英语笔记 前庭系统 其他

英语笔记 前庭系统 其他

作者: 小良OvO | 来源:发表于2021-05-31 19:44 被阅读0次

    spiral-shaped cochlea 

    egg-shaped cavity 

    The central egg-shaped cavity is the vestibule which contains a pair of membrance膜囊, the saccule球囊 and the utricle椭圆囊. 

    The hairs are clustered in the macula 球囊斑,椭圆囊斑, where their processes are embedded in a gelatinous mass. 它们的突起嵌进一层胶状质中

    纤毛的上方是耳石 otoliths

    when the head tilts倾斜, gravity moves the crystal mass and distorts牵拉 stereocilia纤毛 of the hair cells.

    the bony labyrinth 骨迷路

    semicircular  [ˌsemiˈsɜːkjələ(r)] 

    the canals project from 伸出 the posterior region of the vestibule.

    in three spatial plane 三个维度

    duct 输送管,导管

    At the base of each duct is an expansion膨大 called the ampullae壶腹.

    Within the ampullae, stereocilia of hair cells are embedded in the cupula壶腹帽, which sticks out into the endolymph.内淋巴

    inhibited [ɪnˈhɪbɪtɪd] 



          本文标题:英语笔记 前庭系统 其他
