processed.  But we can skip this in
      * non-lateral RTE functions, VALUES lists, and TABLESAMPLE clauses, since
      * they can't contain any Vars of the current query level.
     if (root->hasJoinRTEs &&
         !(kind == EXPRKIND_RTFUNC ||
           kind == EXPRKIND_VALUES ||
           kind == EXPRKIND_TABLESAMPLE ||
           kind == EXPRKIND_TABLEFUNC))
         expr = flatten_join_alias_vars(root, expr);//扁平化处理joinaliasvars,上节已介绍
      * Simplify constant expressions.
      * Note: an essential effect of this is to convert named-argument function
      * calls to positional notation and insert the current actual values of
      * any default arguments for functions.  To ensure that happens, we *must*
      * process all expressions here.  Previous PG versions sometimes skipped
      * const-simplification if it didn't seem worth the trouble, but we can't
      * do that anymore.
      * Note: this also flattens nested AND and OR expressions into N-argument
      * form.  All processing of a qual expression after this point must be
      * careful to maintain AND/OR flatness --- that is, do not generate a tree
      * with AND directly under AND, nor OR directly under OR.
     expr = eval_const_expressions(root, expr);//简化常量表达式
      * If it's a qual or havingQual, canonicalize it.
     if (kind == EXPRKIND_QUAL)
         expr = (Node *) canonicalize_qual((Expr *) expr, false);//表达式规约,下节介绍
         printf("After canonicalize_qual()\n");
     /* Expand SubLinks to SubPlans */
     if (root->parse->hasSubLinks)//扩展子链接为子计划
         expr = SS_process_sublinks(root, expr, (kind == EXPRKIND_QUAL));
      * XXX do not insert anything here unless you have grokked the comments in
      * SS_replace_correlation_vars ...
     /* Replace uplevel vars with Param nodes (this IS possible in VALUES) */
     if (root->query_level > 1)
         expr = SS_replace_correlation_vars(root, expr);//使用Param节点替换上层的Vars
      * If it's a qual or havingQual, convert it to implicit-AND format. (We
      * don't want to do this before eval_const_expressions, since the latter
      * would be unable to simplify a top-level AND correctly. Also,
      * SS_process_sublinks expects explicit-AND format.)
     if (kind == EXPRKIND_QUAL)
         expr = (Node *) make_ands_implicit((Expr *) expr);
     return expr;


  * preprocess_qual_conditions
  *      Recursively scan the query's jointree and do subquery_planner's
  *      preprocessing work on each qual condition found therein.
 static void
 preprocess_qual_conditions(PlannerInfo *root, Node *jtnode)
     if (jtnode == NULL)
     if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))
         /* nothing to do here */
     else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))
         FromExpr   *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode;
         ListCell   *l;
         foreach(l, f->fromlist)
             preprocess_qual_conditions(root, lfirst(l));//递归调用
         f->quals = preprocess_expression(root, f->quals, EXPRKIND_QUAL);
     else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr))
         JoinExpr   *j = (JoinExpr *) jtnode;
         preprocess_qual_conditions(root, j->larg);//递归调用
         preprocess_qual_conditions(root, j->rarg);//递归调用
         j->quals = preprocess_expression(root, j->quals, EXPRKIND_QUAL);
         elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
              (int) nodeTag(jtnode));


 Node *
 eval_const_expressions(PlannerInfo *root, Node *node)
     eval_const_expressions_context context;
     if (root)
         context.boundParams = root->glob->boundParams;  /* bound Params */
         context.boundParams = NULL;
     context.root = root;        /* for inlined-function dependencies */
     context.active_fns = NIL;   /* nothing being recursively simplified */
     context.case_val = NULL;    /* no CASE being examined */
     context.estimate = false;   /* safe transformations only */
     return eval_const_expressions_mutator(node, &context);


  * Recursive guts of eval_const_expressions/estimate_expression_value
 static Node *
 eval_const_expressions_mutator(Node *node,
                                eval_const_expressions_context *context)
     if (node == NULL)
         return NULL;
     switch (nodeTag(node))
         case T_Param:
                 Param      *param = (Param *) node;
                 ParamListInfo paramLI = context->boundParams;
                 /* Look to see if we've been given a value for this Param */
                 if (param->paramkind == PARAM_EXTERN &&
                     paramLI != NULL &&
                     param->paramid > 0 &&
                     param->paramid <= paramLI->numParams)
                     ParamExternData *prm;
                     ParamExternData prmdata;
                      * Give hook a chance in case parameter is dynamic.  Tell
                      * it that this fetch is speculative, so it should avoid
                      * erroring out if parameter is unavailable.
                     if (paramLI->paramFetch != NULL)
                         prm = paramLI->paramFetch(paramLI, param->paramid,
                                                   true, &prmdata);
                         prm = &paramLI->params[param->paramid - 1];
                      * We don't just check OidIsValid, but insist that the
                      * fetched type match the Param, just in case the hook did
                      * something unexpected.  No need to throw an error here
                      * though; leave that for runtime.
                     if (OidIsValid(prm->ptype) &&
                         prm->ptype == param->paramtype)
                         /* OK to substitute parameter value? */
                         if (context->estimate ||
                             (prm->pflags & PARAM_FLAG_CONST))
                              * Return a Const representing the param value.
                              * Must copy pass-by-ref datatypes, since the
                              * Param might be in a memory context
                              * shorter-lived than our output plan should be.
