
作者: 东篱雨客 | 来源:发表于2023-09-07 23:08 被阅读0次

Let the dream soul collapse to void

That nourished death’s pale horns

And drown mortals in composed tenderness

As if in snow’s boll were they reborn.

Through the presumed air bonds’ hollow,

Streams of rain dust mingled

With grey birches and vision narrow,

Pushing the clouds where snow bells tangled.

Shimmering was thy flaky snow

On ebony branches and the forest whole.

I forged and wandered to find the traces

Of some purplish pixies feral.

Ere long appeared an emerald hare,

Thence I had my capuche hued.

Chasing the rabbit in forest sere,

I wondered prints we left would by snowflakes quilted.

My limbs were stretched and corpus graced

Why had the snow bells died away?

I saw the sky bound fuming and earth rim swinging

The cuddling daylight had escaped.


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