

作者: Valentina1989 | 来源:发表于2015-12-16 08:58 被阅读94次



    An Introduction to Zibo Renli Cultural Company Limited


    In the Song and Yuan dynasties, Boshan, then called Yanshen, was the “South in the North” with beautiful scenery and rich resources.


    The plentiful dressed stones and coal, booming trade and business, and convenient traffic, all together contributed to the prosperity and development of Yanshen’s colored glaze at that time.


    Time flies.


    In today’s Boshan, the atmosphere of colored glaze can also be felt in a place called “town of colored glaze”, where there are plenty of studios for artists’ creation and exhibition halls for a variety of beautiful works of art of different styles. The “town of colored glaze” is Zibo Renli Cultural Company Limited,which was founded in 1994.

    淄博人立文化创意股份有限公司坐落于风景秀丽的孝妇河畔,企业占地面积20000余平方米,职工150余人,是一家集陶琉文化推广、体验式旅游、电子商务、外贸出口、内销连锁、加工配套于一体的文化创意型企业。公司产品80%以上出口到欧盟、美国、东南亚、非洲等30余个国家和地区,年出口创汇额达1000余万美元。被省、市、区人民政府授予“国家级重点文化产品和服务出口企业”、“山东省重点文化产品和服务出口企业”、“出口创汇先进单位”、“先进外向型企业”等荣誉称号。2010年,公司先后通过ISO9000系列质量认证体系、ISO14000环境认证体系、ISO18000职业健康安全认证体系三项国际通行认证。公司同时拥有国家知识产权局实用新型专利10余项、登记版权作品数十项、国内注册商标6个,并在英国、欧盟欧共体注册商标“renli”、“RENLI SPLENDID HOME LOVE”。

    Situated by the picturesque Xiaofu River and covering an area of 20000 square km with a staff of 150, Zibo Renli Cultural Company Limited is an cultural innovation-oriented enterprise integrating colored glaze culture popularization, experience-based tourism, e-commerce, export, domestic sale and products processing. 80% of its products are exported to some countries and regions such as European Union, USA, Southeast Asia and Africa,etc, with the earnings of foreign exchange up to about ten million dollars. It has been awarded with many titles of honors at various levels like “Enterprise of China’s Key Cultural Products Export”, “Enterprise of Shandong’s Key Cultural Products Export”, “Advanced Enterprise of Foreign Exchange Earning”, “Advanced Export-oriented Enterprise”, etc. In 2010, three international certification systems---ISO9000 Quality Certification System, ISO14000 Environmental Certification System and Occupational Health and Safety Certification System ISO18000---- were passed. The company also possesses over 10 utility model patents, 10 copyright works and 6 domestic registered trademarks and trademarks“Renli”、“RENLI SPLENDID HOME LOVE”in the United Kingdom, European Union and European Community.


    Over millennia, China, a country excelling in making ceramic, has fallen far behind Europe in the making of colored glaze products. Boshan, however, is an exception. During the reigns of Tongzhi and Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, Richthoven, a German missionary and geographer, and Williamson, a British missionary, once arrived here and the then flourishing colored glaze making impressed them greatly and they described Boshan in their books as the most industrial city they had ever visited in China.


    Here has been the hometown of colored glaze in China.


    On 7th of November, 2014, an important day in the history of Boshan colored glaze, Han Meilin, a distinguished artist, visited Renli, and together with Xu Yuezhu, a colored glaze artist, created a new way of colored glaze production named Renli grisaille painting, which, based on traditional Chinese ink painting and unique in its natural and magnificent style, is used in the making of different kinds of colored glaze works of art such as vase, brush pot, coiling tube, fish tank and so on.


    Renli grisaille painting, a combination of traditional handicraft and new concept of artistic creation,and more an artists’ overwhelming innovation of Boshan colored glaze making, has drawn people’s attention once more.