                             int16       typLen;
                             bool        typByVal;
                             Datum       pval;
                                             &typLen, &typByVal);
                             if (prm->isnull || typByVal)
                                 pval = prm->value;
                                 pval = datumCopy(prm->value, typByVal, typLen);
                             return (Node *) makeConst(param->paramtype,
                                                       (int) typLen,
                  * Not replaceable, so just copy the Param (no need to
                  * recurse)
                 return (Node *) copyObject(param);
         case T_WindowFunc:
                 WindowFunc *expr = (WindowFunc *) node;
                 Oid         funcid = expr->winfnoid;
                 List       *args;
                 Expr       *aggfilter;
                 HeapTuple   func_tuple;
                 WindowFunc *newexpr;
                  * We can't really simplify a WindowFunc node, but we mustn't
                  * just fall through to the default processing, because we
                  * have to apply expand_function_arguments to its argument
                  * list.  That takes care of inserting default arguments and
                  * expanding named-argument notation.
                 func_tuple = SearchSysCache1(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(funcid));
                 if (!HeapTupleIsValid(func_tuple))
                     elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u", funcid);
                 args = expand_function_arguments(expr->args, expr->wintype,
                 /* Now, recursively simplify the args (which are a List) */
                 args = (List *)
                     expression_tree_mutator((Node *) args,
                                             (void *) context);
                 /* ... and the filter expression, which isn't */
                 aggfilter = (Expr *)
                     eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) expr->aggfilter,
                 /* And build the replacement WindowFunc node */
                 newexpr = makeNode(WindowFunc);
                 newexpr->winfnoid = expr->winfnoid;
                 newexpr->wintype = expr->wintype;
                 newexpr->wincollid = expr->wincollid;
                 newexpr->inputcollid = expr->inputcollid;
                 newexpr->args = args;
                 newexpr->aggfilter = aggfilter;
                 newexpr->winref = expr->winref;
                 newexpr->winstar = expr->winstar;
                 newexpr->winagg = expr->winagg;
                 newexpr->location = expr->location;
                 return (Node *) newexpr;
         case T_FuncExpr:
                 FuncExpr   *expr = (FuncExpr *) node;
                 List       *args = expr->args;
                 Expr       *simple;
                 FuncExpr   *newexpr;
                  * Code for op/func reduction is pretty bulky, so split it out
                  * as a separate function.  Note: exprTypmod normally returns
                  * -1 for a FuncExpr, but not when the node is recognizably a
                  * length coercion; we want to preserve the typmod in the
                  * eventual Const if so.
                 simple = simplify_function(expr->funcid,
                 if (simple)     /* successfully simplified it */
                     return (Node *) simple;
                  * The expression cannot be simplified any further, so build
                  * and return a replacement FuncExpr node using the
                  * possibly-simplified arguments.  Note that we have also
                  * converted the argument list to positional notation.
                 newexpr = makeNode(FuncExpr);
                 newexpr->funcid = expr->funcid;
                 newexpr->funcresulttype = expr->funcresulttype;
                 newexpr->funcretset = expr->funcretset;
                 newexpr->funcvariadic = expr->funcvariadic;
                 newexpr->funcformat = expr->funcformat;
                 newexpr->funccollid = expr->funccollid;
                 newexpr->inputcollid = expr->inputcollid;
                 newexpr->args = args;
                 newexpr->location = expr->location;
                 return (Node *) newexpr;
         case T_OpExpr://操作(运算)表达式
                 OpExpr     *expr = (OpExpr *) node;
                 List       *args = expr->args;
                 Expr       *simple;
                 OpExpr     *newexpr;
                  * Need to get OID of underlying function.  Okay to scribble
                  * on input to this extent.
                  * Code for op/func reduction is pretty bulky, so split it out
                  * as a separate function.
                 simple = simplify_function(expr->opfuncid,
                                            expr->opresulttype, -1,
                 if (simple)     /* successfully simplified it */
                     return (Node *) simple;
                  * If the operator is boolean equality or inequality, we know
                  * how to simplify cases involving one constant and one
                  * non-constant argument.
                 if (expr->opno == BooleanEqualOperator ||
                     expr->opno == BooleanNotEqualOperator)
                     simple = (Expr *) simplify_boolean_equality(expr->opno,
                     if (simple) /* successfully simplified it */
                         return (Node *) simple;
                  * The expression cannot be simplified any further, so build
                  * and return a replacement OpExpr node using the
                  * possibly-simplified arguments.
                 newexpr = makeNode(OpExpr);
                 newexpr->opno = expr->opno;
                 newexpr->opfuncid = expr->opfuncid;
                 newexpr->opresulttype = expr->opresulttype;
                 newexpr->opretset = expr->opretset;
                 newexpr->opcollid = expr->opcollid;
                 newexpr->inputcollid = expr->inputcollid;
                 newexpr->args = args;
                 newexpr->location = expr->location;
                 return (Node *) newexpr;
         case T_DistinctExpr:
                 DistinctExpr *expr = (DistinctExpr *) node;
                 List       *args;
                 ListCell   *arg;
                 bool        has_null_input = false;
                 bool        all_null_input = true;
                 bool        has_nonconst_input = false;
                 Expr       *simple;
                 DistinctExpr *newexpr;
                  * Reduce constants in the DistinctExpr's arguments.  We know
                  * args is either NIL or a List node, so we can call
                  * expression_tree_mutator directly rather than recursing to
                  * self.
                 args = (List *) expression_tree_mutator((Node *) expr->args,
                                                         (void *) context);
                  * We must do our own check for NULLs because DistinctExpr has
                  * different results for NULL input than the underlying
                  * operator does.
                 foreach(arg, args)
                     if (IsA(lfirst(arg), Const))
                         has_null_input |= ((Const *) lfirst(arg))->constisnull;
                         all_null_input &= ((Const *) lfirst(arg))->constisnull;
                         has_nonconst_input = true;
                 /* all constants? then can optimize this out */
                 if (!has_nonconst_input)
                     /* all nulls? then not distinct */
                     if (all_null_input)
                         return makeBoolConst(false, false);
                     /* one null? then distinct */
                     if (has_null_input)
                         return makeBoolConst(true, false);
                     /* otherwise try to evaluate the '=' operator */
                     /* (NOT okay to try to inline it, though!) */
                      * Need to get OID of underlying function.  Okay to
                      * scribble on input to this extent.
