

作者: CAICAI0 | 来源:发表于2020-06-12 15:43 被阅读0次

启动一个高权限程序来完成任务 完全参考下文

Example project: SMJobBless()

In this example a simple UI application (Client target) launches a Helper Tool (root process, see com.smjobblesssample.installer target) in order to perform installation of some other application. Installation usually requires root privileges, so we take this use case as an example.

Also this sample shows how to establish an XPC connection between UI application and the Helper Tool.

How to make this work

In order to see the code in this repository working:
Replace "Mac Developer: mail@example.com (ABCDEFGHIJ)" in both Info.plist files with the certificate, that you use to sign targets. The correct name of the certificate you use can be found in Keychain. Double-click the certificate in the list and copy it's Common name.

First Info.plist file is located in Client target, second — in com.smjobblesssample.installer target.

Used Definitions

Term Definition
Client UI application, that requires some installation services
Server Helper tool (provides some installation services)
launchd A system daemon, that manages loading all other processes
launchd job label A unique string, that describes the service, that is provided by the Helper Tool. In order to start the Helper tool, we need to register its label with launchd. A convention is to use reverse DNS notation, like com.myApp.myService or com.myCompany.myApp.myService. For example: com.superDruperReader.installation.

How to make your own project, making use of SMJobBless()

1. Create targets

  • Create а Client target; should be a bundle. Cocoa Application target type works great for this purpose.

  • Create а Server target (Command-Line Tool). The product name for this target should be the same as the launchd job label.

2. Add Helper Tool to Client's bundle

  • Client's Build Phases → Target Dependencies → add Server target to dependencies list

  • Client's Build Phases → Add Copy Files phase.
    Destination: select 'Wrapper'
    Subpath: paste Contents/Library/LaunchServices
    Add the Server application to this Copy Files phase.

3. Setup signing requirements

  • Check that you sign both applications.

3.1 Client


  • To client's Info.plist add SMPrivilegedExecutables key with type Dictionary
    Add there a key-value pair:

Key: launchd job label
Value: signing requirements


Key Value

identifier "com.smjobblesssample.installer" and anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[subject.CN] = "Mac Developer: mail@example.com (ABCDEFGHIJ)" and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */

3.2 Server

  • Create an Info.plist and launchd.plist files (you can name them whatever) for the Server.
3.2.1 Launchd.plist


  • Add Label key with launchd job label value.
  • Add MachServices key with Dictionary type. Add there a key-value pair with launchd job label as key and YES Boolean as a value.
  • Now we need to embed this file into the Helper binary file. Go to Build Settings and find Other Linker Flags (OTHER_LDFLAGS). Add 4 rows in given order:


3.2.2 Info.plist


  • Add CFBundleIdentifier and paste there its bundle identifier.

  • Add CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion with string value 6.0.

  • Add SMAuthorizedClients key with Array of Strings type to Info.plist
    Every entry in this array is a description for signing requirements for each client.


identifier "com.smjobblesssample.uiapplication" and anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[subject.CN] = "Mac Developer: mail@example.com (ABCDEFGHIJ)" and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */
  • Open Server's Build Settings and find a setting called Info.plist File (INFOPLIST_FILE). Set the path to the Server's Info.plist. For example: $(SRCROOT)/$(TARGET_NAME)/Info.plist

  • Now when the Server target knows where it's Info.plist is located, let's build it into the resulting binary file. Find another Build Setting: Create Info.plist Section in Binary (CREATE_INFOPLIST_SECTION_IN_BINARY) and set it to YES.


Error codes

If SMJobBless() fails, look for error code explanation in SMErrors.h header of the ServiceManagement framework. At the time this instruction is created it contains such errors:

* @const kSMErrorInternalFailure
* An internal failure has occurred.
* @const kSMErrorInvalidSignature
* The Application's code signature does not meet the requirements to perform
* the operation.
* @const kSMErrorAuthorizationFailure
* The request required authorization (i.e. adding a job to the
* {@link kSMDomainSystemLaunchd} domain) but the AuthorizationRef did not
* contain the required right.
* @const kSMErrorToolNotValid 
* The specified path does not exist or the tool at the specified path is not
* valid.
* @const kSMErrorJobNotFound 
* A job with the given label could not be found.
* @const kSMErrorServiceUnavailable 
* The service required to perform this operation is unavailable or is no longer
* accepting requests.
enum {
kSMErrorInternalFailure = 2,

Python script

As you can see, there are lots of nuances to remember. In order to help the developers Apple provides a python script SMJobBlessUtil.py, which is located in the root of this sample project. It offers 2 functions:

  • check
  • setreq

check allows to find mistakes in setup. Just run path/to/SMJobBlessUtil.py check path/to/built/application.

/Users/aronskaya/Projects/SMJobBlessTest/SMJobBlessUtil.py check /Users/aronskaya/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SMJobBlessSample-fhbrrsjbucwivtanoulbnntvssky/Build/Products/Debug/Client.app 

setreq allows to update info.plist files in order to fulfill requirements. Run it like that: setreq /path/to/app /path/to/app/Info.plist /path/to/tool/Info.plist

/Users/aronskaya/Projects/SMJobBlessTest/SMJobBlessUtil.py setreq /Users/aronskaya/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SMJobBlessSample-fhbrrsjbucwivtanoulbnntvssky/Build/Products/Debug/Client.app  /Users/aronskaya/Projects/SMJobBlessTest/Client/Info.plist /Users/aronskaya/Projects/SMJobBlessTest/com.smjobblesssample.installer/Info.plist

It is especially useful if you encounter difficulties with signing requirements. The tool will print the exact signing requrement, that you should put into the Info.plist.


When your Helper app launches, it prints its NSLog statements into Console.app (it is not attached to Xcode's debugger). Look for the logs there.

Further reading

In this instruction you could see some 'magic' steps. If you are interested in details, why it works the way it does, please, refer to some documentation:

  1. How to describe code signing requirements: Apple's Code Signing Requirements Language
  2. Documentation on making .plists for registration of the Server with launchd: see man launchd.plist in Terminal.

  1. 如果没有跳出权限申请的弹框, 需要到entitlements文件中设置App Sandbox = NO

  2. 一直报错kSMErrorJobPlistNotFound 8
    SMPrivilegedExecutables SMAuthorizedClients 名称都有所变化 IDE 会自动修改
    新版本的Xcode添加SMAuthorizedClients时系统会自动提示并显示成Clients allowed to add and remove tool 而且老版本的代码也自动显示成Clients allowed to add and remove tool,打开源码才会发现不同 因此 下面附带能用的plist文件源码
    main Info.plist

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
     <plist version="1.0">
             <string>identifier &quot;com.smjobblesssample.installer&quot; and anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[subject.CN] = &quot;Apple Development: 972008514@qq.com (DK8DU26S32)&quot; and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */</string>

Helper Info.plist

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">
            <string>identifier &quot;com.smjobblesssample.uiapplication&quot; and anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[subject.CN] = &quot;Apple Development: 972008514@qq.com (DK8DU26S32)&quot; and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */</string>


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">
  1. XPC通信过程需要注意 helper 启动服务 machServiceName必须是helper的Bundle identifier


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