发音器官:双唇lips 、鼻腔nasal cavity、牙齿teeth、舌尖tip of tongue、舌根root of tongue、口腔oral cavity、硬腭hard palate





[e] 舌头抵住下面的牙齿,上下牙齿之间留一个手指的宽度发音

[æ] 舌头抵住下面的牙齿,上下牙齿之间留两个手指的宽度发音

20200103 房小树 分享单词D2
happy [ˈhæpi] adj
20200105 房小树 分享单词D3
lesson [ˈlesn] n
20200106 房小树 分享单词D4
log [ˈlog] n
20200107 房小树 分享单词D5
look [ˈluk] v&n
20200108 房小树 分享单词D6
little [ˈlitl] adj
20200109 房小树 分享单词D7
fun[ˈfʌn] n
20200110 房小树 分享单词D7
teacher['titʃɚ] n
From this year, I have had English lessons. look around the classmates in the wechat group, most of them keep a word-log every day, even though the study time is a little and flexible. Moreover, our teacher is awesome. She makes the learning funny. And we all learn happily.