

作者: 简直不能取名称 | 来源:发表于2018-03-06 23:30 被阅读0次

(It’s worthy spending time on reading “beloved” in February [black history month]. )

The whole story is a complete horror story. However, the scariest isn’t the ghost part; instead, it’s the real living conditions of black slaves during that time. Author vividly described the horrible situation and black people’s desperation in it, and how they yearned for freedom. The story is so alive that I had to look up dictionary frequently to understand the true meaning of words and phrases. :-)

The irony of the story is Sethe killed her beloved daughter to avoid her daughter following her miserable life path as a female slave. The characters’ desperation makes me want to know what really happened to black slaves during that period in history. How blacks escaped from farmland in the south to free state in the north, what historical events were related and what political policies were related etc become really fascinating to me.


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