

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-09-02 20:17 被阅读0次


In a city  Under lockdown, hope arrives by motorbike

It is growling and generous work, MR zhang, who works for her ma a supermarket chain owned by the tech giant  Alibaba Chris Chris crosses the city. I'm the only with the face marks and hand senators that his company supplies each morning.

His company uniform bright blue with a hip hip hop logo tells the local authorities that he is alarmed to be on the road. At night he tried not to think about the epidemic he listens to pop songs and looks for good news on TV. The dozens of trips he makes each day are one of not just one hands necessity, but his own. His wife and four year old twin boys as well as his father rely on him for financial support. He never considered taking time off, even after the danger of the outbreak became clear when his family asked him to stop, he ignored them too.

Mister Jones family lives outside Wuhan and he cannot visit because of the outbreak, but he video chats with them daily if he goes fast and works long days, mister zhang said he could make about 8000 Yuan a month or just over $1100 more than he made in his previous job as a  A meal career, career court Korea. The average monthly salary in Wuhan in 2017 was about 6640 Yuan, according to the data provider ceic.

MR. John and his colleagues offer one another, a constantly updating stream of advice. It was one of mister Jones colleagues who told him to use the key to press 11 elevator elevator buttons. Another afternoon someone said in the company group test that a suspected colonel virus patient patient had died in neighborhood 125 don't enter the area of Wuhan animal. The message said.

So damn I luckily a colleague said those orders were assigned to me.

So far, none of MR. John's coworkers have fallen sick. He said the epidemic has brought some unexpected bright spots before MR. Zhang said he sometimes run ride like during rush hour in order to meet his delivery calls for the day. Now the streets are empty, he has no problem getting around.

People are nicer to some customs vary a barely opened the door or avoided eye contact after the outbreak erupted. Everyone said thank you.


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