Where you going so early?这么早,你要去哪里?
He couldn’t stop smiling 他忍不住笑了
grin/smile from ear to ear 眉开眼笑;满面笑容
rope in 说服…帮忙
someone persuaded you to help them do that task
I was roped in to help the campaign 我被拉来协助这次营销活动
because I need your help
has been up to 在忙些什么
What have you been up to 你做了什么
Two seats faced the big window. In front of the seats was a computer built into a control panel.
mini-sub 小型潜艇
scrambled for 寻找
feel for v.同情, 用手摸着找...
You’ve really done it now 反话,真有你的,搞砸了。you made a mistake
you screwed up 你搞砸了
reef 礁,暗礁
glued to the 盯着
dolphin 海豚
map out 设计;计划;规划;安排
This whole plan has been most carefully mapped out.
octopus 章鱼/'ɑktəpəs/
curiosity gets the best of it可以理解为「好奇心迫使它现身...」「好奇心让它上了头」。
My anger got the best of me 忍不住要发火
My emotions got the best of me 破防了
get the better of 类似
Oh, great 反语;气话
branch out 长出枝条;扩展范围;偏离主题;拓展领域
branched out to other
branch out into 扩大业务范围
run along 顺着道路延伸
We’re really in trouble now
breathe /brið/ 呼吸
The water wasn’t dripping now—it was spurting. 水不是在滴下来,而是喷射出来
breast stroke n. 蛙泳,俯泳
run for your life 快逃命吧
He kept swimming, but his arms and legs felt heavy.
Three more to go
Day was breaking. 天朦朦亮。
Not one bit 没有一点