title: "table"
author: "wintryheart"
date: "2022/5/6"
output: html_document
knitr::opts_chunk$set(engine="stata", engine.path="C:\\Program Files\\Stata17\\StataMP-64.exe", error=TRUE, cleanlog=TRUE, comment=NA)
- 当初我的电脑上的STATA版本是15,所以Statamarkdown包在安装时搜索到的是STATA15。
- 后来我又安装了STATA17,但是这个包似乎没有提供函数来修改stata engine。
- 所以我只好在knitr里修改engine.path,但是似乎只在chuck里运行有用,整个markdown文件运行knitr时,会出错。暂时没找到解决办法。
解决办法终于找到。参见3 Stata Engine Path | Using Statamarkdown (wisc.edu)
stataexe <- "C:/Program Files/Stata17/StataMP-64.exe"
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, error=TRUE, cleanlog=TRUE, comment=NA)
1. 与Table有关的常用命令
summarize, 做连续型变量分布的统计概要(summary statistics)最好用的命令。但只能做一维列表。
2. 个人需求
[R] table -- Table of frequencies, summaries, and command results
老版的table命令介绍,参见《Stata:今天你 “table” 了吗?》
table (rowspec) (colspec) [(tabspec)] [if] [in] [weight] [, options]
rowspec、colspec、tabspec 可以为空,可以是变量名,也可以是关键词。
关键词 | 描述 |
result | requested statistics |
var | variables from statistic() option |
across | index across() specifications |
colname | column names for matrix statistics |
rowname | row names for matrix statistics |
command | index option command() |
statcmd | index options statistic() and command() |
1. 布局
- rowspec,行规范,指定行信息,
- colspec,列规范,指定列信息,
- tabspec,表的维度规范,指定表的维度的信息。
table可以包含这么多不同的统计信息,我们可以指定 关键词(keywords)来唯一标识从命令中收集到的结果和表计算出的统计信息。
3. 关键词使用规则
- 如果指定了多个统计信息,则在布局中使用result。
- 如果在选项statistic()中指定了多个变量,而没有指定选项command(),则在布局中使用var。
- 如果比率统计使用了多个across(),那么在布局中使用across。
- 如果指定了选项 command(),则布局中需要使用colname。另外,如果还在选项statistic()中指定了多个变量,则需要colname而不是2中要求的var。
- 如果指定了多个command()选项,而未指定选项statistic(),则需要在布局中使用command。
- 如果同时指定了选项command()和statistic(),那么布局中使用statcmd
- 如果行规范为空,则将缺少的关键字放入rowspec中。
- 如果行规范不为空,但列规范为空,则将缺失的关键字放入colspec中。
- 如果行和列的规范不为空,但表的高维规范为空,并且result是唯一缺少的关键字,并且只有一个统计信息(result),那么将result放入tabspec。
- 否则,将缺少的关键字附加到rowvars。
sysuse auto
table (result) rep78, statistic(mean mpg) statistic(sd mpg)
table () rep78, statistic(mean mpg) statistic(sd mpg)
table rep78, statistic(mean mpg) statistic(sd mpg)
running: C:\Program Files\Stata17\StataMP-64.exe /q /e do "C:\Users\wintryheart\Desktop\stata238026c06106.do"
stata output from unnamed-chunk-1
Contains data from C:\PROGRA~1\Stata17\ado\base/a/auto.dta
Observations: 74 1978 automobile data
Variables: 12 13 Apr 2020 17:45
(_dta has notes)
Variable Storage Display Value
name type format label Variable label
make str18 %-18s Make and model
price int %8.0gc Price
mpg int %8.0g Mileage (mpg)
rep78 int %8.0g Repair record 1978
headroom float %6.1f Headroom (in.)
trunk int %8.0g Trunk space (cu. ft.)
weight int %8.0gc Weight (lbs.)
length int %8.0g Length (in.)
turn int %8.0g Turn circle (ft.)
displacement int %8.0g Displacement (cu. in.)
