1. 装作轻描淡写的样子,不经意的提起这件事。
Just casually slip it in. Lay the groundwork.
这里lay the groundwork指的轻描淡写,字典意思是打下...基础,为...做准备。
You guys could help clue him in.
2. 门上的锁用不了。
I can't get the lock to work on the door.
3. 博士论文
doctoral dissertation
4. (图书馆里)他们朝书架后面一个比较隐秘的区域走去。
They start heading that way, towards a secluded section behind the racks.
5. (Monica)她没有把绑着龙虾爪子的橡皮筋拿掉,就准备把龙虾扔进锅里煮,所以她也不是一个那么好的厨师。
She is about to throw a lobster into a boiling water. Although, she hasn't taken off the rubber bands that hold the claws, so she can't be that good of a chef.
6. Joey总爱说,这段感情不会有什么发展的。
I don't see it going anywhere.
I don't see this having a future.
7.晨读提到过的两个动词连用,go do... come do...
-We should go catch our movie.
-What's the rush? 急啥
-I like to see the previews.
8. 找个人来替班
I just have to find someone to cover my shift.
9. 关于增加安保人员,现在图书馆也缺人。
As far as increasing security, I'm afraid the library is very understaffed.
10. 她是Met球迷,不过现在还不是个问题,但是如果有孩子就...
Although she is a Met fan, not much of an issue now but if were to have kids, that's...
11. 这句非常简单的话总是读不好,死磕,上厕所的时候多练练
I love arguing with her.
12. 温习,复习
Are you just here to brush up on Marion's views on evolution?
Brush up on 温习复习,我之前学过西班牙语但是好久没练习了,如果再打算去西班牙需要温习就可以说:I need to brush up on Spanish before I go to Barcelona.
13. 延时摄影 time-lapse photography/video