                     set_opfuncid((OpExpr *) expr);  /* rely on struct
                                                      * equivalence */
                      * Code for op/func reduction is pretty bulky, so split it
                      * out as a separate function.
                     simple = simplify_function(expr->opfuncid,
                                                expr->opresulttype, -1,
                     if (simple) /* successfully simplified it */
                          * Since the underlying operator is "=", must negate
                          * its result
                         Const      *csimple = castNode(Const, simple);
                         csimple->constvalue =
                         return (Node *) csimple;
                  * The expression cannot be simplified any further, so build
                  * and return a replacement DistinctExpr node using the
                  * possibly-simplified arguments.
                 newexpr = makeNode(DistinctExpr);
                 newexpr->opno = expr->opno;
                 newexpr->opfuncid = expr->opfuncid;
                 newexpr->opresulttype = expr->opresulttype;
                 newexpr->opretset = expr->opretset;
                 newexpr->opcollid = expr->opcollid;
                 newexpr->inputcollid = expr->inputcollid;
                 newexpr->args = args;
                 newexpr->location = expr->location;
                 return (Node *) newexpr;
         case T_ScalarArrayOpExpr:
                 ScalarArrayOpExpr *saop;
                 /* Copy the node and const-simplify its arguments */
                 saop = (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) ece_generic_processing(node);
                 /* Make sure we know underlying function */
                  * If all arguments are Consts, and it's a safe function, we
                  * can fold to a constant
                 if (ece_all_arguments_const(saop) &&
                     ece_function_is_safe(saop->opfuncid, context))
                     return ece_evaluate_expr(saop);
                 return (Node *) saop;
         case T_BoolExpr:
                 BoolExpr   *expr = (BoolExpr *) node;
                 switch (expr->boolop)
                     case OR_EXPR:
                             List       *newargs;
                             bool        haveNull = false;
                             bool        forceTrue = false;
                             newargs = simplify_or_arguments(expr->args,
                             if (forceTrue)
                                 return makeBoolConst(true, false);
                             if (haveNull)
                                 newargs = lappend(newargs,
                                                   makeBoolConst(false, true));
                             /* If all the inputs are FALSE, result is FALSE */
                             if (newargs == NIL)
                                 return makeBoolConst(false, false);
                              * If only one nonconst-or-NULL input, it's the
                              * result
                             if (list_length(newargs) == 1)
                                 return (Node *) linitial(newargs);
                             /* Else we still need an OR node */
                             return (Node *) make_orclause(newargs);
                     case AND_EXPR:
                             List       *newargs;
                             bool        haveNull = false;
                             bool        forceFalse = false;
                             newargs = simplify_and_arguments(expr->args,
                             if (forceFalse)
                                 return makeBoolConst(false, false);
                             if (haveNull)
                                 newargs = lappend(newargs,
                                                   makeBoolConst(false, true));
                             /* If all the inputs are TRUE, result is TRUE */
                             if (newargs == NIL)
                                 return makeBoolConst(true, false);
                              * If only one nonconst-or-NULL input, it's the
                              * result
                             if (list_length(newargs) == 1)
                                 return (Node *) linitial(newargs);
                             /* Else we still need an AND node */
                             return (Node *) make_andclause(newargs);
                     case NOT_EXPR:
                             Node       *arg;
                             Assert(list_length(expr->args) == 1);
                             arg = eval_const_expressions_mutator(linitial(expr->args),
                              * Use negate_clause() to see if we can simplify
                              * away the NOT.
                             return negate_clause(arg);
                         elog(ERROR, "unrecognized boolop: %d",
                              (int) expr->boolop);
         case T_SubPlan:
         case T_AlternativeSubPlan:
              * Return a SubPlan unchanged --- too late to do anything with it.
              * XXX should we ereport() here instead?  Probably this routine
              * should never be invoked after SubPlan creation.
             return node;
         case T_RelabelType:
                  * If we can simplify the input to a constant, then we don't
                  * need the RelabelType node anymore: just change the type
                  * field of the Const node.  Otherwise, must copy the
                  * RelabelType node.
                 RelabelType *relabel = (RelabelType *) node;
                 Node       *arg;
                 arg = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) relabel->arg,
                  * If we find stacked RelabelTypes (eg, from foo :: int ::
                  * oid) we can discard all but the top one.
                 while (arg && IsA(arg, RelabelType))
                     arg = (Node *) ((RelabelType *) arg)->arg;
                 if (arg && IsA(arg, Const))
                     Const      *con = (Const *) arg;
                     con->consttype = relabel->resulttype;
                     con->consttypmod = relabel->resulttypmod;
                     con->constcollid = relabel->resultcollid;
                     return (Node *) con;
                     RelabelType *newrelabel = makeNode(RelabelType);
                     newrelabel->arg = (Expr *) arg;
                     newrelabel->resulttype = relabel->resulttype;
                     newrelabel->resulttypmod = relabel->resulttypmod;
                     newrelabel->resultcollid = relabel->resultcollid;
                     newrelabel->relabelformat = relabel->relabelformat;
                     newrelabel->location = relabel->location;
                     return (Node *) newrelabel;
         case T_CoerceViaIO:
                 CoerceViaIO *expr = (CoerceViaIO *) node;
                 List       *args;
                 Oid         outfunc;
                 bool        outtypisvarlena;
                 Oid         infunc;
                 Oid         intypioparam;
                 Expr       *simple;
                 CoerceViaIO *newexpr;
                 /* Make a List so we can use simplify_function */
                 args = list_make1(expr->arg);
                  * CoerceViaIO represents calling the source type's output
                  * function then the result type's input function.  So, try to
                  * simplify it as though it were a stack of two such function
                  * calls.  First we need to know what the functions are.
