2018-01-03 Day 87-英语学习打卡

2018-01-03 Day 87-英语学习打卡

作者: Hich99en | 来源:发表于2018-01-03 10:05 被阅读7次

    Day 87-英语学习打卡
    Date:3rd Jan
    Topic:English Central 沟通(高级)和社交(中级)共2个视频

    →沟通(高级)视频一个: Must, Need to, Have to

    On the Internet, you have to think before you post.
    I have to go to the office in the morning. Let's get in the cab.
    I have to go on an important mission. I mean, errand.
    I will make you a warrior again. You must train hard.
    I'm strong and I'm a good person. I must help other people.
    To win their freedom, they must take an epic journey.
    They need to improve their speaking skills and analytical skills.
    People need to know about issues or problems in today's society.
    You're supposed to call me grandpa.

    →社交(中级)视频一个:A fresh start

    A fresh start.
    A chance to go in a whole new direction.
    So, will you?
    Will you walk out the door and go left, instead of right?
    Will you create a new recipe?
    Find a new favorite song?
    Do something you've always wanted to?
    Will you go forward while also giving back?
    And will you keep going, no matter what life throws your way?
    Well, let's go.
    More people go with Visa.


    2018-01-03 Day 87-英语学习打卡 2018-01-03 Day 87-英语学习打卡 2018-01-03 Day 87-英语学习打卡 2018-01-03 Day 87-英语学习打卡



          本文标题:2018-01-03 Day 87-英语学习打卡