gear_ratio float %6.2f Gear ratio
foreign byte %8.0g origin Car origin
Sorted by: foreign
| Repair record 1978
| 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Mean | 21 19.125 19.43333 21.66667 27.36364 21.28986
Standard deviation | 4.242641 3.758324 4.141325 4.93487 8.732385 5.866408
| Repair record 1978
| 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Mean | 21 19.125 19.43333 21.66667 27.36364 21.28986
Standard deviation | 4.242641 3.758324 4.141325 4.93487 8.732385 5.866408
| Mean Standard deviation
Repair record 1978 |
1 | 21 4.242641
2 | 19.125 3.758324
3 | 19.43333 4.141325
4 | 21.66667 4.93487
5 | 27.36364 8.732385
Total | 21.28986 5.866408
totals (totals)和nototals控制哪些总计将在表中显示。默认情况下,报告所有的总计。
statistic (statspec)指定要显示的统计信息。包括三类:
- 频率统计信息:stat(freqstat)
- 汇总统计信息:stat(sumstat varlist)
- 比率统计信息:stat(ratiostat [varlist] [, ratio_options]),
sysuse auto, clear
gen mpg2=1
replace mpg2=2 if mpg>20
// 一维表
table mpg2
table mpg2, stat(freq) stat(percent)
table rep78 foreign, stat(percent) nformat(%5.2f)
table rep78, stat(fvpercent foreign)
table rep78, stat(fvpercent foreign mpg2)
table (rep78) (foreign mpg2)
table (rep78) (foreign) (mpg2)
table rep78, stat(fvpercent foreign#mpg2) nototal
table (rowname) (colname), command(r(C): pwcorr mpg weight displacement)
table colname, command(regress mpg weight foreign)
running: C:\Program Files\Stata17\StataMP-64.exe /q /e do "C:\Users\wintryheart\Desktop\stata23807a6d140e.do"
stata output from auto2
(36 real changes made)
| Frequency
mpg2 |
1 | 38
2 | 36
Total | 74
| Frequency Percent
mpg2 |
1 | 38 51.35
2 | 36 48.65
Total | 74 100.00
| Car origin
| Domestic Foreign Total
Repair record 1978 |
1 | 2.90 2.90
2 | 11.59 11.59
3 | 39.13 4.35 43.48
4 | 13.04 13.04 26.09
5 | 2.90 13.04 15.94
Total | 69.57 30.43 100.00
| Car origin
| Domestic Foreign
Repair record 1978 |
1 | 100.00 0.00
2 | 100.00 0.00
3 | 90.00 10.00
4 | 50.00 50.00
5 | 18.18 81.82
Total | 69.57 30.43
| Car origin mpg2
| Domestic Foreign 1 2
Repair record 1978 |
1 | 100.00 0.00 50.00 50.00
2 | 100.00 0.00 62.50 37.50
3 | 90.00 10.00 66.67 33.33
4 | 50.00 50.00 33.33 66.67
5 | 18.18 81.82 36.36 63.64
Total | 69.57 30.43 52.17 47.83
| Car origin
| Domestic Foreign Total
| mpg2 mpg2 mpg2
| 1 2 Total 1 2 Total 1 2 Total
Repair record 1978 |
1 | 1 1 2 1 1 2
2 | 5 3 8 5 3 8
3 | 20 7 27 3 3 20 10 30
4 | 6 3 9 9 9 6 12 18
5 | 2 2 4 5 9 4 7 11
Total | 32 16 48 4 17 21 36 33 69
mpg2 = 1
| Car origin
| Domestic Foreign Total
Repair record 1978 |
1 | 1 1
2 | 5 5
3 | 20 20
4 | 6 6
5 | 4 4
Total | 32 4 36
mpg2 = 2
| Car origin
| Domestic Foreign Total
Repair record 1978 |
1 | 1 1
2 | 3 3
3 | 7 3 10
4 | 3 9 12
5 | 2 5 7
Total | 16 17 33
mpg2 = Total
| Car origin
| Domestic Foreign Total
Repair record 1978 |
1 | 2 2
2 | 8 8
3 | 27 3 30
4 | 9 9 18
5 | 2 9 11
Total | 48 21 69
| Car origin
| Domestic Domestic Foreign Foreign
| mpg2
| 1 2 1 2
Repair record 1978 |
1 | 50.00 50.00 0.00 0.00
2 | 62.50 37.50 0.00 0.00
3 | 66.67 23.33 0.00 10.00
4 | 33.33 16.67 0.00 50.00
5 | 0.00 18.18 36.36 45.45
| Mileage (mpg) Weight (lbs.) Displacement (cu. in.)
