西班牙国际银行有限公司(SANTANDER CENTRAL HISPANO S.A.),也叫桑坦德银行。桑坦德西班牙中部小组创立于1857年,是总部设在西班牙的桑坦德。欧洲和南美挤兑五支柱系统所组成以客为尊的管理效率,使其信用风险质量、资金违纪"multilocal"管理与全球眼光。
PSD2:欧盟委员会于2007年颁布了《支付服务指令》(The Payment Services Directive,Directive2007/64/EC,以下称PSD)。该指令旨在为欧盟成员国提供建立支付服务的法规框架,协调成员国之间非银行机构提供支付服务的管理法规。在欧盟任一成员国取得支付服务牌照的机构,可在他国获得通行权(passport right),无需另行取得许可即可提供服务,最终朝向建立单一欧元支付区的目标迈进。
Kabbage :Kabbage是一家为网店店主提供营运资金贷款服务的公司,Kabbage总部位于美国亚特兰大,于2010年4月上线。很多网店店主经常会遇到这样的问题,在急需运营资金的情况下却发现自己不符合在银行申请贷款的条件,在这种情况下,Kabbage会是一个不错的选择。
西班牙毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行,亦称西班牙对外银行(Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria)
BBVA成为世界在拉美的第二大金融投资集团,在拉美11 国建有分行,占有拉美6%的市场份额。
1:a level playing field-PHRASE 短语公平竞争的环境;机会均等的环境 You talk about a level playing field to mean a situation that is fair, because no competitor or opponent in it has an advantage over another.
leveling the paying field 公平化支付竞争环境
2:nudge -VERB 动词劝说;鼓动 If you nudge someone into doing something, you gently persuade them to do it.
Bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest...
1.VERB 动词(通常指用肘)轻推,轻碰(以引起注意) If you nudge someone, you push them gently, usually with your elbow, in order to draw their attention to something.
2.VERB 动词轻轻地推动(或推向) If you nudge someone or something into a place or position, you gently push them there.
【语法信息】:V n prep/adv
Edna Swinson nudged him into the sitting room...
3:VERB 动词几乎达到;接近 If someone or something is nudging a particular amount, level, or state, they have almost reached it.
...a little-known stage play writer and actress who was nudging 40 and going nowhere...
mount challenge 发起挑战
1.VERB 动词组织;发起;开展 If you mount a campaign or event, you organize it and make it take place.
【语法信息】:V n
The ANC announced it was mounting a major campaign of mass political protests.
kick-start competition 启动竞争
kick-start :VERB 动词使快速重新启动;使…重新开始 To kick-start a process that has stopped working or progressing is to take a course of action that will quickly start it going again.
tighten up security 加强安全性
tighten up:PHRASAL VERB 短语动词加紧工作;加强管理;严格要求. If a group, team, or organization tightens up, they make an effort to control what they are doing more closely, in order to become more efficient and successful.
wave through a transaction
rock-bottom interest rates 极低的利率
dumb pipes 垃圾管道
manifest:显示;显露. If you manifest a particular quality, feeling, or illness, or if it manifests itself, it becomes visible or obvious.
convention excuse. :方便的借口:ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(态度、行为等) 方便的,省力的,省事的 If you describe someone's attitudes or actions as convenient, you think they are only adopting those attitudes or performing those actions in order to avoid something difficult or unpleasant
insure:VERB 动词使采取预防措施. If you insure yourself against something unpleasant that might happen in the future, you do something to protect yourself in case it happens, or to prevent it happening.
He insured himself against failure by treating only people he was sure he could cure...
2.VERB 动词为…投保;给…上保险 If you insure yourself or your property, you pay money to an insurance company so that, if you become ill or if your property is damaged or stolen, the company will pay you a sum of money.
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V against/for n
【语法信息】:V n against/for n
For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings and your car...
perfect on paper
water down :VERB 动词. 使(提议、演讲、声明等)语气缓和;使打折扣;削弱 If something such as a proposal, speech, or statement is watered down, it is made much weaker and less forceful, or less likely to make people angry.
【语法信息】:be V-ed P
Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down.
bare teeth 露出牙齿
invoice 1.N-COUNT 可数名词发货单;发票 An invoice is a document that lists goods that have been supplied or services that have been done, and says how much money you owe for them.
current account 1.N-COUNT 可数名词活期(存款)账户;往来账户 A current account is a personal bank account which you can take money out of at any time using your cheque book or cash card.
实时银行转账Real-Time Bank Transfers:消费者使用网银购物时使用。如iDeal, Sofort Banking, eNets, Przelewy24, Safetypay。
线下银行转账Offline Bank Transfers:消费者在购买过程中会收到一个序列号,随后可以登录网银并用序列号支付。如Dineromail, SafetyPay。
货到付款Cash on Delivery:在印度、中东和一些东南亚国家较常见,并非一种适用于全球的方案。
直接借记Direct Debits:主要用于低值或频繁的交易,常规且可预测的交易,如订阅费。但有欠款拒付的风险。如SEPA DD, ELV。
电子发票eInvoices:消费者可以在货到后使用电子发票,而无需分享其信用卡或银行细节。这就像使用电子邮件和邮政编码支付一样简单。如Klarna, AfterPay。
电子钱包eWallets:既方便又安全,在各个行业都在快速普及。消费者既可以使用储值也可以选用接入电子钱包的其他支付类型,便利又灵活。如Alipay, Tenpay, PayPal, Qiwi, Yandex.Money。
事后付款PostPay:当消费者在网上选择一件商品,他们可以随后在线下商店或卖场支付货款。由于在下单和付款之间有时间延迟,此方式不太适合时间敏感型交易或易腐败的商品。如Konbini, Boleto,Bancario。
预付PrePay:在开始交易之前,消费者需要事先购买一张卡或券。这些卡通常不属于银行卡系统(如Visa)。多数使用prepay方式的商品有金额限制,且在单次交易中不能使用多张卡/券。如paysafecard, NeoSurf。
预充值卡Pre-Paid Cards:这些卡也在银行卡系统中,如Visa。这些卡可用来购物或提款,就像借记卡或信用卡一样。核心区别是他们需要提前充值,充值额即花费上限。这些卡常给无银行账户或无法设立银行账户的年轻人使用,或是信用记录不良的人。
借记卡Debit Cards:在美国常被称为asset card,在英国常被称为payment card
信用卡Credit Cards。
签帐卡Charge Cards:签帐卡并非信用卡,最大差别在于限制消费者的还款方式。签帐卡在消费限额上较有弹性,使用者少有刷爆之危险,是常刷卡大笔金额之持卡人的最佳工具。但若使用者刷卡金额突增或持卡历史过短,亦有可能被拒。现今市场上,签帐卡一般被认定比信用卡更具身份表征。它们的入会费及年费通常也比信用卡高出许多。签帐卡必须于缴款期限内,全数缴清,不能像信用卡般,使用循环信用来延后部份款项之付款。如多数American Express cards。