python 内置类型(一)

python 内置类型(一)

作者: xpf2000 | 来源:发表于2018-01-31 22:12 被阅读58次

    一、真值的定义Truth Value


    1.定义常量为 None 或者 False.
    2.数值定义中的0,如:0, float(0.0),
    3.空序列、空字典、空集合、空对象等如: (), [], {}, set(), range(0)

    二、and, or, not

    x and y x为真且y为真则为真,否则为假
    x or y x为假且y为假则为假,否则为真
    not x x为真则为假,否则为真


    < 1 < 2
    <= 2 <= 2
    > 3 > 2
    >= 3 >= 2
    == 2 == 2
    != 3 != 2
    is '123' is '123'
    is not '123' is not '123'



    x + y sum of x and y
    x - y difference of x and y
    x * y product of x and y
    x / y quotient of x and y
    x // y floored quotient of x and y
    x % y remainder of x / y
    -x x negated
    +x x unchanged
    abs(x) absolute value or magnitude of x
    int(x) x converted to integer
    float(x) x converted to floating point
    complex(re, im) a complex number with real part re, imaginary part im.im defaults to zero.
    c.conjugate() conjugate of the complex number c
    divmod(x, y) the pair (x // y, x % y)
    pow(x, y) x to the power y
    x ** y x to the power y


    x | y bitwise or of x and y
    x ^ y bitwise exclusive or of x and y
    x & y bitwise and of x and y
    x << n x shifted left by n bits
    x >> n x shifted right by n bits
    ~x the bits of x inverted



          本文标题:python 内置类型(一)