                  * Note that the coercion functions are assumed not to care
                  * about input collation, so we just pass InvalidOid for that.
                 getTypeOutputInfo(exprType((Node *) expr->arg),
                                   &outfunc, &outtypisvarlena);
                                  &infunc, &intypioparam);
                 simple = simplify_function(outfunc,
                                            CSTRINGOID, -1,
                 if (simple)     /* successfully simplified output fn */
                      * Input functions may want 1 to 3 arguments.  We always
                      * supply all three, trusting that nothing downstream will
                      * complain.
                     args = list_make3(simple,
                     simple = simplify_function(infunc,
                                                expr->resulttype, -1,
                     if (simple) /* successfully simplified input fn */
                         return (Node *) simple;
                  * The expression cannot be simplified any further, so build
                  * and return a replacement CoerceViaIO node using the
                  * possibly-simplified argument.
                 newexpr = makeNode(CoerceViaIO);
                 newexpr->arg = (Expr *) linitial(args);
                 newexpr->resulttype = expr->resulttype;
                 newexpr->resultcollid = expr->resultcollid;
                 newexpr->coerceformat = expr->coerceformat;
                 newexpr->location = expr->location;
                 return (Node *) newexpr;
         case T_ArrayCoerceExpr:
                 ArrayCoerceExpr *ac;
                 /* Copy the node and const-simplify its arguments */
                 ac = (ArrayCoerceExpr *) ece_generic_processing(node);
                  * If constant argument and the per-element expression is
                  * immutable, we can simplify the whole thing to a constant.
                  * Exception: although contain_mutable_functions considers
                  * CoerceToDomain immutable for historical reasons, let's not
                  * do so here; this ensures coercion to an array-over-domain
                  * does not apply the domain's constraints until runtime.
                 if (ac->arg && IsA(ac->arg, Const) &&
                     ac->elemexpr && !IsA(ac->elemexpr, CoerceToDomain) &&
                     !contain_mutable_functions((Node *) ac->elemexpr))
                     return ece_evaluate_expr(ac);
                 return (Node *) ac;
         case T_CollateExpr:
                  * If we can simplify the input to a constant, then we don't
                  * need the CollateExpr node at all: just change the
                  * constcollid field of the Const node.  Otherwise, replace
                  * the CollateExpr with a RelabelType. (We do that so as to
                  * improve uniformity of expression representation and thus
                  * simplify comparison of expressions.)
                 CollateExpr *collate = (CollateExpr *) node;
                 Node       *arg;
                 arg = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) collate->arg,
                 if (arg && IsA(arg, Const))
                     Const      *con = (Const *) arg;
                     con->constcollid = collate->collOid;
                     return (Node *) con;
                 else if (collate->collOid == exprCollation(arg))
                     /* Don't need a RelabelType either... */
                     return arg;
                     RelabelType *relabel = makeNode(RelabelType);
                     relabel->resulttype = exprType(arg);
                     relabel->resulttypmod = exprTypmod(arg);
                     relabel->resultcollid = collate->collOid;
                     relabel->relabelformat = COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST;
                     relabel->location = collate->location;
                     /* Don't create stacked RelabelTypes */
                     while (arg && IsA(arg, RelabelType))
                         arg = (Node *) ((RelabelType *) arg)->arg;
                     relabel->arg = (Expr *) arg;
                     return (Node *) relabel;
         case T_CaseExpr:
                  * CASE expressions can be simplified if there are constant
                  * condition clauses:
                  *      FALSE (or NULL): drop the alternative
                  *      TRUE: drop all remaining alternatives
                  * If the first non-FALSE alternative is a constant TRUE,
                  * we can simplify the entire CASE to that alternative's
                  * expression.  If there are no non-FALSE alternatives,
                  * we simplify the entire CASE to the default result (ELSE).
                  * If we have a simple-form CASE with constant test
                  * expression, we substitute the constant value for contained
                  * CaseTestExpr placeholder nodes, so that we have the
                  * opportunity to reduce constant test conditions.  For
                  * example this allows
                  *      CASE 0 WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE 1/0 END
                  * to reduce to 1 rather than drawing a divide-by-0 error.
                  * Note that when the test expression is constant, we don't
                  * have to include it in the resulting CASE; for example
                  *      CASE 0 WHEN x THEN y ELSE z END
                  * is transformed by the parser to
                  *      CASE 0 WHEN CaseTestExpr = x THEN y ELSE z END
                  * which we can simplify to
                  *      CASE WHEN 0 = x THEN y ELSE z END
                  * It is not necessary for the executor to evaluate the "arg"
                  * expression when executing the CASE, since any contained
                  * CaseTestExprs that might have referred to it will have been
                  * replaced by the constant.
