【Unit1】IT Industry Outlook

【Unit1】IT Industry Outlook

作者: sherlywu88 | 来源:发表于2017-09-11 17:12 被阅读27次

The term technology commonly refers to society’s application of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems in industry or commerce. Technological innovation, or the application of technology, takes many forms and often involves the interplay of expertise across multiple disciplines and industry verticals. One framework for categorizing technology entails the use of five distinct groupings, namely, information technology (IT), life sciences, advanced manufacturing, advanced materials, and energy & environmental sciences.


Each segment of this technology framework has contributed to economic growth and the well-being of society. The magnitude of advances in medicine, transportation, safety, manufacturing, agriculture, media and communication are almost difficult to comprehend. Since the turn of the millennium though, the one segment that arguably has had the greatest impact on businesses, consumers and other industry sectors is information technology (IT).


Information Technology (IT) can be defined as the utilization of computing via hardware, software, services and infrastructure to create, store, exchange and leverage information in its various forms to accomplish any number of objectives. Additionally, the term encompasses the workers that develop, implement, maintain and utilize information technology directly or indirectly.


At a macro level, the year ahead will once again feature the usual mix of optimism, progress, uncertainty and regressions. The amazing pace of innovation over the past five years will deliver new benefits to untapped users around the world, small businesses and other non-early adopter segments. Businesses and users of all types will continue to seek value from technology in the form of capabilities, but also in its ability to reduce complexity rather than add to it. In the backdrop sits the ever-present hand of government policymakers. In an increasingly inter- connected world the stakes have never been higher for tech policy.


From a technology standpoint, many of the trends from previous years will enter a new phase of maturity in 2015. Businesses will begin using cloud and mobile to build advanced systems. The ability to manage data will become a critical and highly demanded skill. The potential of many connected devices and sensors will lead to new areas of opportunity. And over it all, security will have to change as technology evolves to drive new business prospects.


For the IT channel, 2015 stands to be the year to really up its game. Business transformation will remain the buzz word of the moment as channel firms of all stripes continue to assess the direction. of their companies in the age of cloud computing, mobility, managed services, big data, social media and other market and technology forces. Navigating new routes to market and evolving customer buying habits will challenge channel firms to focus just as much on their own branding and marketing as they will on elevating their tech skills.


Globalization, driven largely by technology, becomes ever more pervasive and influential with each passing year. The number of people with access to the Internet recently crossed the 3 billion threshold, representing 42% of the global population, according to Internet World Stats. Less than two years ago, U.S. websites accounted for 9 of the top 10 slots worldwide. Estimates now suggest the list includes far more international representation with sites such as Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent capturing huge market shares. Similarly, U.S. technology companies maintain a hold on many of the top slots in hardware, software and IT services. Although this too may change as new generations of global-minded entrepreneurs seek to make their mark.


Since the Great Recession, the “do more with less” mentality has dominated corporate strategy. This undoubtedly led executives to pursue strategies such as simplification with the end goal of cost cutting in mind. It should be noted that while simplification often goes hand-in-hand with cost cutting and the elimination of waste, it is not always the case. Simple, elegant solutions that are embraced by workers and customers alike typically require much more than trimming fat at the margins. Another factor driving the renewed push to simplify stems from innovations, such as cloud computing, mobility, business process automation (BPA), managed services, big data and other developments that have given businesses unprecedented access to tools to support simplification efforts. For IT companies, opportunities lie not only with implementation, but also with providing a true consultative experience to their customers. Simplification may take the form of helping CIOs shift from maintenance mode to innovation mode, helping to balance the security needs of the organization and the needs of workers or helping customers navigate the sometimes overwhelming number of technology options.

从经济大萧条开始,“少花钱多办事”的思维方式就已经支配着企业策略。这无疑会促使高管们追求简化的策略同时考虑到削减开支为最终目的。值得注意的是,简化程序虽然能够削减成本降低浪费,但是情况并非事实如此,既能让工作者满意又能让消费者喜欢的简单的、完美的解决方案一般来说需要的并不仅仅是降低利润。另一个简化的因素来自于革新,如云计算、移动技术、业务流程自动化、管理服务、大数据和其他发展等,为企业提供了前所未有的简化支持手段。对于信息技术公司来说,机遇不仅仅在于技术的应用,还在于给顾客提供真实的咨询经验。简化的形式可以帮助首席信息官从维护模式转向革新模式,帮助平衡企业安全需求和工人 需求之间的关系,在数量众多的让人崩溃的技术选择面前,帮助顾客选择。

Defining the IT Workforce
There are two distinct elements of the IT workforce: 1) Employment within information technology companies, and 2) IT occupations.


IT Occupation Employment
• Includes technical occupations, such as software developers, network engineers, computer support specialists, etc. working in a range of industry verticals, such as healthcare, education, manufacturing, professional services and others.
• Beyond core IT occupations, there are a range of technology- intense positions on the periphery, typically referred to as knowledge workers.

