3.4 「Stanford Algorithms」O(n log

3.4 「Stanford Algorithms」O(n log

作者: 墨小匠 | 来源:发表于2020-09-24 10:34 被阅读0次

So in this video and the next, we're going to study a very cool divide and conquer algorithm for the closest pair problem.

this is a problem where you're given n points in the plane and you want to figure out which pair of points are closest to each other.

So this would be the first taste we get of an application in computational geometry, which is the part of algorithms which studies how to reason and manipulate geometric objects.

So those algorithms are important in, among other areas robotics, computer vision and computer graphics.

So this is relatively advanced material, it's a bit more difficult than the other applications of divide and conquer that we've seen.

The algorithm's a little bit tricky and it has a quite nontrivial proof of correctness, so just be ready for that and also be warned that because it's more advanced I'm going to talk about the material in at a slightly faster pace tha I do in most of the other videos.

So let's begin now by defining the problem formally, so we're given as imput endpoints in the plane, so each one just define by its x coordinate and ist y coordinate.

And when we talk about the distance between two points in this problem, we're going to focus on Euclidean distance.

So, let me remind you what that is briefly, but we're going to introduce some simple notation for that, which we'll use for the rest of the lecture.

So we're just going to note the Euclidean distance between two points, pi and pj, by d of pi pj.

So in terms of the x and y coordinates of these two points, we just look at the squared differences in each coordinate, sum them up, and take the square root.

And now as the name of the problem would suggest, the goal is to identify among all pairs of points that pair which has the smallest distance between them.

Next, let's start getting a feel for the problem by making some preliminary observations.

First, I want to make an assumption purely for convenience that there's no ties.

So that is I'm going to assume all endpoints have distinct x coordinat es, and also all endpoints have distinct y coordinates.

It's not difficult to extend the algorithm to accommodate ties.

I'll leave it to you to think about how to do that.

So next, let's draw some parallels with the problem of counting inversions, which was a earlier application of divide and conquer that we saw.

The first parallel I want, want to out is that, if we're comfortable with the quadratic time algorithm, then this is not a hard problem, we can simply solve this by brute-force search.

And again, by brute-force search, I just mean we set up a double for loop, which iterates over all distinct pairs of points.

We compute the distance for each such pair and we remember the smallest.

That's clearly a correct algorithm, it has to iterate over a quadratic number of pairs, so its running time is going to be theta of n squared.

And, as always, the question is can we apply some algorithmic ingenuity to do better? Can we have a better algorithm than this naive one which iterates over all pairs of points? You might have a, an initial instinct that because the problem asks about a quadratic number of different objects, perhaps we fundamentally need to do quadratic work.

But again, recall back in counting inversions, using divide and conquer, we were able to get an n log n algorithm despite the fact that there might be as many as a quadratic number of inversions in an array.

So the question is, can we do something similar here for the closest pair problem? Now, one of the keys to getting an n log n time algorithm for counting inversions was to leverage a sorting subroutine.

Recall that we piggybacked on merge sort to count the number of inversions in n log n time.

So the question is, here, with the closest pair problem, perhaps, sorting again can be useful in some way to beat the quadratic barrier.

So, to develop some evidence that sorting will indeed help us compute the closest pair of points embedded in quadratic time, let's look at a special case of the problem, really, an easier version of t he problem, which is when the points are just in one dimension, so on the line rather that in two dimensions in the plane.

So in the 1D version, all the points just lie on a line like this one, and we're given the points in some arbitrary order not necessarily in sorted order.

So, a way to solve the closest pair problem in one dimension, is to simply sort the points, and then of course, the closest pair better be adjacent in this ordering, so you just iterate through the n minus 1 consecutive pairs and see which one is closest to each other So, more formally, here's how you solve the one-dimensional version of the problem.

You sort the points according to their only coordinate, because you're going to remember, this is one dimension.

So as we've seen, using merge sort, we can sort the points in n log n time and then we just do a scan through the points, so this takes linear time.