                 CaseExpr   *caseexpr = (CaseExpr *) node;
                 CaseExpr   *newcase;
                 Node       *save_case_val;
                 Node       *newarg;
                 List       *newargs;
                 bool        const_true_cond;
                 Node       *defresult = NULL;
                 ListCell   *arg;
                 /* Simplify the test expression, if any */
                 newarg = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) caseexpr->arg,
                 /* Set up for contained CaseTestExpr nodes */
                 save_case_val = context->case_val;
                 if (newarg && IsA(newarg, Const))
                     context->case_val = newarg;
                     newarg = NULL;  /* not needed anymore, see above */
                     context->case_val = NULL;
                 /* Simplify the WHEN clauses */
                 newargs = NIL;
                 const_true_cond = false;
                 foreach(arg, caseexpr->args)
                     CaseWhen   *oldcasewhen = lfirst_node(CaseWhen, arg);
                     Node       *casecond;
                     Node       *caseresult;
                     /* Simplify this alternative's test condition */
                     casecond = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) oldcasewhen->expr,
                      * If the test condition is constant FALSE (or NULL), then
                      * drop this WHEN clause completely, without processing
                      * the result.
                     if (casecond && IsA(casecond, Const))
                         Const      *const_input = (Const *) casecond;
                         if (const_input->constisnull ||
                             continue;   /* drop alternative with FALSE cond */
                         /* Else it's constant TRUE */
                         const_true_cond = true;
                     /* Simplify this alternative's result value */
                     caseresult = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) oldcasewhen->result,
                     /* If non-constant test condition, emit a new WHEN node */
                     if (!const_true_cond)
                         CaseWhen   *newcasewhen = makeNode(CaseWhen);
                         newcasewhen->expr = (Expr *) casecond;
                         newcasewhen->result = (Expr *) caseresult;
                         newcasewhen->location = oldcasewhen->location;
                         newargs = lappend(newargs, newcasewhen);
                      * Found a TRUE condition, so none of the remaining
                      * alternatives can be reached.  We treat the result as
                      * the default result.
                     defresult = caseresult;
                 /* Simplify the default result, unless we replaced it above */
                 if (!const_true_cond)
                     defresult = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) caseexpr->defresult,
                 context->case_val = save_case_val;
                  * If no non-FALSE alternatives, CASE reduces to the default
                  * result
                 if (newargs == NIL)
                     return defresult;
                 /* Otherwise we need a new CASE node */
                 newcase = makeNode(CaseExpr);
                 newcase->casetype = caseexpr->casetype;
                 newcase->casecollid = caseexpr->casecollid;
                 newcase->arg = (Expr *) newarg;
                 newcase->args = newargs;
                 newcase->defresult = (Expr *) defresult;
                 newcase->location = caseexpr->location;
                 return (Node *) newcase;
         case T_CaseTestExpr:
                  * If we know a constant test value for the current CASE
                  * construct, substitute it for the placeholder.  Else just
                  * return the placeholder as-is.
                 if (context->case_val)
                     return copyObject(context->case_val);
                     return copyObject(node);
         case T_ArrayRef:
         case T_ArrayExpr:
         case T_RowExpr:
                  * Generic handling for node types whose own processing is
                  * known to be immutable, and for which we need no smarts
                  * beyond "simplify if all inputs are constants".
                 /* Copy the node and const-simplify its arguments */
                 node = ece_generic_processing(node);
                 /* If all arguments are Consts, we can fold to a constant */
                 if (ece_all_arguments_const(node))
                     return ece_evaluate_expr(node);
                 return node;
         case T_CoalesceExpr:
                 CoalesceExpr *coalesceexpr = (CoalesceExpr *) node;
                 CoalesceExpr *newcoalesce;
                 List       *newargs;
                 ListCell   *arg;
                 newargs = NIL;
                 foreach(arg, coalesceexpr->args)
                     Node       *e;
                     e = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) lfirst(arg),
                      * We can remove null constants from the list. For a
                      * non-null constant, if it has not been preceded by any
                      * other non-null-constant expressions then it is the
                      * result. Otherwise, it's the next argument, but we can
                      * drop following arguments since they will never be
                      * reached.
                     if (IsA(e, Const))
                         if (((Const *) e)->constisnull)
                             continue;   /* drop null constant */
                         if (newargs == NIL)
                             return e;   /* first expr */
                         newargs = lappend(newargs, e);
                     newargs = lappend(newargs, e);
                  * If all the arguments were constant null, the result is just
                  * null
                 if (newargs == NIL)
                     return (Node *) makeNullConst(coalesceexpr->coalescetype,
                 newcoalesce = makeNode(CoalesceExpr);
                 newcoalesce->coalescetype = coalesceexpr->coalescetype;
                 newcoalesce->coalescecollid = coalesceexpr->coalescecollid;
                 newcoalesce->args = newargs;
                 newcoalesce->location = coalesceexpr->location;
                 return (Node *) newcoalesce;
         case T_SQLValueFunction:
                  * All variants of SQLValueFunction are stable, so if we are
                  * estimating the expression's value, we should evaluate the
                  * current function value.  Otherwise just copy.
                 SQLValueFunction *svf = (SQLValueFunction *) node;
                 if (context->estimate)
                     return (Node *) evaluate_expr((Expr *) svf,
                     return copyObject((Node *) svf);
         case T_FieldSelect:
                  * We can optimize field selection from a whole-row Var into a
                  * simple Var.  (This case won't be generated directly by the
                  * parser, because ParseComplexProjection short-circuits it.
                  * But it can arise while simplifying functions.)  Also, we
                  * can optimize field selection from a RowExpr construct, or
                  * of course from a constant.
                  * However, replacing a whole-row Var in this way has a
                  * pitfall: if we've already built the rel targetlist for the
                  * source relation, then the whole-row Var is scheduled to be
                  * produced by the relation scan, but the simple Var probably
                  * isn't, which will lead to a failure in setrefs.c.  This is
                  * not a problem when handling simple single-level queries, in
                  * which expression simplification always happens first.  It
                  * is a risk for lateral references from subqueries, though.
                  * To avoid such failures, don't optimize uplevel references.
                  * We must also check that the declared type of the field is
                  * still the same as when the FieldSelect was created --- this
                  * can change if someone did ALTER COLUMN TYPE on the rowtype.
                  * If it isn't, we skip the optimization; the case will
                  * probably fail at runtime, but that's not our problem here.
