uniform: n special identifying set of clothes for the members of an organization, such as soldiers & adj regular and even throughout, unvarying; alike or like & uniformly adv & uniformity n
sufficient: adj enough ,adequate & sufficiency n adequate amount & sufficiently adv
economy: n pl-mies system of interrelationship of money , industry, and employment in a country; careful use of money or resources to avoid waste & economic adj of economics ; profitable; (informal) in expensive or cheap & economics n social science concerned with the production and consumption of goods and services & pl n financial aspects & economical adj not wasteful, thrifty & economically adv & economist n specialist in economics & economize v reduce expense or waste & economic migrant person emigrating to improve his or her standard of living
document: n piece of paper providing an official record of something & v record or report (something) in detail; support (a claim) with evidence &documentation n
disadvantage: n unfavourable or harmful circumstance & disadvantangeous adj & disadvantaged adj socially or economically deprived
trick: n deceitful or cunning action or plan; joke or prank; feat of skill or cunning; mannerism; cards played in one round & cheat or deceive & trickery n trickster n & tricky adj difficult, needing careful handing ; crafty
thunder: loud noise accompanying lightning; shout ; move fast ,heavily and noisily & thunderous adj & thundery adj thunderbolt n lightning flash; something sudden and unexpected & thunderclap n peal of thunder & thunderstruck adj amazed
tortoise: n slow-moving land reptile with a dome-shaped shell & tertoiseshell n mottled brown, orange and black marketing
applaud: show approval of by clapping one's hands; approve strongly & applause n approval shown by clapping one's hands
alternate: v (cause to) occur by turns; adj occurring by turns; every second (one) of series & alternately adv & alternation & alternator n electric generator for producing alternating current & alternating current that reverses direction at frequent regular intervals