Mileage (mpg) | 1 -.8071749 -.7056426
Weight (lbs.) | -.8071749 1 .8948958
Displacement (cu. in.) | -.7056426 .8948958 1
| Coefficient
Weight (lbs.) | -.0065879
Car origin | -1.650029
Intercept | 41.6797
sysuse auto, clear
table, stat(mean price-gear_ratio) stat(fvpercent foreign)
table (result) (foreign), stat(mean price-gear_ratio) stat(sd price-gear_ratio)
// 对于连续变量的概要统计比不上summary和tabstat好用。
egen mpg2=cut(mpg), group(2) //2等分
egen weight4=cut(weight), group(4) //4等分
table(mpg2) (weight4), stat(percent, across(mpg2))
table (foreign weight4) (mpg2) (result), statistic(percent, across(mpg2)) stat(freq) totals(foreign#weight4)
table weight4, stat(fvpercent mpg2) nototal
table ()(weight4), stat(fvpercent mpg2) nototal
table() (foreign weight4), stat(fvpercent mpg2) nototal
running: C:\Program Files\Stata17\StataMP-64.exe /q /e do "C:\Users\wintryheart\Desktop\stata23807bdf2781.do"
stata output from auto3
Mean |
Price | 6165.257
Mileage (mpg) | 21.2973
Repair record 1978 | 3.405797
Headroom (in.) | 2.993243
Trunk space (cu. ft.) | 13.75676
Weight (lbs.) | 3019.459
Length (in.) | 187.9324
Turn circle (ft.) | 39.64865
Displacement (cu. in.) | 197.2973
Gear ratio | 3.014865
Factor variable percent |
Car origin=Domestic | 70.27
Car origin=Foreign | 29.73
| Car origin
| Domestic Foreign Total
Mean |
Price | 6072.423 6384.682 6165.257
Mileage (mpg) | 19.82692 24.77273 21.2973
Repair record 1978 | 3.020833 4.285714 3.405797
Headroom (in.) | 3.153846 2.613636 2.993243
Trunk space (cu. ft.) | 14.75 11.40909 13.75676
Weight (lbs.) | 3317.115 2315.909 3019.459
Length (in.) | 196.1346 168.5455 187.9324
Turn circle (ft.) | 41.44231 35.40909 39.64865
Displacement (cu. in.) | 233.7115 111.2273 197.2973
Gear ratio | 2.806538 3.507273 3.014865
Standard deviation |
Price | 3097.104 2621.915 2949.496
Mileage (mpg) | 4.743297 6.611187 5.785503
Repair record 1978 | .837666 .7171372 .9899323
Headroom (in.) | .9157578 .4862837 .8459948
Trunk space (cu. ft.) | 4.306288 3.216906 4.277404
Weight (lbs.) | 695.3637 433.0035 777.1936
Length (in.) | 20.04605 13.68255 22.26634
Turn circle (ft.) | 3.967582 1.501082 4.399354
Displacement (cu. in.) | 85.26299 24.88054 91.83722
Gear ratio | .3359556 .2969076 .4562871
| weight4
| 0 1 2 3 Total
mpg2 |
0 | 21.05 76.47 90.00 47.30
1 | 100.00 78.95 23.53 10.00 52.70
Total | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
| mpg2
| 0 1 Total
Car origin |
Domestic |
weight4 |
0 | 100.00 100.00
1 | 100.00 100.00
2 | 75.00 25.00 100.00
3 | 90.00 10.00 100.00
Foreign |
weight4 |
0 | 100.00 100.00
1 | 44.44 55.56 100.00
2 | 100.00 100.00
| mpg2
| 0 1 Total
Car origin |
Domestic |
weight4 |
0 | 6 6
1 | 10 10
2 | 12 4 16
3 | 18 2 20
Foreign |
weight4 |
0 | 12 12
1 | 4 5 9
2 | 1 1
| mpg2
| 0 1
weight4 |
0 | 0.00 100.00
1 | 21.05 78.95
2 | 76.47 23.53
3 | 90.00 10.00
| weight4
| 0 1 2 3
mpg2=0 | 0.00 21.05 76.47 90.00
mpg2=1 | 100.00 78.95 23.53 10.00
| Car origin
| Domestic Foreign
| weight4 weight4
| 0 1 2 3 0 1 2
mpg2=0 | 0.00 0.00 75.00 90.00 0.00 44.44 100.00
mpg2=1 | 100.00 100.00 25.00 10.00 100.00 55.56 0.00