    At both 15th China(Zibo) International Ceramics Expo and 4th China(Boshan) Colored Glaze Arts Festival, Renli grisaille painting drew the attention of people from all walks of life including the field itself. Guo Shuqing, the former governor of Shandong Province, once visited Renli and spoke highly of Renli grisaille painting. In September of 2015, Renli grisaille painting made a stage pose at Milan World’s Fair and was on display in Louvre at the 21st France World’s Cultural Heritage Expo on November of the same year, where foreigners wondered at the perfect combination of traditional Chinese ink painting and art of colored glaze.


    Moving craftsmen make moving products. Boshan, the cradle of colored glaze making in China with a long history, is becoming more broad-minded to attract craftsmen from all parts of the country to create richer culture and more colorful future of colored glaze with their hands.


    Today, the continuous innovation and efforts are getting ancient Boshan more charming and vigorous. Meanwhile, Renli is forming its rapidly developing pattern with ceramic and colored glaze culture as its main industry and tourism and e-commerce as its subsidiary businesses. Renli is thriving with love, faith and responsibility to set up a better platform for the communication with the world colored glaze industry.


    In addition, the company has invested in Boshan Arts Center of Ceramic and Colored Glaze,an AAA tourism scenic area, which is composed of Renli Art Gallery, Boshan Art Salon, Boshan Ceramic Museum, Renli Ceramic and Colored Glaze Experience Pavilion, Renli Exhibition and Sales Hall of Colored Glaze,Hall of Fame and Studio for Artists. These have both rich cultural history and profound deposits.


    Renli mansion, the new Boshan landmark which is to be put into use in 2015, will form a tripartite frame together with Boshan Arts Center of Ceramic and Colored Glaze and Renli Ceramic and Colored Glaze Experience Pavilion. In the days to come, the mansion will gather the most energetic cultural elements of Zibo city and form the service system of colored glaze making as well as the industrial system of making and marketing of cultural products, leading the fashion in Shandong.


    Zibo Renli Cultural Company Limited is working miracle now and will continue to work miracle in the future.



    1994年           公司成立

    In 1994, company was founded.

    2003年           获得外贸自营出口权

    In 2003, export entitlement was obtained.

    2009年           人立琉璃北京百荣店成立

    In 2009, Beijing Renli Bairong branch was established.

    2011年           引入咨询公司,确定公司发展战略

    In 2011, development strategies were set by introducing a consulting company.

    2012年           人立琉璃深圳艺术馆成立

    In 2012, Renli Shenzhen branch was set up.

    2012年10月      确定人立的三立文化

    In ​October of 2012, Renli “Sanli” enterprise culture is established.

    2012-2013年度    获得山东省重点文化产品和服务出口企业

    From 2012 to 2013, it was awarded Shandong key cultural products and service export enterprise.

    2013年           人立与淄博市博山区委政府合作项目

    In 2013, Renli was in collaboration with Boshan government.

    2013年           博山陶琉文化创意中心——最具消费者喜爱文化品牌

    In 2013, Boshan Ceramic and Colored Glaze Creativity Center was chosen as the consumers’ favorite.

    2013-2014年度    获得国家文化出口重点企业荣誉称号

    From 2013 to 2014, it was awarded the honorable title of “State’s Key Culture Export Enterprise”

    2015年2月       人立琉璃艺术馆——最具增长潜力品牌

    In February of 2015, Renli Colored Glaze Arts Gallery became a brand of the most potential.

    2015年           博山陶瓷琉璃艺术中心——国家AAA级风景区

    In 2015, Boshan Arts Center of Ceramic and Colored Glaze,an AAA tourism scenic area, opened.

    2015年           人立墨彩——山东省工艺美术精品奖金奖

    In 2015, Renli grisaille painting was awarded the gold prize of Shandong industrial fine arts

    2015年 人立水墨——山东省工艺美术设计创新奖金奖

    In 2015, Renli grisaille painting was awarded the gold prize of Shandong designed art innovation.

    2016年 淄博人立文化创意股份有限公司在全国中小企业股份转让系统正式挂牌

    In 2016, Zibo Renli Cultural Company Limited was listed officially in the transfer system of national middle and small-sized enterprises.



