2018第3周读书心得 1月21号

2018第3周读书心得 1月21号

作者: JackXuZhang | 来源:发表于2018-01-22 16:04 被阅读0次

In recent years I always feel like I am stuck in a rut. There seems no pleasure in life but work and life. I spent too much time thinking instead of doing. There was never a beginning to what I've always wanted to do.

This week I read a book called Secret Garden. I happened to find that reading a mystery novel is a good way to keep our desire to read and cultivate a good habit. We are more likely to stick to it, as the plot always raises our interest and leaves us in suspense. Finally we are ending up with reading more pages than we expected every day since we are so curious to know the result as early as possible.

Let us keep reading every day.


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