                 FieldSelect *fselect = (FieldSelect *) node;
                 FieldSelect *newfselect;
                 Node       *arg;
                 arg = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) fselect->arg,
                 if (arg && IsA(arg, Var) &&
                     ((Var *) arg)->varattno == InvalidAttrNumber &&
                     ((Var *) arg)->varlevelsup == 0)
                     if (rowtype_field_matches(((Var *) arg)->vartype,
                         return (Node *) makeVar(((Var *) arg)->varno,
                                                 ((Var *) arg)->varlevelsup);
                 if (arg && IsA(arg, RowExpr))
                     RowExpr    *rowexpr = (RowExpr *) arg;
                     if (fselect->fieldnum > 0 &&
                         fselect->fieldnum <= list_length(rowexpr->args))
                         Node       *fld = (Node *) list_nth(rowexpr->args,
                                                             fselect->fieldnum - 1);
                         if (rowtype_field_matches(rowexpr->row_typeid,
                                                   fselect->resultcollid) &&
                             fselect->resulttype == exprType(fld) &&
                             fselect->resulttypmod == exprTypmod(fld) &&
                             fselect->resultcollid == exprCollation(fld))
                             return fld;
                 newfselect = makeNode(FieldSelect);
                 newfselect->arg = (Expr *) arg;
                 newfselect->fieldnum = fselect->fieldnum;
                 newfselect->resulttype = fselect->resulttype;
                 newfselect->resulttypmod = fselect->resulttypmod;
                 newfselect->resultcollid = fselect->resultcollid;
                 if (arg && IsA(arg, Const))
                     Const      *con = (Const *) arg;
                     if (rowtype_field_matches(con->consttype,
                         return ece_evaluate_expr(newfselect);
                 return (Node *) newfselect;
         case T_NullTest:
                 NullTest   *ntest = (NullTest *) node;
                 NullTest   *newntest;
                 Node       *arg;
                 arg = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) ntest->arg,
                 if (ntest->argisrow && arg && IsA(arg, RowExpr))
                      * We break ROW(...) IS [NOT] NULL into separate tests on
                      * its component fields.  This form is usually more
                      * efficient to evaluate, as well as being more amenable
                      * to optimization.
                     RowExpr    *rarg = (RowExpr *) arg;
                     List       *newargs = NIL;
                     ListCell   *l;
                     foreach(l, rarg->args)
                         Node       *relem = (Node *) lfirst(l);
                          * A constant field refutes the whole NullTest if it's
                          * of the wrong nullness; else we can discard it.
                         if (relem && IsA(relem, Const))
                             Const      *carg = (Const *) relem;
                             if (carg->constisnull ?
                                 (ntest->nulltesttype == IS_NOT_NULL) :
                                 (ntest->nulltesttype == IS_NULL))
                                 return makeBoolConst(false, false);
                          * Else, make a scalar (argisrow == false) NullTest
                          * for this field.  Scalar semantics are required
                          * because IS [NOT] NULL doesn't recurse; see comments
                          * in ExecEvalRowNullInt().
                         newntest = makeNode(NullTest);
                         newntest->arg = (Expr *) relem;
                         newntest->nulltesttype = ntest->nulltesttype;
                         newntest->argisrow = false;
                         newntest->location = ntest->location;
                         newargs = lappend(newargs, newntest);
                     /* If all the inputs were constants, result is TRUE */
                     if (newargs == NIL)
                         return makeBoolConst(true, false);
                     /* If only one nonconst input, it's the result */
                     if (list_length(newargs) == 1)
                         return (Node *) linitial(newargs);
                     /* Else we need an AND node */
                     return (Node *) make_andclause(newargs);
                 if (!ntest->argisrow && arg && IsA(arg, Const))
                     Const      *carg = (Const *) arg;
                     bool        result;
                     switch (ntest->nulltesttype)
                         case IS_NULL:
                             result = carg->constisnull;
                         case IS_NOT_NULL:
                             result = !carg->constisnull;
                             elog(ERROR, "unrecognized nulltesttype: %d",
                                  (int) ntest->nulltesttype);
                             result = false; /* keep compiler quiet */
                     return makeBoolConst(result, false);
                 newntest = makeNode(NullTest);
                 newntest->arg = (Expr *) arg;
                 newntest->nulltesttype = ntest->nulltesttype;
                 newntest->argisrow = ntest->argisrow;
                 newntest->location = ntest->location;
                 return (Node *) newntest;
         case T_BooleanTest:
                  * This case could be folded into the generic handling used
                  * for ArrayRef etc.  But because the simplification logic is
                  * so trivial, applying evaluate_expr() to perform it would be
                  * a heavy overhead.  BooleanTest is probably common enough to
                  * justify keeping this bespoke implementation.
                 BooleanTest *btest = (BooleanTest *) node;
                 BooleanTest *newbtest;
                 Node       *arg;
                 arg = eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) btest->arg,
                 if (arg && IsA(arg, Const))
                     Const      *carg = (Const *) arg;
                     bool        result;
                     switch (btest->booltesttype)
                         case IS_TRUE:
                             result = (!carg->constisnull &&
                         case IS_NOT_TRUE:
                             result = (carg->constisnull ||
                         case IS_FALSE:
                             result = (!carg->constisnull &&
                         case IS_NOT_FALSE:
                             result = (carg->constisnull ||
                         case IS_UNKNOWN:
                             result = carg->constisnull;
                         case IS_NOT_UNKNOWN:
                             result = !carg->constisnull;
                             elog(ERROR, "unrecognized booltesttype: %d",
                                  (int) btest->booltesttype);
                             result = false; /* keep compiler quiet */
                     return makeBoolConst(result, false);
                 newbtest = makeNode(BooleanTest);
                 newbtest->arg = (Expr *) arg;
                 newbtest->booltesttype = btest->booltesttype;
                 newbtest->location = btest->location;
                 return (Node *) newbtest;
         case T_PlaceHolderVar:
              * In estimation mode, just strip the PlaceHolderVar node
              * altogether; this amounts to estimating that the contained value
              * won't be forced to null by an outer join.  In regular mode we
              * just use the default behavior (ie, simplify the expression but
              * leave the PlaceHolderVar node intact).