And for each consecutive pair, we compute their distance and we remember the smallest of those consecutive pairs and we return that.

That's gotta be the closest pair.

So, in this picture here on the right, I'm just going to circle here in green the closest pair of points.

So this is something we discover by sorting and then doing a linear scan.

Now, needless to say, this isn't directly useful, this is not the problem I started out with.

We wanted to find out the closest pair among of points in the plane not points in the line.

But, I want to point out that, this, even in the line, there are a quadratic number of different pairs, so brute-force search is still a quadratic time algorythm even in the 1D case.

So at least, with one dimension, we can use sorting, piggyback on it, to beat the naive brute-force search bound and solve the problem in n log n time.

So our goal for this lecture is going to be to devise an equally good algorithm for the two-dimensional case, so we want to solve closest pair of points in the plane, again, in n log n, n time.

So we will succeed in this goal.

I'm going to show you an n log n time algo rithm for 2D closest pair.

It's going to take us a couple steps.

So let me begin with a high level approach.


So the first I need to try is just to copy what worked for us in the one-dimensional case.

So the one-dimensional case, we first sorted the points by their coordinate and that was really useful.

Now, in the 2D case, points have two coordinates, x coordinates and y coordinates, so there's two ways to sort them.

So let's just sort them both ways, that is, the first step of our algorithm, which you should really think of as a preprocessing step.

We're going to take the input points.

We invoke merge sort once to sort them according to x coordinate, that's one copy of the points.

And then we make a second copy of the points where they're sorted by y coordinates.

So we're going to call those copies of points px, that's an array of the points sorted by x coordinate, and py for them sorted by y coordinate.

Now, we know merge short takes n log n times, so this preprocessing step only takes o of n log n time.

And again, given that we're shooting for an algorithm with running time big O of n log n, why not sort the points? We don't even know how we're going to use this fact right now, but it's sort of harmless.

It's not going to effect our goal of getting a big of O n log n time algorithm.

And indeed, this illustrates a broader point, which is one of the themes of this course.

So recall, I hope one of the things you take away from this course is a sense for what are the four free primitives, what are manipulations or operations you can do on data which basically are costless.

Meaning that if your data set fits in the main memory of your computer, you can basically invoke the primitive and it's just going to run blazingly fast, and you can just do it even if you don't know why.

And again, sorting is the canonical for free primitive, although, we'll see some more later in the course and so, here, we're using exactly that principle.

So we don't even understand why yet we might wa nt the points to be sorted.

It just seems like it's probably going to be useful, motivated by the 1D case, so let's go ahead and make assorted copies of the points by x and y coordinate upfront.

So reasoning by analogy with the 1D suggests that sorting the points might be useful, but we can't carry this analogy too far.

So in particular, we're not going to be able to get away with just a simple linear scan through these arrays to identify the closest pair of points.

So, to see that, consider the following example.

So we're going to look at a point set which has six points.

There's going to be two points, which I'll put in blue which are very close in x coordinate, but very far away in y coordinate.

And then there's going to be another pair of points which I'll do in green, which are very close in y coordinate, but very far away in x coordinate.

And then there's going to be a red pair of points, which are not too far away in either the x coordinate or the y coordinate.

So in this set of six points, the closest pair is the pair of red points.

They're not even going to show up consecutively on either of the two arrays, right? So in the array that's sorted by x coordinate, this blue point here is going to be wedged in between the two red points, they won't be consecutive.

And similarly in the, in py, which is sort of by y coordinate, this green coordinate is going to be wedged between the two red points.

So you won't even notice these red point if you just do a linear scan if your px and py, or py look at the consecutive pairs of points.

So, following our preprocessing step where we just invert, invoke merge sort twice we're going to do a quite nontrivial divide and conquer algorithm to compute the closest pair.

So really, in this algorithm, we're applying the divide and conquer algorithm twice.

First, internal to the sorting subroutine, assuming that we use the merge sort algorithm to sort.