• 包括以下技术职业:例如软件开发,网络工程师,电脑支持专家等等。他们就职于各类垂直门户行业,比如医疗、教育、制造业、专业服务等。
• 核心信息技术职业之外,还有一系列技术密集型的外围岗位,通常称为知识型工人。

IT Industry Employment
• Includes technical occupations, such as software developers, network engineers, computer support specialists, etc.
• Includes non-technical professions, such as sales, marketing, HR, finance, operations and general management that support and facilitate the operation of IT companies.
• Typically, technical positions account for 25% to 75% of an IT company’s workforce. There are a number of factors that affect this rate. For example, a start-up may initially be comprised of nearly all software architects, programmers and other technical workers. When the firm scales, it may begin to add sales and marketing staff, thereby reducing the percentage of technical workers.

• 包括技术职业,比如软件开发,网络工程师,计算机支持专家等到你
• 包括非技术职业,例如销售、市场、人力资源、金融、以及运营与管理来支持和促进IT公司运作的岗位。
• 一般来说,技术岗位占了一个IT公司劳动力的25%到75%。有很多因素影响着这个比例。比如,一个公司的启动原先几乎全部由软件架构师、程序员和其他的技术工作者组成。当公司开始扩大,可能需要开始增加销售和市场员工,从而需要降低技术工作者的比例。

IT Occupation Employment – this segment of the IT workforce employs approximately 4.88 million workers as of year-end 2014. This translates to job growth of 2.4%, or nearly 116,000 additional IT jobs. The 2014 IT job growth rate is up slightly over the 2013 rate of 2.1%. To further put into context, 2.1%, or nearly 100,000 additional IT jobs. In contrast, total job growth across the U.S. economy in 2013 will likely end up in the 1.5% to 1.8% range.


IT occupation employment spans every industry vertical. For example, the IT department within a hospital will employ a range of senior-, mid- and staff-level IT workers to ensure physicians, nurses and administrators have reliable access to computers, networks, applications and so on.



Top IT Growth Occupations in 2014 (Percent Change)

  1. Web Developers
  2. Information Security Analysts
  3. Computer Systems Analysts
  4. Software Developers, Applications
  5. Software Developers, Systems Software
  6. Computer User Support Specialists
  7. Computer and Information Systems Managers
  8. Database Administrators


In addition to core IT positions, there are many technology--‐intense occupations on the periphery. For example, occupations such as IT project management, health information technicians, audio/video technicians, technical sales, technical writers, automated manufacturing computer operators and IT training positions, all require significant expertise and experience with various aspects of technology. While these positions are not typically found in an “IT Department” they are an important component of the IT workforce. Depending on the criteria used, peripheral or knowledge worker--‐type positions may number between 1 million and several million additional workers.


Because the need for technology is so pervasive among businesses of all types, it follows that IT jobs are spread across every region of the country. While tech clusters do exist – think Silicon Valley or Silicon Alley, with high concentrations of IT workers, many unassuming regions have large numbers of IT workers as well. For example, more than 325,000 IT workers can be found in the Mountain states region.


On a percent change basis, the states with the fastest IT job growth in 2014 include: Nevada, Texas, Montana, Florida, North Carolina, North Dakota, Delaware, Utah and West Virginia. Each of these states experienced job growth of 4.0% or higher. In comparison, overall core IT job growth reached 2.4%.


IT Employment Outlook
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the national unemployment rate stood at 5.5% as of December 2014, down from 6.6% during the same period in 2013. The U.S. employment situation has slowly and steadily improved over the past 36 months. The official BLS unemployment rate does not include discouraged workers – those that have stopped looking for work, as well as those working part-time but seeking full-time employment. When considering these segments, the more expansive unemployment and underemployment rate portrays a less rosy job landscape.

根据美国劳工统计局显示,截止到 2014年12月,全国的失业率达到5.5%,低于2013年同期的6.6%。美国的就业形势在过去的36个月里处于缓慢且持续的好转。劳工局的官方失业率不包括对就业失去信心的人--这些人不想找工作以及一边做兼职一边找全职工作的人。考虑到这部分因素,失业率和未充分就业率会更高,这使得整个就业情况不容乐观。

The unemployment rate for the BLS computer and mathematical occupation category, a reasonable approximation of IT occupations, continues to remain far lower than the national rate. For November 2014, the category recorded an employment rate of 2.0%, less than half the national rate. This recent percentage is down from the already low rates of 3.3% in 2013 and 2012.


The low unemployment rate for IT workers combined with strong demand for certain skill sets can make for a challenging hiring environment. 68% of IT company executives say they expect to face a challenging or very challenging hiring environment for technical positions in 2015.


According to Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, U.S. businesses posted job notices for approximately 580,000 core IT jobs during Q4 of 2014, a slight increase over Q3.
As indicated previously, the total core IT occupation workforce increased by 116,000 jobs in 2014. This explains a portion of the job posting data. Companies may be expanding or moving into new areas and need to employ more workers.


The other factor at play is workforce churn, also referred to as labor turnover. This may include separations due to workers that retire, leave to pursue over employment opportunities, leave to pursue additional education, leave for family reasons, or are fired or laid-off. This helps explain why the number of job postings exceeds the number of new IT jobs created.




      本文标题:【Unit1】IT Industry Outlook