             if (context->estimate)
                 PlaceHolderVar *phv = (PlaceHolderVar *) node;
                 return eval_const_expressions_mutator((Node *) phv->phexpr,
      * For any node type not handled above, copy the node unchanged but
      * const-simplify its subexpressions.  This is the correct thing for node
      * types whose behavior might change between planning and execution, such
      * as CoerceToDomain.  It's also a safe default for new node types not
      * known to this routine.
     return ece_generic_processing(node);


  * Subroutine for eval_const_expressions: try to simplify a function call
  * (which might originally have been an operator; we don't care)
  * Inputs are the function OID, actual result type OID (which is needed for
  * polymorphic functions), result typmod, result collation, the input
  * collation to use for the function, the original argument list (not
  * const-simplified yet, unless process_args is false), and some flags;
  * also the context data for eval_const_expressions.
  * Returns a simplified expression if successful, or NULL if cannot
  * simplify the function call.
  * This function is also responsible for converting named-notation argument
  * lists into positional notation and/or adding any needed default argument
  * expressions; which is a bit grotty, but it avoids extra fetches of the
  * function's pg_proc tuple.  For this reason, the args list is
  * pass-by-reference.  Conversion and const-simplification of the args list
  * will be done even if simplification of the function call itself is not
  * possible.
 static Expr *
 simplify_function(Oid funcid, Oid result_type, int32 result_typmod,
                   Oid result_collid, Oid input_collid, List **args_p,
                   bool funcvariadic, bool process_args, bool allow_non_const,
                   eval_const_expressions_context *context)
     List       *args = *args_p;
     HeapTuple   func_tuple;
     Form_pg_proc func_form;
     Expr       *newexpr;
      * We have three strategies for simplification: execute the function to
      * deliver a constant result, use a transform function to generate a
      * substitute node tree, or expand in-line the body of the function
      * definition (which only works for simple SQL-language functions, but
      * that is a common case).  Each case needs access to the function's
      * pg_proc tuple, so fetch it just once.
      * Note: the allow_non_const flag suppresses both the second and third
      * strategies; so if !allow_non_const, simplify_function can only return a
      * Const or NULL.  Argument-list rewriting happens anyway, though.
     func_tuple = SearchSysCache1(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(funcid));
     if (!HeapTupleIsValid(func_tuple))
         elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u", funcid);
     func_form = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(func_tuple);
      * Process the function arguments, unless the caller did it already.
      * Here we must deal with named or defaulted arguments, and then
      * recursively apply eval_const_expressions to the whole argument list.
     if (process_args)//参数不为空
         args = expand_function_arguments(args, result_type, func_tuple);//展开参数
         args = (List *) expression_tree_mutator((Node *) args,
                                                 (void *) context);//递归处理
         /* Argument processing done, give it back to the caller */
         *args_p = args;//重新赋值
     /* Now attempt simplification of the function call proper. */
     newexpr = evaluate_function(funcid, result_type, result_typmod,
                                 result_collid, input_collid,
                                 args, funcvariadic,
                                 func_tuple, context);//对函数进行预求解
     if (!newexpr && allow_non_const && OidIsValid(func_form->protransform))
          * Build a dummy FuncExpr node containing the simplified arg list.  We
          * use this approach to present a uniform interface to the transform
          * function regardless of how the function is actually being invoked.
         FuncExpr    fexpr;
         fexpr.xpr.type = T_FuncExpr;
         fexpr.funcid = funcid;
         fexpr.funcresulttype = result_type;
         fexpr.funcretset = func_form->proretset;
         fexpr.funcvariadic = funcvariadic;
         fexpr.funcformat = COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL;
         fexpr.funccollid = result_collid;
         fexpr.inputcollid = input_collid;
         fexpr.args = args;
         fexpr.location = -1;
         newexpr = (Expr *)
     if (!newexpr && allow_non_const)
         newexpr = inline_function(funcid, result_type, result_collid,
                                   input_collid, args, funcvariadic,
                                   func_tuple, context);
     return newexpr;

  * evaluate_expr: pre-evaluate a constant expression
  * We use the executor's routine ExecEvalExpr() to avoid duplication of
  * code and ensure we get the same result as the executor would get.
 static Expr *
 evaluate_expr(Expr *expr, Oid result_type, int32 result_typmod,
               Oid result_collation)
     EState     *estate;
     ExprState  *exprstate;
     MemoryContext oldcontext;
     Datum       const_val;
     bool        const_is_null;
     int16       resultTypLen;
     bool        resultTypByVal;
      * To use the executor, we need an EState.
     estate = CreateExecutorState();
     /* We can use the estate's working context to avoid memory leaks. */
     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);
     /* Make sure any opfuncids are filled in. */
     fix_opfuncids((Node *) expr);
      * Prepare expr for execution.  (Note: we can't use ExecPrepareExpr
      * because it'd result in recursively invoking eval_const_expressions.)
     exprstate = ExecInitExpr(expr, NULL);
      * And evaluate it.