Divide and conquer is being used there to get an n log n running time in this preprocessing step, and the n, we're going to use it again on sorted arrays in a new way and that's what I'm going to tell you about next.

So let's just briefly review the divide and conquer algorithm design paradigm before we apply it to the closest pair problem.

So, as usual, the first step is to figure out a way to divide your problem into smaller subproblems.

Sometimes this has a reasonable amount of ingenuity, but it's not going to.

Here in the closest pair problem, we're going to proceed exactly as we did in the merge sort and counting inversions problems, where we took the array and broke it into its left and right half.

So here, we're going to take the input point set, and again, just recurse on the left half of the points, and recurse on the right half of the points.

So here, by left and right, I mean with respect to the points x coordinates.

There's pretty much never any ingenuity in the conquer step, that just means you take the sub-problems you identified in the first step, and you solve them recursively.

That's what we'll do here, we'll recursively complete the closest pair in the left half of the points, and the closest pair in the right half of the points.

So where all the creativity in divide and conquer algorithms is in the combined step.

Given the solutions to your sub problems, how do you somehow recover a solution to the original problem? The one that you actually care about.

So for closest pair, the questionis going to be, given that you've computed the closest pair on the left half of the points, and the closest pair on the right half of the points, how do you then quickly recover the closest pair for the whole point set? That's a tricky problem, that's what we're going to spend most of our time on.

So let's make this divide and conquer approach for closest pair a little bit more precise, so let's now actually start spelling out our closest pair algorithm.

The input we're given, it's, this follows the preprocessing steps or recall that we invoke, merge sort, we get our two sorted copies of the poin t set Px, sorted by x coordinate, and py sorted by y coordinate.

So the first dividend is the division step.

So given that we have a copy of the points px sorted by x coordinate, it's easy to identify the leftmost half of the points, those with the, those n over two smallest x coordinates and in the right half, those were the n over two largest x coordinates.

We're going to call those Q and R respectively.

One thing I'm skipping over is the base case.

I'm not going to bother writing that down, so base case omitted, but it's what you would think it would be.

So basically once you have a small number point, say two points or three points, then you can just solve the problem in constant time by a brute-force search.

You just look at all the pairs and you return the closest pair.

So think of it being at least four points in the input.

Now, in order to recurse, to call clo pair again, in the left and right halves, we need sorted version of Q and R, both by x coordinate and by y coordinate, so we're just going to form those by doing suitable linear scans through px and py.

And so one thing I encourage you to think through carefully or maybe even code up after the video is how would you form Qx, Qy, Rx and Ry given that you already have Px and Py.

And if you think about it, because Px and Py are already sorted just producing these sorted sublists takes linear time.

It's in some sense the opposite of the merge subroutine used in merge sort.

Here, we're sort of splitting rather than merging.

But again, this can be done in linear time, that's something you should think through carefully later.

So that's the division step, now we just conquer, meaning we recursively call closest pair line on each of the two subproblems, so when we invoke closest pair on the left half of the points on Q we're going to get back what are indeed, the closest pair of points amongst those in Q.

So we're going to call those P1 and Pq, So among all pairs of points that both lie in Q, P1 and Q1 minimize the distance between them.

Similarly, we're going to call Q2Q2 the results of the second recursive call, that is, P2 and Q2 are amongst all pairs of points that both lie in R, the pair that has the minimum Euclidean distance.

Now, conceptually, there's two cases.

There's a lucky case and there's an unlucky case.

In the original point set P, if we're lucky, the closest pair of points in all of P, actually, both of them lie in Q or both of them lie in R.

In this lucky case, we'd already be done if the closest pair in the entire point set they happen to both lie in Q, then this first recursive call is going to recover them and we just have them in our hands P1Q1.

Similarly, if both of the closest pair of points in all of P lies on the right side in R, then they get handed to us on a silver platter by the second recursive call that just operate on R.

So in the unlucky case, the closest pair of point in P happens to be split.

That is, one of the points lies in the left half, in Q, and the other point lies in the right half, in R.

