whoopsie 哎呀
double whoopsie 哎呀呀
whoopsie number three-sie 哎呀呀呀
Fine. Then we'll have to do this the hard way. 看来你是敬酒不吃吃罚酒
Okey. you're the boss. 你说了算
long time, no see 好久不见
While we're young. 韶华易逝
you have the right remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. 你有权保持沉默,你说的一切都将作为呈堂证供。
Speak of the devil. Right on time. 说曹操曹操到,正是时候
hello! Step right up. 走过路过,不要错过
underestimated. Underappreciated. 被人低估,怀才不遇
It's my word against yours. 你们空口无凭
There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness. 彪悍不求回报,迷人更无所需
As I took it over from my father who took it over from his father. 就像我子承父业,父承爷业
Nothing is impossible. 一切皆有可能
One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 有言,子欲避之,反促遇之
My tenders. 我的命根子
There's a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. 有句老话:昨天是过去,明天还是未知,但是今天是礼物。这就是为什么我们把它叫作“present”现在
Who do you think you are panda. 你以为你是谁呀,你个熊猫
Who do you think I am, peacock? 你觉得我是谁呀,你个孔雀
Stop fighting. Let it flow. 不要挣扎,要顺其自然
A panda stands between you and your destiny. Prepare yourself for a hot serving of justice. 一只熊猫拦住了你的去路,准备好接收正义的惩罚吧
Buy one dumpling, get one free. 饺子买一送一
the more you take, the less you have. 索取越多,收获越少
All you have to lose is our respect. 所有你会失去的,就是我们的尊重
If you only do what you can do you'll never be more than you are now. 如果你只做你力所能及的事,你就没法进步
The jade slayer, Master of pain. 追魂翡翠,苦难之师
beast of vengeance 复仇之兽
Maker of widows 寡妇制造者
I bet Elsa's the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever. 我敢打赌爱莎是有史以来最善良、最温柔、最温暖的人了。
Anna, because I love you, I insist you run. 安娜,因为我很爱你,所以你赶紧逃
Love is putting someone else's needs before yours. 爱就是把某个人看得比自己还重
I guess Krisoff doesn't love you enough to leave you behind. 克里斯托夫还没爱你爱到完全放下你
Who cares about danger when there's love? 在爱情面前,谁还在乎危险
Kiss won't save the Forest. 亲亲可不能拯救森林
Whoever saved you, I love them. 无论谁救的你,我都爱上了
Tell me, you're older and thus all-knowing. 跟我讲讲,你比我年长,理应无所不知
nothing is permanent? 万物皆会逝去
Oh, Elsa, when are you going to see yourself the way I see you? 艾莎,你什么时候才能看到我眼中的你呢
cuddle close, scooch in. 相互依偎,钻进怀里
Controlling what you can when things feel out of control. 感觉失控时,掌控手边的事
This will all make sense when I'm older. 等我长大了,我就能明白了
You don't want me to follow you into fire, then don't run into fire. 你不想我跟你跑进火里,那你就不要跑进火里
But taught me to never take the good for granted. 但教导我们永远不要把优裕当成理所当然的事
Just when you think you've found your way, life will throw you onto a new path. 当你以为你找到自己的路时,生活就会把你丢到一条新路上。
Oh, I can't stay mad at you. Why are you so cute? 我没法一直生你的气,你怎么这么可爱
everything'done nothing but change. 所有事都在变
I mean, I presume we're done. Or is this "putting us in martal danger" situation gonna be a regular thing. 我们是搞定了,还是说以后“置身死地”将成为家常便饭。
I love you with all I am. Will you marry me? 我全心全意爱着你,你愿意嫁给我吗