      * It is OK to use a default econtext because none of the ExecEvalExpr()
      * code used in this situation will use econtext.  That might seem
      * fortuitous, but it's not so unreasonable --- a constant expression does
      * not depend on context, by definition, n'est ce pas?
     const_val = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(exprstate,
     /* Get info needed about result datatype */
     get_typlenbyval(result_type, &resultTypLen, &resultTypByVal);
     /* Get back to outer memory context */
      * Must copy result out of sub-context used by expression eval.
      * Also, if it's varlena, forcibly detoast it.  This protects us against
      * storing TOAST pointers into plans that might outlive the referenced
      * data.  (makeConst would handle detoasting anyway, but it's worth a few
      * extra lines here so that we can do the copy and detoast in one step.)
     if (!const_is_null)
         if (resultTypLen == -1)
             const_val = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(const_val));
             const_val = datumCopy(const_val, resultTypByVal, resultTypLen);
     /* Release all the junk we just created */
      * Make the constant result node.
     return (Expr *) makeConst(result_type, result_typmod, result_collation,
                               const_val, const_is_null,

  * ExecEvalExprSwitchContext
  * Same as ExecEvalExpr, but get into the right allocation context explicitly.
 #ifndef FRONTEND
 static inline Datum
 ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(ExprState *state,
                           ExprContext *econtext,
                           bool *isNull)
     Datum       retDatum;
     MemoryContext oldContext;
     oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
     retDatum = state->evalfunc(state, econtext, isNull);
     return retDatum;



select max(a.dwbh::int+(1+2)) 
from t_dwxx a;


Breakpoint 1, preprocess_expression (root=0x133eca8, expr=0x13441a8, kind=1) at planner.c:1007
1007        if (expr == NULL)
(gdb) p *(TargetEntry *)((List *)expr)->head->data.ptr_value
$6 = {xpr = {type = T_TargetEntry}, expr = 0x1343fb8, resno = 1, resname = 0x124bb38 "max", ressortgroupref = 0, 
  resorigtbl = 0, resorigcol = 0, resjunk = false}
(gdb) p *(Const *)$opexpr->args->head->data.ptr_value
$25 = {xpr = {type = T_Const}, consttype = 23, consttypmod = -1, constcollid = 0, constlen = 4, constvalue = 1, 
  constisnull = false, constbyval = true, location = 24}
(gdb) p *(Const *)$opexpr->args->tail->data.ptr_value
$26 = {xpr = {type = T_Const}, consttype = 23, consttypmod = -1, constcollid = 0, constlen = 4, constvalue = 2, 
  constisnull = false, constbyval = true, location = 26}
(gdb) info break
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000076ac6f in preprocess_expression at planner.c:1007
    breakpoint already hit 8 times
(gdb) del 1
(gdb) b clauses.c:2713
Breakpoint 2 at 0x78952a: file clauses.c, line 2713.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, eval_const_expressions_mutator (node=0x124cbf0, context=0x7ffebc48f630) at clauses.c:2716
2716                    set_opfuncid(expr);
(gdb) p *((OpExpr *)node)->args
$29 = {type = T_List, length = 2, head = 0x124cbd0, tail = 0x124cb80}
(gdb) p *(Node *)((OpExpr *)node)->args->head->data.ptr_value
$30 = {type = T_CoerceViaIO}
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, eval_const_expressions_mutator (node=0x124cb30, context=0x7ffebc48f630) at clauses.c:2716
2716                    set_opfuncid(expr);
(gdb) p *(Node *)((OpExpr *)node)->args->head->data.ptr_value
$34 = {type = T_Const}
(gdb) p *(Const *)((OpExpr *)node)->args->head->data.ptr_value
$35 = {xpr = {type = T_Const}, consttype = 23, consttypmod = -1, constcollid = 0, constlen = 4, constvalue = 1, 
  constisnull = false, constbyval = true, location = 24}
(gdb) step
simplify_function (funcid=177, result_type=23, result_typmod=-1, result_collid=0, input_collid=0, args_p=0x7ffebc48c838, 
    funcvariadic=false, process_args=true, allow_non_const=true, context=0x7ffebc48f630) at clauses.c:4022
4022        List       *args = *args_p; 
(gdb) p *func_form
$38 = {proname = {data = "int4pl", '\000' <repeats 57 times>}, pronamespace = 11, proowner = 10, prolang = 12, procost = 1, 
  prorows = 0, provariadic = 0, protransform = 0, prokind = 102 'f', prosecdef = false, proleakproof = false, 
  proisstrict = true, proretset = false, provolatile = 105 'i', proparallel = 115 's', pronargs = 2, pronargdefaults = 0, 
  prorettype = 23, proargtypes = {vl_len_ = 128, ndim = 1, dataoffset = 0, elemtype = 26, dim1 = 2, lbound1 = 0, 
    values = 0x7fd820a599a4}}
(gdb) p const_val
$48 = 3
evaluate_function (funcid=177, result_type=23, result_typmod=-1, result_collid=0, input_collid=0, args=0x13135c8, 
    funcvariadic=false, func_tuple=0x7fd820a598d8, context=0x7ffebc48f630) at clauses.c:4424
4424    }
simplify_function (funcid=177, result_type=23, result_typmod=-1, result_collid=0, input_collid=0, args_p=0x7ffebc48c838, 
    funcvariadic=false, process_args=true, allow_non_const=true, context=0x7ffebc48f630) at clauses.c:4067
4067        if (!newexpr && allow_non_const && OidIsValid(func_form->protransform))
(gdb) p *newexpr
$50 = {type = T_Const}
(gdb) p *(Const *)newexpr
$51 = {xpr = {type = T_Const}, consttype = 23, consttypmod = -1, constcollid = 0, constlen = 4, constvalue = 3, 
  constisnull = false, constbyval = true, location = -1}







    本文标题:PostgreSQL 源码解读(32)- 查询语句#17(查询优
