

作者: 洸洸_bd31 | 来源:发表于2018-12-21 22:40 被阅读0次

首先很抱歉,今天几次尝试,图片上传都失败了,所以就没有配图了T T

There is a friendship which is pure.There is a love which is flawless.It is the little prince that presents me with a land of idyllic beauty.Andre Maurois evaluated the little prince impartially:It contains a whole set of philosophical thoughts in its poetic language.The children’s book for adults is extremely thought-provoking on the grounds that it implicitly relays the author’s outlook on life.What impressed me most in the book was the pure love between the rose and the little prince.

    Asteroid B612,the planet which the little prince came from ,was scarcely any larger than a house.The catastrophe of the baobabs might take place if you were not self-discipline.And there was an unparalleled rose who was delicate ,charming and naive.The little prince lived on the unique star. He tended the rose with love and greatest care,having a sprinkling can of fresh water daily ,preparing a screen and a glass globe for her as well.

      Nonetheless,they didn’t figure out how to cherish each other. Consequently, the discrepancy and misunderstanding between their thoughts underlied the unsophisticated prince’s choice to leave .But after his rash leaving,his sentimental emotion unexceptionally stemmed from the worries of the rose,since he had a deep affection for the rose.He maintained that if someone loved a flower, of which just one single blossom growed in all the millions and millions of stars, it was enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He could say to himself, ‘Somewhere, my flower is there…’what a romantic imagination.

    The prince confided to the pilot that he did not know how to take pleasure in all her grace. The tale of claws, which disturbed him so much, should only have filled his heart with tenderness and pity whereas the fact was that he did not know how to understand anything. Nowadays,it’s still tough for people ranging from eighteen to eighty to cope with the intimate relationship.The prince’s regret might enlighten us not to judge by words but by deeds.perhaps,one day when we are mature enough to have guessed all the affection that lay behind our own roses’ poor little strategies,we might be grateful and rejoice that we haven’t left before.

    The prince also inspires me that I have no alternative but to be responsible after I made a commiment to others.It is the time we have wasted for what we cherish that make them so important.Stepping into the materalistic and money-oriented world ,men have forgotten this truth,and money is high on their list of priorities instead. Extravagance and wastage are generally results of people’s appetites for enjoyment and indulgence.Consequently ,we will be a snake in the bosom , dancing along with desires and losing our autonomy.In order to avert that, we are bound to become responsible, forever, for what we have tamed.As the fox told us : It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

  The work illustrated the views and criticisms on various kinds of adults in the society.meanwhile,it also put forward some thought-provoking questions ,which are worth reflecting on.there is a hint of sadness between the lines,but the author still presents us with truth,goodness and beauty.the childlike attitude towards the world touched me ,how innoncent and naive ,but how sincere and pure.


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