Good habits are a stepping stone to success.
Practice is a stepping stone to perfection.
1. 好习惯是成功的垫脚石。 Good habits are a stepping stone to succes...
翻译 Good habits are a stepping stone to success. 造句 Practi...
[C]垫脚石;引申意思为敲门砖 A是B的敲门砖 A is a stepping stone to B. Barac...
用法: “stepping stone”是可数名词,字面意思是“垫脚石”,和中文完美对应。和中文中的“垫脚石”一样...
1.好习惯是成功的垫脚石。 Good habits are a stepping stone to success...
“stepping stone”是可数名词,字面意思是“垫脚石”,和中文完美对应。和中文中的“垫脚石”一样,ste...
. 认识这个词(基础篇) 词:stepping stone 英英释义:something that helps y...
1.翻译: 好习惯是成功的垫脚石。 Good habits are a stepping stone to suc...
1. 认识这个词(基础篇) 词:stepping stone 英英释义:something that helps ...
认识这个词(基础篇) 词:stepping stone 英英释义:something that helps you...
本文标题:每日一词 stepping stone