Day2-be set for life 一辈子不愁;世界很大,

Day2-be set for life 一辈子不愁;世界很大,

作者: YAN_tdlorang | 来源:发表于2021-11-10 23:03 被阅读0次

    Ladies and germs 

    gambit 开场白

    neither did any of other kids

    there is still hope for a person like me

    sport 穿

    you are set for life 一辈子不用愁;衣食无忧

    rich enough not to need to work

    you can retire young 英年退休

    he die young 英年早逝

    he came prepared 有备而来


    the world is so big, I wanna take a look


    there are lots of places I  would like to visit and things I would like to see

    just yet 早晚会放弃,但是因为某些原因还没放弃

    否定+ just yet

    not yet 

    not just yet

    Field Day 运动会;郊游;野餐

    sport day 运动会

    announcing 物作主语

    up raise 提升;增加

    could use  等同于 need


    take something lightly



    没当回事 take sth lightly

    我不是说不尊重你, I am not trying to be rude or anything, 

    I told Dad I wanted to get in shape, and he said I could start going to the gym with him. I am not trying to be rude or anything, but Dad has been going to the same gym for years, and whatever he is doing there doesn't really like it is working.



    i'm not trying to be rude anything, but your English just fine.


    I am not trying to be rude anything, but smartphone marker like VIVO, OPPO, Xiaomi, just fine.

    threw on 套上

    tag along 跟随;跟屁虫

    the gym was packed 人满了; crowded; full of people


    there weren't any people who are at my age.

    there weren't any people my age there.

    Technically 技术上;按规定;按道理来讲 (英文意思比中文要广)

    Technically, it's fine, but it's not idiomatic. 语法上,理论上来讲可以,但不够地道

    in theory 理论上讲


    on paper


     sit-ups 仰卧起坐

    jumping jacks 开合跳

    so I had to try and figure things out for Myself

    and I am still not a hundred percent sure I was using the equipment the right way.

    其实作者这里想表达的他一点都不确定,I am not sure at all 一点都不懂

    I didn‘t have the best service there. 字面意思,我在那没得到最好的服务。实际上想说,我在那得到的服务非常差。

    Eric isn't the easiest person to get along with. Eric 不是说最好相处的人,

    Eric is impossible/is difficult 非常难以相处



    he is not the smartest person I have seen 中文翻译过来,他不是我见过的最聪明的人,英文的意思,其实是说他很蠢。

    hog 猪;霸占

    hogging the microphone 麦霸

    road hogging 这路是你家的啊;路霸

    lane hogger 

    hogging the equipment 

    open up 空闲;等器械空闲下来,

    I waited for one of the machine to open up 


    open up 我们可能会这样表达 to be available or accessible

    简写 remote 遥控器 remote control 

    简写 contact 隐形眼镜 contact lens 

    简写 ref reference

    investigate 中文 调查,英文语境 去看看

    不要建立 英到中 一对一的翻译

    比如 man 就一定是翻译为男人吗?当然不是

    I am just kidding, man 这里肯定不是表达男人啊,我是开玩笑的,这里就是嘿,哥们

    old man 父母,(口语)老爸

    old lady 老婆




    serious offers only 

    take sth seriously

    take sth lightly

    all the serious people hang out


    if you win the gold medal 金牌

    you will be set for life 如果你得金牌了,这辈子就不用愁了,就人生自由了

    go for there 不知道练撒,那我先练肱二头肌吧,再说,看看怎么样


    what to do next?

    where do we go from here?

    go from there 先试一试,看看会怎么样

    I didn't need to stress about it 我不用担心

    worry about it

    dumbbells 哑铃

    off the rack

    rack  货架

    off the rack clothes 从货架直接拿下来的衣服;商场随便买的;标准尺寸

    对比还有一种,就是designer 量身定做的;tailor made  customized 

    racks 胸部 粗俗说法

    bust 偏口语

    boops 口语

    nipple 乳头


    bosom 乳房 (文学)

    breast 乳房

    I couldn't budge the barbell 一动不动

    budge 移动;挪动

    move shift


    so many people tell Yugong you can't do it; you are being impossible; you are being stupid, but he couldn't budge 很多人跟愚公讲怎样怎样,但愚公他不肯改变他的注意;



    many say you can't do it, but don't budge

    when it comes to getting in shape, exercise is only half the picture. nutrition is just as important. 

    你想要 健身,光去迈开腿不行,还得管住嘴。

    seeing it through and digest what you've learn 


    No offense to Mom or anything

    A: I am not trying to be rude or anything


    B: no, none taken 没事;我不介意



          本文标题:Day2-be set for life 一辈子不愁;世界很大,
