runc - Open Container Initiative runtime
runc is a command line client for running applications packaged according to
the Open Container Initiative (OCI) format and is a compliant implementation of the
Open Container Initiative specification.
runc integrates well with existing process supervisors to provide a production
container runtime environment for applications. It can be used with your
existing process monitoring tools and the container will be spawned as a
direct child of the process supervisor.
Containers are configured using bundles. A bundle for a container is a directory
that includes a specification file named "config.json" and a root filesystem.
The root filesystem contains the contents of the container.
To start a new instance of a container:
# runc run [ -b bundle ] <container-id>
Where "<container-id>" is your name for the instance of the container that you
are starting. The name you provide for the container instance must be unique on
your host. Providing the bundle directory using "-b" is optional. The default
value for "bundle" is the current directory.
runc [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
spec: 1.0.1-dev
checkpoint checkpoint a running container
create create a container
delete delete any resources held by the container often used with detached container
events display container events such as OOM notifications, cpu, memory, and IO usage statistics
exec execute new process inside the container
init initialize the namespaces and launch the process (do not call it outside of runc)
kill kill sends the specified signal (default: SIGTERM) to the container's init process
list lists containers started by runc with the given root
pause pause suspends all processes inside the container
ps ps displays the processes running inside a container
restore restore a container from a previous checkpoint
resume resumes all processes that have been previously paused
run create and run a container
spec create a new specification file
start executes the user defined process in a created container
state output the state of a container
update update container resource constraints
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--debug enable debug output for logging
--log value set the log file path where internal debug information is written (default: "/dev/null")
--log-format value set the format used by logs ('text' (default), or 'json') (default: "text")
--root value root directory for storage of container state (this should be located in tmpfs) (default: "/run/runc")
--criu value path to the criu binary used for checkpoint and restore (default: "criu")
--systemd-cgroup enable systemd cgroup support, expects cgroupsPath to be of form "slice:prefix:name" for e.g. "system.slice:runc:434234"
--rootless value ignore cgroup permission errors ('true', 'false', or 'auto') (default: "auto")
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
# runc run [ -b bundle ] <container-id>
因为需要制作root filesystem,所以还需要安装好docker并设置好镜像仓库(这步不是必须的,理论上只要你制作出一个符合OCI规范的filesystem都可以,只是自己弄比较麻烦)
# create the top most bundle directory
mkdir /mycontainer
cd /mycontainer
# create the rootfs directory
mkdir rootfs
# export busybox via Docker into the rootfs directory
docker export $(docker create busybox) | tar -C rootfs -xvf -
这几步是先创建容器目录,再创建一个名字叫rootfs的目录,之后使用一个docker的镜像busybox(一个轻量级的linux工具集)来制作root filesystem(docker镜像都是符合OCI格式规范的)。完成后rootfs目录下会有如下文件
[root@localhost rootfs]# ls -l
总用量 16
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 12288 1月 1 02:16 bin
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 43 1月 11 09:20 dev
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 139 1月 11 09:20 etc
drwxr-xr-x. 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody 6 1月 1 02:16 home
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 1月 11 09:20 proc
drwx------. 2 root root 6 1月 1 02:16 root
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 1月 11 09:20 sys
drwxrwxrwt. 2 root root 6 1月 1 02:16 tmp
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 18 1月 1 02:16 usr
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 30 1月 1 02:16 var
runc spec
"ociVersion": "1.0.1-dev",
"process": {
"terminal": true,
"user": {
"uid": 0,
"gid": 0
"args": [
"env": [
"cwd": "/",
"capabilities": {
"bounding": [
"effective": [
"inheritable": [
"permitted": [
"ambient": [
"rlimits": [
"type": "RLIMIT_NOFILE",
"hard": 1024,
"soft": 1024
"noNewPrivileges": true
"root": {
"path": "rootfs",
"readonly": true
"hostname": "runc",
"mounts": [
"destination": "/proc",
"type": "proc",
"source": "proc"
"destination": "/dev",
"type": "tmpfs",
"source": "tmpfs",
"options": [
"destination": "/dev/pts",
"type": "devpts",
"source": "devpts",
"options": [
"destination": "/dev/shm",
"type": "tmpfs",
"source": "shm",
"options": [
"destination": "/dev/mqueue",
"type": "mqueue",
"source": "mqueue",
"options": [
"destination": "/sys",
"type": "sysfs",
"source": "sysfs",
"options": [
"destination": "/sys/fs/cgroup",
"type": "cgroup",
"source": "cgroup",
"options": [
"linux": {
"resources": {
"devices": [
"allow": false,
"access": "rwm"
"namespaces": [
"type": "pid"
"type": "network"
"type": "ipc"
"type": "uts"
"type": "mount"
"maskedPaths": [
"readonlyPaths": [
Established in June 2015 by Docker and other leaders in the container industry, the OCI currently contains two specifications: the Runtime Specification (runtime-spec) and the Image Specification (image-spec). The Runtime Specification outlines how to run a “filesystem bundle” that is unpacked on disk. At a high-level an OCI implementation would download an OCI Image then unpack that image into an OCI Runtime filesystem bundle. At this point the OCI Runtime Bundle would be run by an OCI Runtime.
。一个镜像,简单来说就是一个打包好的符合OCI规范的filesystem bundule
runc run mycontainerid
/ # ps
1 root 0:00 sh
7 root 0:00 ps
# run as root
cd /mycontainer
runc create mycontainerid
# view the container is created and in the "created" state
runc list
# start the process inside the container
runc start mycontainerid
# after 5 seconds view that the container has exited and is now in the stopped state
runc list
# now delete the container
runc delete mycontainerid
注意在执行runc create mycontainerid
cannot allocate tty if runc will detach without setting console socket
文件中的配置"terminal": true