Notice, if the closest pair of points in all of P is split, is half in Q and half in R, neither recursive call is going to find it.

Okay? The pair of points is not passed to either of the two recursive calls, so there's no way it's going to be returned to us.

Okay? So we have not identified the closest pair after these two recursive calls, if the closest pair happens to be split.

This is exactly analagous to what happened when we were counting inversions.

The recursive call on the left half of the array counted the left inversions.

The recursive call on the right half of the array counted the right inversions.

But we still had to count the split inversions, so in this closest pair algorithm, we still need a special purpose subroutine that computes the closest pair for the case in which it is split, in which there is one point in Q and one point in R.

So just like in counting inversions, I'm going to write down that subroutine and I'm going to leave it unimplemented for now, we'll figur e out how to implement it quickly in the rest of the lecture.

Now, if we have a correct implementation of closest split pair, so that takes us input the original point set sort of the x and y coordinate, and returns the smallest pair that's split or one points in Q and one points in R, then we're done.

So then, the split, then the closest pair has to either be on the lef or onm the right or it has to be split.

Steps two through four compute the closest pair in each of those categories, so those are the only possible candidates for the closest pair and we just returned the best of them.

So that's an argument for y, if we have a correct implementation of the closest split para subroutine, then that implies a correct implementation of closest pair.

Now, what about the running time? So the running time of the closest para algorithm is going to be in part determined by the running time of closest split pair.

So in the next quiz, I want you to think about what kind of running time we should be shooting for with a closest split pair subroutine.







因此,让我们从形式上定义问题开始,因此,我们将其指定为平面中的归因端点,因此每个端点仅由其x坐标和ist y坐标定义。



因此,我们仅要注意pi pj的d点,即pi和pj两点之间的欧几里得距离。










同样,通过蛮力搜索,我只是意味着我们设置了一个double for循环,该循环遍历所有不同的点对。




但是,再次回顾一下,使用除法和征服计数倒数的方法,尽管数组中倒数的数量可能是二次数,但我们仍然可以得到n log n算法。

所以问题是,对于最接近的配对问题,我们可以在这里做类似的事情吗?现在,获取n log n时间算法来计算反转的关键之一是利用排序子例程。







因此,如我们所见,使用合并排序,我们可以按n log n个时间对点进行排序,然后只扫描这些点,所以这需要线性时间。








因此,至少在一个维度上,我们可以使用排序,搭载在上面,以克服朴素的蛮力搜索界限,并在n log n时间内解决问题。

因此,本次演讲的目标是针对二维情况设计一个同样好的算法,因此,我们希望在n log n,n时间内再次求解平面中最接近的点对。














现在,我们知道merge short需要n log n次,因此此预处理步骤仅需要n log n次的o。

再一次,假设我们正在为运行时间为O O n log n的算法进行射击,为什么不对点排序?我们甚至不知道我们现在将如何使用这个事实,但这是无害的。

这不会影响我们获得大量O n log n时间算法的目标。





















在此预处理步骤中,使用分治法来获得n log n的运行时间,而n我们将以一种新的方式在排序数组上再次使用它,这就是我要告诉您的下一个。












































但是我们仍然必须计算分裂的倒数,因此在这种最接近的对算法中,我们仍然需要一个特殊用途的子例程,该子例程针对分裂的情况计算最接近的对,其中Q中有一个点,而在Q中有一个点。 R.





因此,这是y的参数,如果我们对最接近的split para子例程有正确的实现,则意味着对最接近的对的正确实现。



O(n log n) Algorithm for Closest Pair I [Advanced - Optional] - Question 1

Suppose we can correctly implement the ClosestSplitPair subroutine in 𝑂(𝑛) time.

What will be the overall running time of the ClosestPair algorithm ? (Choose the smallest upper bound that applies)

A. 𝑂(𝑛)

B. 𝑂(𝑛log(𝑛))

C. 𝑂(𝑛(log(𝑛))^2)

D. 𝑂(𝑛^2)



      本文标题:3.4 「Stanford Algorithms」O(n log
