

作者: 1半壹半 | 来源:发表于2016-06-22 08:22 被阅读0次
“There are no decisions; there is only interaction with what is in front of you. Decisions come because you have attachments, desires, and fears. The only thing that will help you is to let go. If you let go of yours stuff, there are no decisions – there is just Life.” – MICHAEL A. SINGER 《The Surrender Experiment – My Journey into Life’s Perfection》


“Surrender - what an amazingly powerful word. It often engenders the thought of weakness and cowardice. In my case, it required all the strength I had to be brave enough to follow the invisible into the unknown. And that is exactly what I was doing. It’s not that surrender gave me clarity about where I was going – I had no idea where it would lead me. But surrender did give me clarity in one essential area: my personal preferences of like and dislike were not going to guide my life. By surrendering the hold those powerful forces had on me, I was allowing my life to be guided by a much more powerful force, life itself.”


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