昨天我们认识了一些固定搭配好了的复合名词, 也大概知道了复合名词是什么。
其实呢, 复合名词 的组成不一定必须是 2 个或者多个名词。有时, 其他词性的词汇, 只要搭配适当, 组成的词是名词性质, 都可以作复合名词哦。
也就是说,lemon trees是复合名词, a five-year-old boy 是 复合名词,
wine tasting(品酒)是复合名词, women's march (妇女游行) 是复合名词, sit-up (仰卧起坐) 也是复合名词。
那问题是: 既然一个名词N个大, 复合名词的复数问题怎么解决?
通常, 和regular nouns (规则名词)一样, 复合名词的复数也是在尾巴处加s。
例如: Several tea cups were placed neatly on the table. The moment those five-year-old kids saw them, they ran up to them excitedly.
He can do 100 sit-ups in one go. ("in one go" 表示一次性)
但是, 在一些特殊情况下, 复数也体现在第一个词或中间的词上。
例如: a women's party (一个女人们的聚会); men's basketball games (男子篮球赛); girls' nights(女生之夜); passers-by (路人们)。
类似passers-by 这样的案例还有brothers-in-law (姐夫们), runners-up (第二名的选手们)。
所有这些名词的相似点都是, 那些标红的部位占着很中心的地位。 大家要牢记它们哦。
Are you going to our _____ night tomorrow?
A. girls'
B. girl's
C. girls
My mom took part in the ______ protest (抗议).
A. women
B. women's
C. woman's
Jack has three _____ and they all have different personalities.
A. sister-in-laws
B. sister-ins-law
C. sisters-in-law