iOS 编程:UISearchBar

iOS 编程:UISearchBar

作者: 独木舟的木 | 来源:发表于2020-07-21 11:50 被阅读0次

    UISearchBar 简介

    UISearchBar 继承关系:

    UISearchBar 样式

    @property (nonatomic) UISearchBarStyle searchBarStyle;


    typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, UISearchBarStyle) {
        UISearchBarStyleDefault,    // currently UISearchBarStyleProminent
        UISearchBarStyleProminent,  // used my Mail, Messages and Contacts,显示背景
        UISearchBarStyleMinimal     // used by Calendar, Notes and Music,不显示背景
    } API_AVAILABLE(ios(7.0));


    @property(nonatomic) UIBarStyle barStyle;

    搜索框样式是一个枚举类型,默认值为 UIBarStyleDefault (蓝色)

    typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIBarStyle) {
        UIBarStyleDefault          = 0, // 白色搜索框,灰色背景
        UIBarStyleBlack            = 1, // 黑色搜索框,
        UIBarStyleBlackOpaque API_DEPRECATED("Use UIBarStyleBlack instead.", ios(2.0, 13.0)) = 1,
        UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent API_DEPRECATED("Use UIBarStyleBlack and set the translucent property to YES instead.", ios(2.0, 13.0)) = 2,
    } API_UNAVAILABLE(tvos);

    UISearchBar 的初始化方法

    - (instancetype)init;
    - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
    - (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;


    @property(nullable,nonatomic,weak) id<UISearchBarDelegate> delegate;

    弱引用,默认值为 nil


    @property(nullable,nonatomic,copy)   NSString               *text;



    @property(nullable,nonatomic,copy) NSString *prompt;              

    默认值为 nil


    @property(nullable,nonatomic,copy) NSString *placeholder;

    默认值为 nil

    是否显示书签按钮 📖

    @property(nonatomic) BOOL showsBookmarkButton;

    默认值为 NO



    @property(nonatomic) BOOL showsSearchResultsButton



    @property(nonatomic)  BOOL showsCancelButton;
    - (void)setShowsCancelButton:(BOOL)showsCancelButton animated:(BOOL)animated

    默认值为 NO。注意:通常退出按钮的显示是在代理方法中设置其显示或隐藏,而不是在初始化时就设置基显示。

    该属性在 iOS 13 中的行为:如果该 UISearchBar 是由 UISearchController 所拥有,那么会使用设置方法 (也就是 -setShowsCancelButton:animated:) 隐式地设置 UISearchControllerautomaticShowsCancelButton 属性为 NO


    @property(nonatomic, getter=isSearchResultsButtonSelected) BOOL searchResultsButtonSelected API_AVAILABLE(ios(3.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(tvos); // default is NO

    默认是 NO , 设置搜索结果按钮的选中状态。


    /// Use this method to modify the contents of the Unified Content Bar, shown on top of the keyboard when search is engaged.
    /// You may modify the returned inputAssistantItem to add to or replace the existing items on the bar.
    /// Modifications made to the returned UITextInputAssistantItem are reflected automatically.
    @property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) UITextInputAssistantItem *inputAssistantItem;
    // 输入框成为第一响应显示自定义附件输入视图
    /* Allow placement of an input accessory view to the keyboard for the search bar
    @property (nullable, nonatomic, readwrite, strong) UIView *inputAccessoryView;


     The behavior of tintColor for bars has changed on iOS 7.0. It no longer affects the bar's background
     and behaves as described for the tintColor property added to UIView.
     To tint the bar's background, please use -barTintColor.
    @property(null_resettable, nonatomic,strong) UIColor *tintColor;

    注:tint color 会影响搜索框中的光标的颜色


    @property(nullable, nonatomic,strong) UIColor *barTintColor;  // default is nil


     New behavior on iOS 7.
     Default is YES.
     You may force an opaque background by setting the property to NO.
     If the search bar has a custom background image, the default is inferred
     from the alpha values of the image—YES if it has any pixel with alpha < 1.0
     If you send setTranslucent:YES to a bar with an opaque custom background image
     it will apply a system opacity less than 1.0 to the image.
     If you send setTranslucent:NO to a bar with a translucent custom background image
     it will provide an opaque background for the image using the bar's barTintColor if defined, or black
     for UIBarStyleBlack or white for UIBarStyleDefault if barTintColor is nil.
    @property(nonatomic,assign,getter=isTranslucent) BOOL translucent API_AVAILABLE(ios(3.0)); // Default is NO on iOS 6 and earlier. Always YES if barStyle is set to UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent



    // 选项按钮标题(大于等于2个, 才会显示)
    @property(nullable, nonatomic,copy) NSArray<NSString *> *scopeButtonTitles;
    // 默认选中的选项卡
    @property(nonatomic)      NSInteger  selectedScopeButtonIndex; // index into array of scope button titles. default is 0. ignored if out of range
    // 是否显示选项卡(一般不需设置)
    /* New behavior on iOS 13.
     If the search bar is owned by a UISearchController, then using the setter
     for this property (as well as -setShowsScopeBar:animated:) will implicitly
     set the UISearchController's automaticallyShowsScopeBar property to NO.
    @property(nonatomic)      BOOL       showsScopeBar; // default is NO. if YES, shows the scope bar. call sizeToFit: to update frame
    - (void)setShowsScopeBar:(BOOL)show animated:(BOOL)animate;


