词为我用 - barefaced

词为我用 - barefaced

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-02-02 21:51 被阅读0次


    barefaced UK /ˈbeə.feɪst/  US /ˈber.feɪst/


    1. adj, You use bare-faced to describe someone's behaviour when you want to emphasize that they do not care that they are behaving wrongly. 厚颜无耻的,公然的,露骨的

    2. adj, having an uncovered face and therefore exposed or vulnerable to something. 不戴面具的, 脸上无覆盖物的


    1. For all of the editors' labors, the reception from independent scholars was not flattering; the official history explained that, once Chairman Mao's Great Leap Forward drove the nation into famine, he "worked hard to correct" the mistakes, a judgment that a Dutch scholar called a "barefaced lie".(The New Yorker)

    2. "I would imagine there's a little bit of discomfort" with the prospect of talking business barefaced or in a bathrobe, she said.(The New York Times)

    3. She spent 15 hours on Sunday at a Moscow polling station, where she witnessed barefaced fraud by the station's head and tried to lodge a formal complaint.(The New York Times)

    4. The study's 25 female subjects, aged 20 to 50 and white, African-American and Hispanic, were photographed barefaced and in three looks that researchers called natural, professional and glamorous.(The New York Times)

    5. But peel back the spangles and special effects, and the Beyoncé Knowles on display in "Life Is But a Dream," to have its premiere Saturday at 9 p.m. on HBO, is subdued, barefaced and emotionally raw.(The New York Times)

    6. Fake-random, because for all the air of careless disruption – the models were barefaced and stomped past the audience at a speed that made it tricky to see the clothes – every piece at Vetements is highly considered and comes with a price tag to reflect this.(The Guardian - Lifestyle)

    7. Emotive talk about unchecked immigration, barefaced political opportunism, nationalistic bombast and personal hubris are not the best tools for dealing with the threats posed by international terrorism.(The Guardian - Opinion)


    barefaced cheek, lie


    1580s, "with face uncovered or shaven;" see bare (adj.) + face (n.). Thus, "unconcealed" (c. 1600), and, in a bad sense, "shameless, audacious" (1670s). Compare effrontery. The half-French bare-vis (adj.) conveyed the same sense in Middle English. Related: Barefacedly.


    apparent, bald, bald-faced, bright-line, broad, clear, clear-cut, crystal clear, decided, distinct, evident, lucid, luculent, luminous, manifest, nonambiguous, obvious, open-and-shut, palpable, patent, pellucid, perspicuous, plain, ringing, straightforward, transparent, unambiguous, unambivalent, unequivocal, unmistakable


    ambiguous, clouded, cryptic, dark, enigmatic (also enigmatical), equivocal, indistinct, mysterious, nonobvious, obfuscated, obscure, unapparent, unclarified, unclear

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          本文标题:词为我用 - barefaced
