

作者: 豌豆和小怪兽 | 来源:发表于2017-11-27 00:04 被阅读0次






Can such principles be taught? Maybe not. But most of them can be learned.


关于“be learned”,全书出现了四次,前后一致地表达了作者认为经验和练习才是写作能力的提高的关键。四处分别是第一章关于写作原则的综述、第十二章关于人物采访、第十九章关于行文的幽默、第二十章关于叙述者的独特声音。在不同情境下,作者有一以贯之的严谨态度,也有就事论事就话题论话题的灵活多变。

Interviewing is one of those skills you can only get better at. You will never again feel so ill at ease as when you try it for the first time, and probably you’ll never feel entirely comfortable prodding another person for answers he or she may be too shy or too inarticulate to reveal. But much of the skill is mechanical. The rest is instinct—knowing how to make the other person relax, when to push, when to listen, when to stop. This can all be learned with experience.
(Chapter12 Writing About People: The Interview)


另外,段落中“You will never again feel so ill at ease”一句意在技巧百炼成钢,慢慢能到达心有成竹得心应手的境界。ill at ease是局促不安,心神不宁的意思,或者说at ease就是轻松自如的意思——If you are at ease, you are feeling confident and relaxed, and are able to talk to people without feeling nervous or anxious.If you are ill at ease, you feel rather uncomfortable, anxious, or worried.

Mortality, however, is high. “Humor can be dissected, as a frog can,” E. B. White once wrote, “but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind.”
I’m no fancier of dead frogs, but I wanted to see if at least a few lessons could be learned by poking about in the innards, and when I was teaching at Yale I decided, one year, to teach a course in humor writing. I warned my students that possibly it couldn’t be done and that we might end up killing the thing we loved. Luckily, humor not only didn’t die; it bloomed in the desert of solemn term papers, and I repeated the course the following year.
(Chapter19 Humor)


But finally taste is a mixture of qualities that are beyond analyzing: an ear that can hear the difference between a sentence that limps and a sentence that lilts, an intuition that knows when a casual or a vernacular phrase dropped into a formal sentence will not only sound right but will seem to be the inevitable choice. (E. B. White was a master of that balancing act.) Does this mean that taste can be learned? Yes and no. Perfect taste, like perfect pitch, is a gift from God. But a certain amount can be acquired. The trick is to study writers who have it.
Never hesitate to imitate another writer. Imitation is part of the creative process for anyone learning an art or a craft. Don’t worry that by imitating them you’ll lose your own voice and your own identity. Soon enough you will shed those skins and become who you are supposed to become.
(Chapter20 The Sound of Your Voice)

作者在书中反复提及多个作家,其中E. B. White出镜率极高。可以看到作者谦虚地向他们致敬的态度,作者在行文中也多次强调,用心学习、大胆模仿,才有突破,才有个性风格和独特的声音。





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