

作者: com123 | 来源:发表于2019-05-21 17:43 被阅读0次

    1.He is an affluent 2nd generation 他是个富二代。

    The rapidly expanding affluent 2nd generation is seeking to define their identity and quality of life via luxuries. 越来越多的“富二代”开始加入奢侈品消费者行列,以显示其社会地位和生活品质。

    2.She has such a big mouth.她就是个大嘴巴(守不住秘密)

    3.He is touchy-feely guy. 他有点gay里gay气的。(贬义)

    4.I get goose bumps all over.我全身起鸡皮疙瘩

    goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩

    bump intp sb 撞见某人

    When this actress was walking on the red carpet(走红毯), she found she happened to wear the same kind of dress with another film star. 撞衫了

    5.Our expectations were way, way too high. 我们的预期值太高了

    way 远远地;非常

    6.Have a listen to yourself? 你知道你在说些什么吗?

    7.What a shitty. 真不像话!

    shitty 劣等的;很差的

    8.That Chevy was a real lemon; it was fixed more often than it was driven.那辆雪佛莱车真是部破车,进厂修理的时间比开车的时间还长。

    lemon 令人讨厌的人(或物);瑕疵品;没有价值的东西

    9.I just don't buy the theory / buy the story. 我不买账

    10.I get/am stuck with this math problem. Can you help me with it?我被这道数学题卡住了,你能帮帮我吗?

    11.Don't burn yourself out in a blaze of energy. 别把自己累垮了。

    burn out 精疲力尽

    She's exhausted from the day's work.

    He's dog-tired after coming back from the hiking.

    He's worn out after a whole day's working.

    12.Cut the crap. 废话少说!

    crap 废话

    Let's cut the cackle and get down to business.

    Shall we dispense with the bullshit?

    Cut short the nonsense and return to your muttons.(return to your muttons言归正传)

    13.Let's talk about this another day.改天再聊

    14.Look on the bright side.想想好的那一面

    15.He can't carry a tone.他五音不全,唱歌老跑调。

    16.There must be something going on between them. 他们两个之间一定有奸情(有暧昧的关系)

    17.Just because i had an affair with you doesn't mean i like you.

    have an affair with sb 和。。。有外遇(发生关系)

    18.Let's Chit Chat! 来闲聊,扯淡

    19.What's with all the gossip? 那些八卦是怎么回事?

    20.She is my college sweetheart.她是我大学时期的女朋友。

    21.Autumns and winters were high-occurence seasons for the flu. 秋冬是流感的高发季节。

    22.He is newbie on computer. 他是电脑菜鸟

    23.You have been very low-key lately. 你最近很低调嘛

    24.You have no call to talk like that. 你没有理由那样说话

    call 理由

    That's a good call 判罚很好啊(球赛里面ref在赛场上精准判罚时,解说员就会这么说)

    25.Don't cut corners.Let's do the job right.别图省事,好好干吧。

    26.That chick is really cute. 那个小妞真可爱

    chick 小妞



