- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
- Harry Potter and chamber of secr
1. The four long house tables were laden with tureens of porridge
2. Errol!” said Ron, pulling the bedraggled owl out by the feet.
I saw a bedraggled man walking in the rain.
3. People throughout the hall were swiveling around to see who had received the Howler, and Ron sank so low in his chair that only his crimson forehead could be seen.
Swiveling 可旋转的
Most of hotels have a swiveling gate.
Crimson 深红色的
The Tibetan have a crimson face.
4. Harry had been wondering when his name was going to crop up.
I don't know why he crop up now.