想到这个最重要的原因,如今需要承受的这点焦虑感根本不值一提,因为没有考上的人也承认着或多或少的这份煎熬。 为此,我需要尽快进去刚报名时的那种状态。
昨天白天,周一我上白班,时间挺自由的,其实我最不能放开的是当着同事的面准备考试。 我想是因为我不想让人知道,但是我还是做了一些事情,比如听了二十九课的美剧口语课,把之前一直忽略的音频都下载了下来。
Last Saturdays, it was very hot. Just because of that , doesn't mean no one is working. While most of us were having a rest at home, Li Yue is the one who purchased all the costumes we needed for the singing contest. The costumes were fantistic and we won.
Li Yue was spoke highly of by classmates and teachers. Students are inspired by her selflessness.
What she did not only make us win the singing contest, but teach us to looking out for our class.
She is the seliest girl I have erver seen.