whole intellects(有才识的人) disgorged(吐出,被迫交出) in total recall for seven days and nights with brilliant eyes, meat for the Synagogue cast on the pavement,who vanished(消失不见) into nowhere Zen New Jersey leaving a trail of ambiguous(模糊不清的) picture postcards of Atlantic City Hall, suffering Eastern sweats(焦虑) and Tangerian bone-grind-ings and migraines of China under junk-with-drawal in Newark's bleak furnished room,who wandered around and around at midnight in the railroad yard wondering where to go, and went,leaving no broken hearts,who lit cigarettes in boxcars boxcars boxcars racketing through snow toward lonesome(人烟稀少的) farms in grand-father night,who studied Plotinus Poe St. John of the Cross telep-athy and bop kabbalah because the cosmos(宇宙) instinctively(本能地) vibrated(震动) at their feet in Kansas,who loned it through the streets of Idaho seeking visionary(梦幻的) indian angels who were visionary indian angels,who thought they were only mad when Baltimore gleamed in supernatural ecstasy(狂喜),who jumped in limousines(豪华轿车) with the Chinaman of Okla-homa on the impulse(冲动,刺激) of winter midnight streetlight smalltown rain,who lounged(闲逛,虚度光阴) hungry and lonesome through Houston seeking jazz or sex or soup, and followed the brilliant Spaniard to converse(交谈) about America and Eternity(永恒), a hopeless task, and so took ship to Africa,who disappeared into the volcanoes of Mexico leaving behind nothing but the shadow of dungarees(粗布工作服) and the lava and ash of poetry scattered(散开) in fire place(壁炉) Chicago,who reappeared on the West Coast investigating the F.B.I. in beards and shorts with big pacifist(和平主义) eyes sexy in their dark skin passing out incomprehensible(不可思议的) leaflets,who burned cigarette holes in their arms protesting the narcotic tobacco haze of Capitalism,who distributed Supercommunist pamphlets in Union Square weeping and undressing while the sirens of Los Alamos wailed(悲叹,哀嚎) them down, and wailed down Wall, and the Staten Island ferry also wailed,who broke down crying in white gymnasiums naked and trembling before the machinery of other skeletons,who bit detectives in the neck and shrieked(尖叫) with delight in policecars for committing no crime but their own wild cooking pederasty and intoxication.