    // 1pt wide images and resizable images will be scaled or tiled according to the resizable area, otherwise the image will be tiled
    @property(nullable, nonatomic,strong) UIImage *backgroundImage; // 搜索框的背景图
    @property(nullable, nonatomic,strong) UIImage *scopeBarBackgroundImage; // 搜索框附属分栏条的背景
    // !!!: 搜索框背景图片的 Setter、Getter 方法
    - (void)setBackgroundImage:(nullable UIImage *)backgroundImage forBarPosition:(UIBarPosition)barPosition barMetrics:(UIBarMetrics)barMetrics API_AVAILABLE(ios(7.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;  // Use UIBarMetricsDefaultPrompt to set a separate backgroundImage for a search bar with a prompt
    - (nullable UIImage *)backgroundImageForBarPosition:(UIBarPosition)barPosition barMetrics:(UIBarMetrics)barMetrics API_AVAILABLE(ios(7.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
    /* In general, you should specify a value for the normal state to be used by other states which don't have a custom value set
    // !!!: 搜索文本框背景图片的 Setter、Getter 方法
    /* The rounded-rect search text field image. Valid states are UIControlStateNormal and UIControlStateDisabled
    - (void)setSearchFieldBackgroundImage:(nullable UIImage *)backgroundImage forState:(UIControlState)state API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
    - (nullable UIImage *)searchFieldBackgroundImageForState:(UIControlState)state API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
    // !!!: 搜索框 ICON 图标
    - (void)setImage:(nullable UIImage *)iconImage forSearchBarIcon:(UISearchBarIcon)icon state:(UIControlState)state API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
    - (nullable UIImage *)imageForSearchBarIcon:(UISearchBarIcon)icon state:(UIControlState)state API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
    // !!!: ScopeBarButton 背景图片
    - (void)setScopeBarButtonBackgroundImage:(nullable UIImage *)backgroundImage forState:(UIControlState)state API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR; 
    - (nullable UIImage *)scopeBarButtonBackgroundImageForState:(UIControlState)state API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
    // !!!: 设置选择按钮视图的分割线图片
    - (void)setScopeBarButtonDividerImage:(nullable UIImage *)dividerImage forLeftSegmentState:(UIControlState)leftState rightSegmentState:(UIControlState)rightState API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
    - (nullable UIImage *)scopeBarButtonDividerImageForLeftSegmentState:(UIControlState)leftState rightSegmentState:(UIControlState)rightState API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;


    - (void)setScopeBarButtonTitleTextAttributes:(nullable NSDictionary<NSAttributedStringKey,id> *)attributes forState:(UIControlState)state API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
    - (nullable NSDictionary<NSAttributedStringKey, id> *)scopeBarButtonTitleTextAttributesForState:(UIControlState)state API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;


    @property(nonatomic) UIOffset searchFieldBackgroundPositionAdjustment NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(5_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;


    self.searchFieldBackgroundPositionAdjustment = UIOffsetMake(5, 3);


    @property(nonatomic) UIOffset searchTextPositionAdjustment NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(5_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;


    /* To nudge the position of the icon within the search text field
    - (void)setPositionAdjustment:(UIOffset)adjustment forSearchBarIcon:(UISearchBarIcon)icon API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
    - (UIOffset)positionAdjustmentForSearchBarIcon:(UISearchBarIcon)icon API_AVAILABLE(ios(5.0)) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

    UISearchBarDelegate 协议

    @protocol UISearchBarDelegate <UIBarPositioningDelegate>
    // 将要开始编辑文本时会调用该方法,返回 NO 将不会变成第一响应者
    - (BOOL)searchBarShouldBeginEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar;                      // return NO to not become first responder
    // 开始输入文本会调用该方法
    - (void)searchBarTextDidBeginEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar;                     // called when text starts editing
    // 将要结束编辑文本时会调用该方法,返回 NO 则不让搜索框释放第一响应者
    - (BOOL)searchBarShouldEndEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar;                        // return NO to not resign first responder
    // 结束编辑文本时调用该方法
    - (void)searchBarTextDidEndEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar;                       // called when text ends editing
    // 文本改变会调用该方法(包含 clear 文本)
    - (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText;   // called when text changes (including clear)
    // 文字改变前会调用该方法,返回 NO 则不能加入新的编辑文字
    - (BOOL)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text API_AVAILABLE(ios(3.0)); // called before text changes
    // 键盘上的搜索按钮点击的会调用该方法
    - (void)searchBarSearchButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar;                     // called when keyboard search button pressed
    // 搜索框右侧图书按钮点击会调用该方法
    - (void)searchBarBookmarkButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar API_UNAVAILABLE(tvos); // called when bookmark button pressed
    // 点击取消按钮会调用该方法
    - (void)searchBarCancelButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar API_UNAVAILABLE(tvos);   // called when cancel button pressed
    // 搜索结果列表按钮被按下会调用该方法
    - (void)searchBarResultsListButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar API_AVAILABLE(ios(3.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(tvos); // called when search results button pressed
    // 搜索框的附属按钮视图中切换按钮会调用该方法
    - (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar selectedScopeButtonIndexDidChange:(NSInteger)selectedScope API_AVAILABLE(ios(3.0));




          本文标题:iOS 编程:UISearchBar
